"Actually, if I want to sell Osborn to you, it's not impossible.

But I have one condition, and that is that you cannot interfere with any planning of the Ossbourne.

At the same time, it cannot restrict my freedom.

Norman sat on the couch and cocked Erlang's legs.

That expression was full of confidence, but there was a disgusting arrogance in his eyes.

This is not the look that Norman Osborne should have!

You Ming did not speak, but pretended to think and stared at each other deadly.

He was observing Norman, and then in his eyes, he noticed cruelty and madness!

This made You Ming startled, and immediately opened his perspective eyes and saw some red dots flashing outside and inside the Hydra Building!

The main thing.

Norman Osborne's left hand, which never left his pocket, was holding a device that resembled a remote control.

Remote control bomb!

You Ming thought of this thing for the first time, and then he understood everything.

The person in front of him is not Norman Osborne at all, but the Green Goblin!

No wonder he delayed his arrival by a day, it turned out that he was occupied by the green devil!

In other words, his research on the enhancement potion was successful, but unfortunately, the appearance of side effects also made Norman completely lose himself and become a cruel and crazy Green Goblin!

Using quick thinking, You Ming understood all this in less than a minute, and immediately revealed a nuclear smile.

"Tell me your reason, Mr. Osborne, if you don't give me a proper reason, it will be difficult for me to agree to your request."

"That's why!"

Saying that, Osborne showed a cruel smile, and then You Ming saw the other party press the button on the remote control through the perspective eye.

And yet nothing happened!

Norman Osborne, now the Green Goblin, is in a state of confusion.

He had no idea why the bomb he had installed had not detonated.

It's just weird.

"What's wrong Mr. Osborne? Are you not feeling well?

If you're not feeling well, go back and rest for two days, and I'll give you two days to think about why.

If you can't think of it, then I'm sorry, I can only reject your request, and then buy Osbourne according to the original conditions. You

Ming gave the other party a step, and at the same time wanted to see if the Green Goblin was worth cooperating with.

To be honest, this guy Green Goblin is much smarter than Norman Osborne.

Not only in pure fighting skills, it can crush Spider-Man, and even in terms of technology, it is not inferior to Stark.

The only difference is that he does not have the assistance of artificial intelligence, let alone Stark's kind of open-minded hole.

Therefore, You Ming still cherishes this talent.

It's a pity that although the other party's IQ is high, the emotional intelligence is outrageously low.

He didn't understand You Ming's meaning at all, but continued to press the remote control, wanting to activate other bombs!

Even the Green Goblin was sweating anxiously, and he didn't see a bomb detonate.

Seeing this scene, You Ming was disappointed.

"Mr. Osborne, no, no, I should call you Mr. Green Goblin now, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the green goblin was suddenly startled, and then just when he wanted to speak.

As soon as You Ming raised his hand, he saw dozens of bombs with their leads removed, sliding from his hands to the ground.

"My ability is beyond your imagination.

Maybe you think bombs can clamp me down, but you may not know that my speed is comparable to the speed of light.

As I was thinking, these bombs had already been defused by me.

So Mr. Green Goblin, you really disappointed me!

You Ming sighed.

His speed is fast, but he brags about the speed of light.

But supersonic, even two or three laps around the earth in a second, is still no problem.

After all, the speed of light can only circle the earth seven and a half times a second.

"Nope! No way! This is absolutely impossible! "

The Green Goblin is a bit of a meltdown.

Although he knew that You Ming was very strong, he thought that with his own intelligence, he could easily control the other party.

But the reality is You Ming, who taught him a good lesson.

In the face of absolute invincibility, any scheme and threat is ineffective without the same strength.

So the Green Goblin doing all this is essentially no different from clown behavior.

"Green Goblin, since you chose to refuse to cooperate, then you can only apologize.

So, please die! Saying

that, You Ming did not hesitate and broke the green devil's neck!

Feel that life in your hands has passed.

You Ming casually threw the body on the ground, and then shook the person to deal with it.

When Osborne's body was carried away, the pair of fearful eyes stayed on him forever.

"Come on someone, call me the media, I will also hold a press conference!"

You Ming gave the order, and the agents immediately began to carry it out!

In less than an hour, the platform for the conference was set up.

And here comes the city, all the top journalists!

The main thing is that even Stark, a busy man, ran to the audience to watch the play.

Because he wanted to know what the meaning of You Ming opening this press conference was.

Not only that, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military, as well as American politicians, are all paying attention to this press conference.

However, You Ming had not yet entered, and the first to enter was the body of Norman Osborne lying in a transparent coffin.

His appearance immediately caused panic from everyone present.

But fortunately, these journalists, with excellent professionalism, did not run away immediately.

However, there are still many people who quietly called the police.

However, the police said that they could not intervene in Hydra's affairs.

Because for them, they would rather face the vicious murderer than the gentle Hydra agent.

After all, the ferocity of murderers is on the surface.

Hydra agents, but like poisonous snakes, let you die without knowing it.

Injuries and deaths, they know exactly what they should choose.

"Ahem, everyone should have arrived, right?"

Suddenly, You Ming's voice came from the megaphone without warning.

The panic at the scene stopped immediately.

As if he had stopped breathing, there was nothing else in the entire venue except the sound of a megaphone!

"Sorry to frighten you.

Although I didn't want to do this, it was a pity that Norman Osborne was influenced by his own potion and became a terrorist.

Next, I will publish the evidence, and ask the journalists, the photographs that should be taken, the recordings that should be recorded.

Don't dishonor your career. The

voice fell.

The whole venue suddenly darkened, and then the projection appeared.

In front of everyone's eyes, the Green Goblin drove to the Hydra Industrial Building.

From the moment he parked, the installation of bombs under other cars, as well as in the corners of the Hydra Industrial Building, and even in the bathrooms, the picture is unobstructed!

Finally, there is You Ming's highlights, and the fear of the Green Goblin.

Even the phrase 'my speed is comparable to the speed of light' was released verbatim.

Finally, the Green Goblin dies, and the video ends!

This moment.

The scene was silent.

But three seconds later, a round of applause, accompanied by cheers, drew everyone to look back.

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