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"No——"Seeing Yao Lin's sad smile and her figure rushing towards the zombie creature behind without hesitation, Wu Zihao's heart paused for a moment, as if time had stopped. Only one thought echoed in his mind: kill the zombie creature and save Yao Lin.

At this time, the distance between Yao Lin and the zombie creature was only more than ten meters. According to the speed between the two, they would meet in less than three seconds, and then everything would be too late.

At this most critical moment, Wu Zihao's heart was unexpectedly calm, and his brain was calculating rapidly.

Three seconds... not two seconds, only two seconds. He only had two seconds to kill the zombie creature in front of him within these two seconds.

It was too late for him to turn around, and he could only use long-range attacks.

So, looking at the small fireball in his hand, can he still rely on you?

However, the power is not enough to kill the opponent instantly. The compression is not enough, the temperature is not high enough, and the destructive power is not strong enough!

Therefore, the only way for him to save her was to find a way to compress the small fireball in his hand within two seconds and condense it to the level that could instantly kill the third-level zombie creature in front of him!

【Is there any way I can do it?】


Is there a way? What is the way? What to use?


It's definitely not enough to rely on myself, so where can I get the solution?

Relying on external objects, but what external objects can help me?

The cave is full of soil and rocks, which is definitely impossible.

In the storage space, I know most of the things, and there is absolutely nothing that can help.

The rest of the unknown, except for the"useless" products that I brought out from the small branch of Doomsday Star along with the nutrient solution the day before yesterday, there is only the purple liquid!

Is it it?

A second has passed!

Now he has no intention to look at the 100% words in front of him, let alone time to test them one by one. He took out the transparent container containing the purple liquid directly from the storage space.

Whether it is it or not, at this moment, he can only treat the dead horse as a living horse!

These are the only choices, but he subconsciously prefers this bottle of purple liquid!

After all, this is what those behemoths snatched, and the effect must be extraordinary! He directly opened the bottle cap with his mouth, spit it out, and then drank it immediately.

After just one sip, Wu Zihao suddenly felt a coolness, and a pure and refreshing power swept through his body. The mental power consumed by all the supernatural powers such as mental induction, shadow escape, and flame control was immediately replenished, and even a surplus overflowed.

Now he felt refreshed. At the same time, his control over both physical energy and mental power was instantly improved to a higher level, and the speed of mental power emission was much faster.

If the maximum amount of mental power he emitted per second was one before, now under full operation, the amount that can be emitted has reached two.

As for the special attribute of flame control, the shape control change of the flame is proportional to the amount of mental power Wu Zihao emits and consumes.

If he uses one mental power per second to compress the small fireball, it takes one minute to compress it from the size of a fist to the size of a pigeon egg, then using two mental power per second to compress it only takes thirty seconds, or even less than that!

In addition, his enhanced ability to control mental power will shorten this period of time.

Now, not only is Wu Zihao's own mental power emitted at full power acting on the small fireball, but the surplus mental power after replenishing his mental power is also emitted.

In just a moment, the small fireball, which was originally close to the size of a pigeon egg, was immediately compressed to the size of a corn kernel!

This is also directly related to his improvement in his ability to control his mental power!

That's it! I must catch up!

At the moment when the small fireball the size of a corn kernel was formed, Wu Zihao immediately used all his strength to launch it, aiming directly at the head of the third-level zombie creature. The third- level zombie creature that looked like a pangolin was completely enraged after being hit by Wu Zihao's cannon, and chased the blood food in front of it relentlessly.

However, it kept chasing, but it didn't even close the distance with the opponent!

The desire for what it wanted was even more filled in this simple mind, and the anger at the blood food in front of it even urged it to chase with all its strength.

For a species like it that has a certain animal instinct and wisdom, the idea in its mind is very simple, that is, to catch up with him and eat him!

However, as it chased, it suddenly found that there was another blood food in front of it, and it rushed towards it!

For a zombie creature like it, it eats anyone, as long as it is blood food, it will eat it, and it doesn't care about the order!

Since you came up first, I will eat you first!

Seeing the blood food getting closer and closer, the zombie creature's eyes became more and more crazy, and the roar from its mouth became more and more deafening!

Closer, closer! So close that the blood food in front of it was less than two steps away from it, so close that it only needed to pounce again to pierce its claws into her body!

So close that Yao Lin had already drawn out her dagger and stabbed forward, so close that she even closed her eyes at the moment of attack!

However, at this moment, a small and bright fire flashed through the dark cave and directly hit the zombie creature's head, which was still roaring with its mouth wide open.

Then everything stopped, and the whole cave was completely silent, with only the continuous panting of two people and the loud noise of heavy objects suddenly falling to the ground.

The last pounce of the zombie creature did not achieve the expected effect because of lack of strength. It just pounced in front of Yao Lin and fell heavily to the ground.

The front claws, as sharp as a knife, were only one foot away from Yao Lin's toes, but they could never be pulled in.

Time seemed to stand still, and it was not until a long time that Yao Lin opened her eyes.

The opponent's claws did not fall on her, and she was not dead!

Looking at her feet again, the terrifying third-level zombie creature still maintained its ferocious face, but it did not move.

Looking closely, there was a small hole the size of a corn kernel in the center of its forehead!

Although Wu Zihao's mental strength was slow and his energy was not lacking at all at this time, he still sat on the ground as if all his strength was drained away!

Looking at the still pretty figure in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:"It was a close call!"_

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