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""Have you used this precious medicine yourself?" After thinking for a while, Ye Xintong asked with concern. I hope he didn't use the only medicine on her!

"Me?" Wu Zihao smiled when he heard this, and his heart warmed slightly. It seems that this girl is not so cold-hearted, and she still cares about me!

"My body has reached its limit, and this thing is useless! If I want to improve it, I have to use other means!" Wu Zihao explained.

Of course, he would not use this lowest-level strengthening potion, which has an upper limit and is only one-time, and is simply incomparable to the energy crystal core.

Ye Xintong frowned and looked at Wu Zihao suspiciously:"Really?"

The body has reached its limit, why does it sound so fake to her? Does he think this is a movie?

"Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you?"Seeing Ye Xintong didn't believe him, Wu Zihao came directly to the tea table, held one of the legs under the tea table with one hand, and lifted the entire tea table with one hand.

The tea table was in the air, but it was still stable, and even the teapot and teacups on it didn't shake.

Looking at Wu Zihao again, his face was not red and he was not out of breath, just like he was just picking up a small toy, as if nothing had happened!

"Look, if my body has not reached its limit, can I do this easily? This strengthening potion has less effect on people with stronger bodies, and it has no effect on people like me!"

Looking at Ye Xintong, Wu Zihao couldn't help but speak proudly.

And Ye Xintong was already stunned by Wu Zihao's action!

She pointed at Wu Zihao with a trembling finger, and her speech was even a little unclear:" this still considered a human? Oh my God!"

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that the scene in front of her was real, and not a magic trick or movie special effects.

After the shock, she felt a sense of pride in her heart!

This powerful man is the man she has her eyes on, and will be her future partner.

Looking at the admiring look in Ye Xintong's eyes after the shock, a strong sense of satisfaction arose spontaneously!

Sure enough, it is a very fulfilling thing to be able to show strength and gain admiration in front of your beloved goddess!

It seems that if I can do it in the future, I still have to show my hard power more!

When I thought about my various natural shows in the future, which would fascinate the ice queen in front of me, and I might even come up to kiss her or something else, Wu Zihao had a charming (absolutely charming) smile on his face!

Seeing that the man who was originally handsome had changed in the blink of an eye, Ye Xintong was immediately full of black lines, and the emotion that had just risen was all gone without a trace.

"Aren't you tired of holding it like this all the time?" He was laughing like that, who knows what mess he was thinking about in his mind!

A faint voice came, and Wu Zihao said proudly:"Not tired! How can I be tired with such a great body?"

Huh? As soon as he said that, he turned around and looked at Ye Xintong with a frown on her face, and Wu Zihao also reacted! He put the coffee table back to its original position slowly with a dry laugh, touched his nose, and felt embarrassed. It seemed that he had been pretending to be too much!

"Do you believe it now?" Wu Zihao stepped forward and said confidently,"Xintong, don't worry. This strengthening potion is just a one-time product that we are using temporarily. When I find a way in the future, I can continue to improve your physique! Sooner or later, you will be able to lift that coffee table like me without any effort!"

It's better to make an advance estimate now. These secrets of his are too bizarre, but some of them will be shared with his closest people sooner or later.

Not to mention anything else, at least he will be really awesome in the future, prolonging his life and even becoming immortal. He can't just watch all the people around him pass away with time!

Even now, isn't he risking his life to steal the strengthening potion and contribute to the physical improvement of these important relatives and friends around him?

Now his most urgent hope is to find the one suggested by the golden finger as soon as possible, without any genetic medicine. And the method to improve the attributes of the people around him.

However, he has tried so much, but still has no clue, which makes him very disappointed!

But he has a hunch, he believes that he is not far from getting this method!

Wu Zihao's words are sonorous and powerful, his expression is full of confidence, his whole body seems to be glowing, full of trustworthy aura!

Ye Xintong was immediately infected by this aura, nodded subconsciously, and had the idea of believing him in her heart.

Belief is belief, but the reality still exists.

Thinking of continuing to become stronger, she thought of the problem that has troubled her all day today.

"Since the potion has such an effect, why didn't you tell me earlier? So that I could be mentally prepared? When I woke up in the morning, everything became stronger, and my strength became stronger! My body felt like it was not my own. If I held a glass of water, it would spill out if I used too much force. If I took a cake, it would be crushed. Everything I did was a mess!"

Thinking of all the embarrassing things that happened today, Ye Xintong felt embarrassed!

Fortunately, when these things happened, she was the only one who didn't let others see it, otherwise she would be embarrassed in the company. How could she maintain her dignity and lead her subordinates?

Wu Zihao smiled unkindly when he heard it. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could imagine her embarrassment at that time just by listening to Ye Xintong's words!

"How dare you laugh at me?!"

Ye Xintong was so angry when she saw that Wu Zihao not only did not comfort her after listening to her complaints, but even laughed at her. She punched Wu Zihao!

The two quarreled for a long time before Wu Zihao stopped her, holding back his smile and said,"Okay, okay! It's okay, Xintong, this is normal. It's like a baby who suddenly gets the power of an adult, there will definitely be some disharmony!"

"It takes a certain amount of time to master the newly acquired power. Just practice diligently on your own these few days and get used to this power!"

Ye Xintong also understood this truth, but she made so many embarrassing things in a day, but it was all because of him. Now she saw the culprit and he laughed at her. She was just angry and wanted to vent._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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