"Terrible! It's horrible! When

Nick Fury saw You Ming, he actually killed the hatred in a second, which made him subconsciously touch his bald head.

After all, when he went to negotiate with You Ming at that time, this bald head was held in the hands of the other party and played, and it was possible to explode at any time.

Looking back now, Nick Fury still feels extremely lucky.

At the same time, General Ross on the side was also completely frightened.

He had seen some reports and videos about You Ming, and thought that he was like those superhumans who used compound five, and he could be eliminated by sending troops.

But now it seems that the strongest motherland people in the Walt Company are as fragile as a baby compared to You Ming in front of him!

Because the people of the Walt Company, seeing the Hulk appear, did not dare to send people at all.

Even the strongest Motherland people only chose to avoid this battle on the grounds that they were not here.

Because they all know very well that if they face these two monsters, the result will be certain death!

Those super humans, although they have good strength, can also bully and bully ordinary people, but they can't shoot at all in the face of real monsters.

So compared to You Ming, those super humans are simply weak!


After You Ming had just killed Abomination, he set his eyes on the Hulk not far away.

The opponent's body size has swelled again, and he is now nearly five meters tall.

But he did not rush up directly, but calmly observed You Ming in place.

He was looking for flaws and wanted to kill with one blow!

Although Hulk is a little violent, he is not a fool, and he knows how to act.

Especially after seeing that the hatred that had been fighting with himself for so long was directly headshot, and the dead could not die again, this made the Hulk also have the idea of retreating.

But the instinctive trend made his anger constantly superimposed, so even if he wanted to leave, he had to really fight with You Ming!

The two sides faced off like this for a minute or so, and finally Hulk couldn't help it and rushed up with a roar!

There is no suspense in the result.

At the moment of the Hulk's punch, You Ming was a simple over-the-shoulder throw, throwing it into the sky!

Then he immediately chased after him!

The two kept soaring in the sky, except for one person, who was passively flying in the air.

They fell into a wasteland.

This is a desert, let alone people around, not even a building, just right for the two of them to play!

However, what surprised You Ming was that he himself did not expect that he would throw his full strength and leave the territory of the United States directly.

Such an exaggerated power that even he himself was frightened.

But soon You Ming rushed to the Hulk and directly faced him with a set of combination punches!

Swing fist, left hook punch, belly strike, whip leg, knee top, iron mountain back!

You Ming uses the Hulk as a sandbag to increase his combat experience.

This set of combination boxing was still learned by his master in his previous life.

It's a pity that in his previous life, he really didn't have much talent, and after studying for about ten years, he was just a beginner, compared to those geniuses who were talented and could win the national championship as teenagers, it was not a little worse.

But he is not without a little merit.

Relying on his own clumsiness, the master who taught the tour guide back then did not intend to let him learn any advanced routines, but only taught him the most basic combination boxing.

It is precisely because of this that You Ming can beat this set of boxing to perfection.

The only problem is that there has been no real combat.

So now that there is a sandbag in front of him, how can he let the other party go?

Gu Yi is not suitable for practicing boxing, and the other enemies are too weak to be suitable.

Only the Hulk, the meat, can bear its own strength.

So this is also one of the reasons why You Ming wants to absorb the other party!

That's it.

The more the Hulk is hit, the angrier he becomes!

Although the body size is only fixed at a height of five meters and no longer grows, its strength doubles every time!


An hour, two hours, a night has passed!

You Ming went from easy crushing at the beginning, to being evenly matched in strength in the back, and then to the lack of strength in the back, and he could only rely on skill to repel the opponent.

The Hulk finally fell to the ground in the early hours of the morning when the sun first rose.

With a wail, the Hulk transformed back into Bruce Banner and passed out.

You Ming pulled down, and the short sleeves of his upper body revealed his lean body.

Because of the battle with the Hulk, the short sleeves have long been tattered.

"It is worthy of the Hulk, under my constant provocation and attack, you can continue to become stronger and improve.

It's just a pity that I'm better.

You who only have beast thinking cannot be my opponent, even if in the end your strength is far superior to mine. The

corners of You Ming's mouth raised slightly.

The fight with the Hulk allowed him to thoroughly integrate his boxing techniques.

Although it is only a basic boxing technique, everything returns to its ancestors, and everything changes inseparably.

The foundation has the benefits of the foundation, not to mention that You Ming can now crush ninety percent of the enemy by relying on pure strength, and naturally does not need more routines.

"Bruce Banner, I've really wronged you.

But don't worry, I will find you a good position at Hydra. Saying

that, You Ming carried Dr. Banner, who was in a coma, and prepared to return to the Hydra Industrial Building.

But just as he was about to leave, a roar sounded from behind him.

You Ming subconsciously looked back and saw a steel figure falling into the desert.

Various steel plates slowly fell off, and finally a person appeared inside!

That's Tony Stark!

You Ming never expected that after fighting here for one night, he and Hulk could still meet Stark!

It's just incredible.

Looking at the other party's shaky and almost dying appearance, You Ming stepped forward and picked him up.

"Save... I..." After

saying these two words, Stark fell completely into a coma.

You Ming's original plan was that he did not intend to have anything to do with Stark.

So in the beginning, he did not intend to save the other party, otherwise, send Hydra agents over, and he could eliminate the group of terrorists that day, and then save Stark.

But You Ming gave up the opportunity to win over the other party.

It's just that he didn't expect that fate had arrived, and he couldn't hide!

He just fought with the Hulk, and he could meet the dying Stark fall here.

There is no way, since you met, then take it back, anyway, one person and two people for themselves, there is no difference.



Gu Yi, who was in Karma Taj, closed the eyes of Agomoto and sighed.

"Hate to die, originally he didn't have to die

..." "Fate has been changed, branches of parallel worlds have been created..." "

You Ming, you are really a variable!"

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