"Starlight Annie?"

"Well, nice name, looking at your resume, is it a natural superhuman?"

"That's right, my mother told me that I was born, so I studied hard and doubled my ability to exercise my ability, just to one day become a superhero who contributes to society and the country!"

Starlight Annie's face was full of innocence and longing.

She has not yet been infected by darkness, like a white lotus flower, so clean that it is incomprehensible and beautiful.

But such a pure little flower, but in the current society, can not be eaten at all.

And according to the plot in "Black Robe", what she should join is Walt Company, why did it become her own Hydra industry?

This made You Ming very puzzled.

"Tell me why you joined us."

"Because boss, you are superman, a messenger of justice!

I saw reports about you and saw that you personally destroyed the sacred toilet of war criminals.

So I adore you so much that I want to be like you in my dreams!

Starlight's face was full of adoration, but You Ming shook his head and handed her resume back.

"In that case, you better continue to dream, I am Superman, yes, but I am not a hero who upholds justice.

Justice is actually very cheap, and it is not worth paying everything for it.

And I can tell you a truth.

Only the winner can write justice!

You only see the side I win, but you don't know the side behind it.

So a simple and kind little girl like you, let's go home and play with her mother.

This is not for you. "

You Ming doesn't plan to take Starlight.

Although her ability is quite okay.

Absorbs electrical energy and then creates an explosion like a flash bomb.

Although the power is average, it is very disturbing and can play a very large role in some occasions.

But even so, You Ming did not intend to accept her.

Just because the other party is too naïve and kind, this is completely inconsistent with Hydra's style of acting.

"But I want to give it a try, can't it work?

I know that I'm not very capable, but to be a hero, you have to pay something.

I'm ready to pay the price, so can't you really be accommodating?

Starlight opened his mouth and begged.

This fan girl's aggrieved look, even You Ming felt a little tricky.

"Forget it, don't grind with me here.

Come in with me and I'll show you something.

If that's acceptable to you, I'll agree to hire you.

If you can't accept it, it's better to go back to where you came from what you see.

And now you have one more chance to quit.

Because what you are about to see will completely destroy your original three views!

You Ming made a sound, looking at each other with burning eyes.

To be honest, he wanted Starlight to retreat, so he said this, but Starlight looked at You Ming with firm eyes.

"I don't regret it!"

"No matter what I see, I stick to my ideas!"

Seeing that Starlight insisted, You Ming could only take her into a small black room, and then ordered his men to retrieve the intimate videos of Walt Company and all the super humans.

There was no hesitation, no further persuasion.

You Ming directly played the video of the deep sea!

The scene in front of me happens to be the deep sea and a certain octopus, enhancing the relationship between the two sides.

Such an explicit scene made Starlight blush with shame, and the whole person became uncalm.

"He's the deep sea?"

Starlight asked uncertainly, while You Ming nodded and continued to play the other videos.

Queen Maeve is a lesbian, the people of the motherland like to smash a person with grandma, and the locomotive smashed a person, not only unapologetically, but even sent a video to pretend.

One by one, the videos of the super human were constantly playing in front of her.

There are dark, heavy-mouthed, and even more unknown!

These are all under the surveillance of Hydra!

After You Ming finished playing these, he showed Starlight a video of S.H.I.E.L.D. upholding justice.

Their way of upholding justice is simple and brutal, that is, to eliminate evil directly.

In this way, justice is done.

As for how many innocent civilians will be sacrificed along the way, this group of agents does not care at all.

Videos such as these are played continuously.

It took about an hour or so for You Ming to turn off the video and look at the starlight that had become numb.

"How do you feel now?"


Starlight choked a little, unable to even speak.

In just one hour, her lifelong three views completely collapsed!

Under the glamorous heroic appearance, but such a dirty real face!

Although these are all secretly photographed by some means.

But this is also the true face of Hydra!

You Ming, is monitoring everything!

"As you can see, everyone has their own dark side.

Beneath the glamorous exterior lies hidden secrets.

Me too.

All outsiders see is my actions as a hero.

But when did I call myself a hero?

I just said I'm Superman, have I said anything else?

This is all the brain supplement of netizens, and I have nothing to do with half a dime.

You Ming shrugged.

For this naïve little girl, he did not intend to have any deception.

If the other party collapses, You Ming will also send it to S.H.I.E.L.D.

But if she can persevere, maybe she will have a chance to join Hydra Industries.

So You Ming is also looking forward to what choice she will make.

"But... Didn't you say before, you represent justice?

Starlight wanted to grab the last straw.

But You Ming spread his hands and smiled.

"He who destroys me is evil, and he who is against me is evil.

This is the justice I stand for!

In this world, good people are to be held in the head with guns, but bad people can go unpunished.

There will even be Virgin, sympathy and poor scoundrels.

So instead of being the righteous partner who is being held to the gun, it is better to be yourself, release yourself, and become a complete villain. Speaking

of this, You Ming grinned and revealed a smile that made Xingguang feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although You Ming is very handsome, under such a crazy smile, it will make people feel extremely terrifying!

"So, make your choice, whether to leave obediently or challenge yourself to stay here."

I no longer interfere with your choices, you decide.

Ten minutes, think about it for yourself. Saying

that, You Ming walked out of the small black room, leaving Starlight alone here to think.

However, in less than a minute, Starlight walked out with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Figured it out so quickly? Are you planning to give up?

You Ming asked with a smile, but Xingguang burst into tears, and his eyes became firm!

"Nope! I still stand by my choice!

Even if you are not the hero I imagined, I will keep working in that direction!

So, please accept my resume, boss! "

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