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"That's right!" Yao Lin scratched her head, she thought too simply,"It will take a lot of manpower to dig out such a large-scale tunnel! We can't do it alone. How are you going to get the manpower?"

Wu Zihao smiled and said,"It will be soon. There will be ready-made laborers to serve us tomorrow. There is no need to rush!"

"Tomorrow? Do you want to... But what about the confidentiality? Are you sure they will obey?" Yao Lin thought for a moment and asked.

"So I will need to borrow some of your small equipment when the time comes!" Wu Zihao smiled cunningly, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Well, it's getting late, let's go down the mountain first!"

Going down the mountain is much easier than going up. You don't have to go around in circles looking for zombies, nor do you have to jump over stones and go around trees like you do over mountains and ridges. Just go down the nearest path.

On the way, Yao Lin thought for a while and asked,"By the way, husband, you said that your new ability is called earth attribute cutting. Does the stone count as earth attribute? Can it be cut?"

Wu Zihao's heart moved. He really hadn't thought about this kind of thing. He quickly asked Goldfinger.

【Can this special attribute of mine cut stone?】


It really works! Wu Zihao's eyes lit up.

After thinking about it, he decided to give it a try.

Wu Zihao glanced around and finally set his sights on a large rock.

He walked forward, and with a thought, his right hand was covered with a layer of light yellow energy film again, and he stretched out his hand to insert it into the rock in front.

The final result showed that it is indeed possible to cut the stone, but it is not as easy as cutting the soil layer. When he cut the soil layer before, he stretched his hand into the wall of the cave, just like inserting it into a piece of tofu, it was effortless.

But cutting this piece of rock is like inserting it into mud and sand, with heavy resistance, and the loss of energy is not comparable to cutting the soil layer.

But it can be cut.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao asked in his heart again:

【This special property means that it can cut anything with earth attribute? But the harder the object, the harder it is to cut, and the more energy it consumes?】


【So if the attribute value of my earth-attribute cutting is higher, it will be easier for me to cut these things in the future and the less energy will be consumed?】


As expected! Wu Zihao nodded inwardly.

Originally, he thought that this thing could only dig the soil like the zombie creature that was just killed! Now he found that there are really many things that can be dug.

And it seems that the zombie creature can't dig the soil either, but he only saw it digging the soil.

After making a new discovery, Wu Zihao was excited and wanted to cut everything he saw to try.

In the second half of the journey down the mountain, there were traces of his cutting everywhere.

Especially the stones of different qualities, he even tried cement steps, leaving narrow holes.

Wu Zihao even tried it on flowers, plants and trees, but finally found that it was useless. He couldn't even cut the most delicate petals.

Seeing this, he was secretly amazed in his heart. He could insert such hard rocks, but he couldn't do anything with these delicate flowers, plants and trees. After going down the mountain and coming to the nearest road, Wu Zihao released the off-road vehicle.

Looking at the sky, it was not enough to continue looking for and killing the next zombie, so they simply went home directly.

On the way home, Wu Zihao finally felt that the cool feeling from top to bottom disappeared without a trace, and there was no longer the feeling of overflowing mental power.

He knew that the effect of the half bottle of purple liquid he had just drunk finally disappeared.

After letting Yao Lin drive the car, Wu Zihao began to experiment to understand the difference between his current and previous use of mental power. It was not until he returned to the villa that he finally figured out the general situation.

Sure enough, according to the golden finger's prompt, the medicinal effect of drinking this liquid before, after the liquid itself was consumed, still retained some gains.

The most intuitive thing was the control of mental power and energy. Although he could no longer compress the palm-sized fireball into the size of a corn kernel, he could still condense it into the size of a peanut. The second was the speed of mental power dissipation, which was a full 50% increase compared to before. That is to say, it took him one minute to compress the palm-sized fireball into the size of a pigeon egg before, but now it only takes about 40 seconds.

At the same time, the efficiency of the use of mental power has also been improved to a certain extent. If the total amount of mental power he needed to compress the flame before was ten, now the total amount of mental power required to achieve the same effect is only eight!

In general, taking this purple liquid this time has enhanced his endurance and offensive power. It is also a significant improvement for his overall strength.

Of course, this is also related to the first time he took this thing. If you ask him to drink another sip now, he will find that the improvement effect is not so significant after the liquid medicine is exhausted. In any case

, this bottle of purple liquid is a great treasure for him.

He simply tested it. When his mental power was half exhausted, he just took a small sip, which can be said to be just a few drops.

Looking at the mental power progress bar in his mind, it rose to 90% in less than two seconds.

In other words, just a few drops of this purple liquid restored 40% of his mental power. Only then did he feel how wasteful he was in the cave at that time.

At that time, he could say that he drank a whole sip! Even dozens of mental power progress bars can be completely filled, and there is even a surplus.

Now thinking about it, Wu Zihao feels painful.

At the same time, he cherishes the remaining half bottle of purple liquid even more.

With it, he can use his supernatural powers infinitely, whether it is telepathy or shadow escape, he can use it at will, even fire control, with sufficient energy crystal cores, fire attack is also infinite.

Just thinking about that scene, Wu Zihao's heart surged!

It's a pity that there is less than a small bottle of this thing left. If you use it a little, it will be less. If you drink it up, it will be gone!

Otherwise, he even wanted to rely on it to fight the fourth-level zombie on the lake island head-on! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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