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"So where is the person now? Tell me!" The boss frowned when he heard this and started to question:"It's just a broken car. We have searched all the places inside and outside where people can hide. Where is the person? Could he have flown away out of thin air? Even if he flew away, the brothers are watching us. Where can he fly to?"

Zhao Qiang was scolded by the boss and was about to cry. He didn't know what was going on! He did see someone sitting in the car with his own eyes. Why did he go up to report it and then be told that the person was gone.

This is simply seeing a ghost!

After thinking about it, he still whispered:"I heard from the brothers in the monitoring room that this person disappeared suddenly! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even I would not have thought of it. There was clearly someone there just now, how could he disappear out of thin air?"

The boss's face turned even uglier after hearing that. Disappearing out of thin air? You are kidding me! How could there be such a magical thing in this world?

Even he, a superpower person, can't do this kind of thing!

Not only can he not do it, but all the superpower people he knows, including the strongest Chen Tianyun, can't do it!

Limited by his authority and experience, this boss really doesn't know that there is a kind of people called superpowers in this world.

Superpowers are the top secret of all the top leaders of huge organizations, and they are not known by low-level superpowers like him.

Even Yao Lin, if it weren't for her sister's mental transmission, would not know about superpowers and the second-generation genetic medicine, not to mention the boss of a small branch whose attributes are not as good as Yao Lin's!

Although he still couldn't figure out the situation, he still had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Boss! You said that person can disappear out of thin air, can he also enter our branch without anyone noticing?" At this time, Zhao Qiang has tried all kinds of methods. He is in the dark anyway, so just say whatever he can think of!

The boss was shocked when he heard this, and would rather believe it than not. Anyway, nothing can be solved by just doing this."Check it quickly, check our branch, and report any suspicious situation immediately!"

""Yes!" Zhao Qiang responded immediately, and then issued an order into the intercom:"Shouhou'er, you guys hurry up, check the courtyard, and find the person for me!"

Wu Zihao came to the door of a room on the second floor near the stairs quietly, paying attention to the movement outside, while using the golden finger to select the matching key on the key ring.

At this moment, bursts of shouting suddenly rang out outside, accompanied by shouts from the utility building from time to time.

Wu Zihao was startled, and went to the window to take a look, and saw that many people on the other side had already rushed to the small building, and the two patrolmen on the first floor were also rushing to the second floor at the same time.

So fast, have the other party discovered me?


Well! Since we have been discovered, there is no need to look for the key slowly!

Wu Zihao simply used all his strength to kick the door. With a loud"bang", the metal security door in front of him was kicked open.

At this moment, the two minions who had just gone up to the second floor also rushed over following the sound. Seeing Wu Zihao here, they subconsciously raised their submachine guns and fired at Wu Zihao, while shouting,"Here's the guy! Boss! He's the guy!"……"

Before he could finish his words, Wu Zihao, who was hiding behind the door frame, shot him in the head with two blind shots.

"Telepathy can be used like this! You don't need to show your head to aim when shooting anymore!"Blowing the muzzle of the gun, Wu Zihao looked at the pile of boxes and bottles of potions and mixtures in front of him. Time was urgent, so he didn't care which one was the nutrient solution. He packed them all up and put them into the storage space.

As for the strengthening potion, he had already found it in a previous room and took it away. Now all he had to do was to escape safely from this branch.

Of course, he didn't mind causing some damage and collecting some interest.

While Wu Zihao was collecting things and thinking, the vanguard members of the other party had rushed to the second floor with live ammunition. As soon as they arrived at the corridor, they suppressed the empty corridor with firepower, forcing Wu Zihao not to even dare to leave the house.

While they were firing, they slowly moved towards the room where Wu Zihao was, trying to catch the turtle in the jar.

Wu Zihao raised his eyebrows when he heard the dense gunfire in the corridor, walked to the window eaves and carefully looked out the window. Well, a team of armed organizers below were all pointing their submachine guns at his window, waiting for him to escape from the window!

"Haha! There is no way out!"Wu Zihao sneered when he saw this.

Looking at his mental progress bar, which only had 39% left, and the energy progress bar, which still had 58%, Wu Zihao took a deep breath and decided to fight quickly.

On the other side, the branch boss at the door had already run over here quickly when the people in the monitoring room found and told him that there were extra people in the utility building.

While running, he was still wondering what was going on with this person? Why did he sneak in and go to the utility building instead of going anywhere else? There was nothing good in there!

While wondering, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

When he thought that the other party might have come in, he was really afraid that the other party had already touched the armory or the underground monitoring room or even the food storage room.

In the end, he found that this guy had nothing to do and went to the most useless utility building for a walk!

"Everyone, pay attention. Keep suppressing me with firepower in the corridor and keep approaching. Those downstairs should be more alert. Once the opponent appears in front of the window, shoot him immediately!"

The boss issued orders while running. He is also a superpower. He knows the ability of superpowers very well. Jumping from the window to the roof is as easy as eating and drinking. He must not let the opponent fly away from the window.

As for the fact that the opponent is not a superpower but just an ordinary person, he has never thought about it.

Entering his branch silently is something that even he, a superpower, can't do. You say that an ordinary person from the other side just came in like this, then where can they put their superpowers?

To be honest, he is still a little afraid of this elusive opponent in his subconscious. After all, as a superpower, he has never encountered such an incredible situation. How did the other side get in? He has no idea.

The only good news is that the monitoring room said that the other side does not seem to have hot weapons in his hands, which is an opportunity for them._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read - collection, recommendation, sharing

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