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The two agreed on the specific transaction for tomorrow. In the end, Qian Wanneng determined the transaction time, and the location was determined by Wu Zihao.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zihao, who was already extremely tired, could no longer hold on and fell asleep directly on the bed. He went to bed early last night and got up early the next morning. When Wu Zihao returned to the end of the world again, Bai Suyun started to make breakfast. After a full breakfast, Wu Zihao took Yao Lin to start the journey of hunting level 3 zombies again.

In the past few days, nearly half of the level 3 zombies in the entire electromagnetic interference area have been killed by them. While there is still a period of peace for a while, he decided to completely clean up all the level 3 zombies here in the next few days.

Otherwise, there will be no such easy time in a few days.

Since he has exposed the fresh vegetables, he will definitely attract a lot of hungry wolves. It's just a matter of time.

Before the enemy came, he stabilized his rear area, which saved him from worries and allowed him to give it a try.

As for whether he could kill all the level 3 zombies here, Wu Zihao was not worried at all.

Since he had acquired special attributes such as telepathy, shadow escape and fire control, Wu Zihao's confidence was unprecedentedly high.

Now, even facing the terrifying level 4 zombie on the lake island, Wu Zihao had a vague idea of fighting with it. He thought that if he couldn't beat it, he should at least be able to run away, right?

As for the level 3 zombies around him, he didn't think he couldn't kill any of them.

However, he didn't know if they had used up all their luck yesterday afternoon. In the whole day, they only killed four physical enhancement zombies, and didn't even see the shadow of a superpower zombie.

This made Wu Zihao a little regretful, but it was only a little bit. After all, although these energy crystal cores would not give him superpowers, they could still improve his ordinary attributes, which was better than nothing. In addition to the level 3 energy crystal core absorbed yesterday and the red and orange crystal cores collected on the road today, Wu Zihao increased his skill points by four points this time.

This time, Wu Zihao was not biased and added one point to his four ordinary attributes:

【Basic attributes:

Body: 26 (Body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 26 (Strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 30 (Speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 27 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained people can reach 15 in some aspects!

Special attributes:

Metallization: 2 (Metallize part of the body surface to resist external damage)

Mental induction: 1 (Use mental power to perceive the surrounding situation and predict danger)

Shadow Escape: 1 (Hide in the shadows for a short time, making it difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, consuming mental power)

Flame Control: 1 (Emit flames from the body and control them at will, while consuming energy and mental power)

Note: The value range of the first level of special attributes is 1-10, and it requires relative special attribute energy to improve! 】

Among them, the speed has reached thirty, and it can no longer be upgraded with ten red quantities.

Wu Zihao asked the gold finger and finally learned that for ordinary attribute values above 30, it takes fifty red crystal cores for each point increase.

Even above 40, the mixed energy in the red crystal core is not enough to increase it. Even if you want to rely on quantity, you need hundreds of them to barely increase one attribute point.

Even the orange ones need fifty to increase one attribute point. After all, the higher the level of energy crystal core, the purer the energy contained in it.

The later it is, only the purer and higher level of energy can maintain a higher improvement in physical attributes.

Wu Zihao secretly smacked his lips. This is simply using energy crystal cores as chaff.

However, although this energy crystal core consumes a little more, the effect obtained is really awesome.

Take speed for example. His current short-term burst speed is no less than that of an ordinary modern sports car. At least the ordinary 150 or 160 pulses are still no problem.

Of course, this extreme speed is too much of a burden on the body and cannot be sustained at all, but this is already very awesome.

You have to know that his current speed attribute is only 30. When it reaches 40 or 50 in the future, he simply dare not imagine it.

That would really be a race with the high-speed train!

As for his vitality, he, whose physical attribute reached 26, had used a machete to chop his arm.

However, it only left a shallow flesh wound, and even the bone was not injured.

And under his strong recovery ability, the wound on his arm scabbed and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was restored to its original state in less than two hours.

He used the golden finger to measure that the corpse poison of a second-level zombie could no longer have any effect on him.

Even the third-level ones, except for the rare sensory zombies, the rest were not a big threat to him.

As for the first-level ones, they couldn't even bite his skin now.

In terms of strength, he, whose strength attribute reached 26, could easily lift a light car, and one punch could penetrate a metal plate with a slightly lower hardness.

It can be said that except for not being able to fly and wearing underwear inside, he is no different from Superman.

The manifestation of the divine attribute is mainly the total amount of his mental power and the recovery speed.

Moreover, Wu Zihao gradually discovered that frequent use of mental power and then recovery would help to train his mental concentration. Slowly, he would release the same superpowers, and the mental power consumed would gradually decrease.

This was a surprise to Wu Zihao.

Although it was a bit regrettable, he did not use the golden finger to search for those with superpowers. Anyway, they were all in this electromagnetic interference area, and he would definitely kill them. It was just a matter of time.

Now let's go to the nearest one first, which can save time, and if there are other superpowers in it, he will not miss it. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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