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""Okay, Xintong, don't be too tired at work today!" After letting Ye Xintong drink the nutrient solution, Wu Zihao pointed to the small box on the coffee table and continued,"I'll leave this nutrient solution for you! You've already drunk it, and you may not feel anything now, but after a day's work you will find that although this thing tastes bad, it is definitely worth the money!"

"Also, this thing can only be kept secret between you and me, and must be kept secret from others, not even Du Bo!"

How dare you say it?

Repressing the urge to beat him up, Ye Xintong glared at Wu Zihao fiercely and said nothing!

What special effects can that kind of thing have? Do you really think she is simple and easy to deceive and knows nothing? Humph!

Keep it secret! Of course it must be kept secret!

He actually gave someone a box of this stuff and drank a bottle himself!

Such a shameful thing, let alone Du Bo, even my parents can't tell it!

"Also, I will come again in the evening and give you another gift! This gift will be dozens of times more valuable than this nutrient solution, I guarantee you won't be disappointed!"

And more?"

Ye Xintong's eyes widened when she heard this!

Are you done yet? Why didn't I realize that you are so shameless before?

No! I can't break my promise! I promised not to talk to him for a day! I must not break my promise!

Seeing Ye Xintong's face full of doubt, Wu Zihao was not annoyed.

He understood Ye Xintong's current mood very well. If he hadn't experienced so many magical things, he would not believe that this liquid of unknown origin would have any magical effects without side effects.

Even if his dearest parents told him, he would only think that they were deceived.

What's more, this thing is so hard to drink, it is normal to be angry in his heart.

Wu Zihao is not in a hurry. After a day, she will feel the difference herself, and at the same time, she will personally experience the value of this nutrient solution. What she feels personally is more than ten times stronger than what she said.

At that time, I believe that no matter how hard it is to drink, Ye Xintong will force herself to drink it for her work and her own body.

"All right! It's almost time! How about I try out the new sports car today? I'll leave the Phaeton here for now and come back to pick it up in the evening! See you in the evening!"After leaving a message, Wu Zihao finally said goodbye to Ye Xintong and walked out the door.

Ye Xintong couldn't believe it. How could he be so shameless?

Did he treat her house as a garage?

He would come back to pick up the Phaeton in the evening and leave the Nani here?

Wouldn't he have to come to pick up the car every day? How shameless of you ?

Although she was secretly complaining in her heart, deep down, Xintong was actually a little looking forward to it.

In this way, can he come to her house every day? Can they meet every day?

What is she thinking? She doesn't want to meet this bastard who tricked her into drinking such a disgusting thing every day.

Work, work, work! Important things must be said three times!

Putting aside those chaotic thoughts, Ye Xintong blushed and hid the small box on the table in a place where only she could find it.

Then she slowly walked out of the house, got in her car with Du Fu and went to the company.

Wu Zihao left the Ye family villa and went directly to the 28 million luxury limited edition Lamborghini he had bought the day before.

It has to be said that Lamborghini is worthy of being a world-famous luxury sports car, whether it is performance or comfort. The speed is absolutely first-rate! As soon as the sports car hits the road, just step on the accelerator lightly, the car is as fast as flying outside, and the interior is indeed stable.

Even if there are some small ups and downs on the road, the sports car's unique intelligent tire lifting system will prevent the people in the car from being shaken at all!

After enjoying it briefly, Wu Zihao went straight back to the villa.

Although the sports car is good, he is too tired now, so it is better to have a good sleep.

He slept until sunset, and Wu Zihao opened his sleepy eyes.

Looking at the personal terminal, it was almost time for Ye Xintong to get off work. I wonder if she has finished her work.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao called Du Fu to ask what was going on.

The phone was quickly connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end:"Master Wu, are you going to ask the eldest lady again?"

Wu Zihao said"um" and said directly:"Is Mr. Ye not done yet?"

"This……"Du Fu on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong?"Hearing Du Fu's hesitant voice, Wu Zihao couldn't help but ask with concern

"To be honest with you, Master Wu," Du Fu said with some concern in his tone,"I don't know what's wrong with the young lady today. She is so energetic as if she had taken stimulants, and her work efficiency has increased by at least half!"

"Not only has the work that was left behind yesterday been completed, but today's work was also completed not long ago! Now we are dealing with some things for tomorrow! It is said that this perfect state is too rare, and we want to take advantage of this opportunity to do more!"

At this point, even the old butler who is usually the calmest and composed is anxious, and he keeps saying:"Master Wu, do you think there will be any problem! The eldest lady is not in a good state! Even if she took stimulants, it shouldn't be so exaggerated! Don't let someone secretly give her drugs or something!"

"Nonsense!"Wu Zihao frowned immediately after hearing this!

He was not dissatisfied with Du Fu's speculation about stimulants and drugs, but was angry at Ye Xintong's workaholic attitude.

Just have a good rest after finishing today's work! Why bother with tomorrow?

Tomorrow's things should be left for tomorrow. If she does this, she might put things a week later on the agenda one day.

Do you still want to take care of your body like this?

He worked hard to get this nutrient solution to keep her healthy, not to let her risk her life!

Du Fu was full of question marks after hearing the two words that Wu Zihao blurted out.

What's going on? Who is making a fuss? Who is he talking about? This is just a guess, and his concern for the eldest lady, what does it have to do with nonsense?

Wu Zihao also reacted as soon as he spoke. It was Du Fu on the other end of the phone, not Ye Xintong.

He quickly explained:"It's okay, Uncle Du, I'm not talking about you. You don't have to worry too much about Xintong's condition. I know about this. It's not stimulants, and it has nothing to do with any drugs."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP

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