Stark dragged his severely injured body and said apologetically.

You Ming didn't care about this, but took out the reactor on the chest of the steel behemoth with his bare hands.

But this thing is already in a semi-scrapped state.

After all, the steel behemoth used by the other party, and Stark's steel suit, are not a model at all.

This also leads to its functions, which cannot be perfectly matched, resulting in excessive losses.

Plus after a battle, this thing can still hold on to shine, and it is already very strong.

"You don't have to say that, I took this scrap metal first, and when you have a new reactor, you can contact me."

But I have one thing I want to tell you.

Your body has been severely eroded by toxins.

There is no need to doubt, I can see all kinds of hidden diseases in your body, so you can understand it by examining it yourself.

As for the solution, you can go to S.H.I.E.L.D. and get back the relics that belong to your father.

Of course, I can also help you do it for you. Hearing

You Ming's words, Stark was suddenly startled, and just as he was about to say something, Little Pepper Potts, Stark's current assistant secretary and future wife, ran out of the building.

Her skirt was almost completely torn.

Her fair thighs were exposed, and the messy hairstyle and blood stains on her face added a touch of charm to her.

I have to say that this kind of real war-damaged makeup can highlight a person's spirit and make its charm soar.

"So be it, you will take care of the aftermath yourself.

If your father's relics need my help, feel free to call me. Saying

that, You Ming flew directly away from the scene, leaving Pepper and Stark behind, and you and I comforted each other.

However, just as You Ming returned to the Hydra Mansion, an unexpected person appeared at the door of his mansion.

"Dr. Otto? Why are you here in the middle of the night? Looking

at Dr. Otto, who has a great reputation and has not yet become a famous anti-runner, You Ming felt a little surprised.

Because he and him, there is not the slightest intersection.

Even after working with Stark, he didn't plan to work with Otto anymore.

Because the functions of these two people are a bit repetitive to be honest, they have no intention of cooperating with them.

But when he appeared at the door of the Hydra Mansion in person in the middle of the night, things seemed a little strange.

"Mr. You Ming, I didn't expect it to be so late, you haven't slept yet!"

The future Doctor Octopus was also a little surprised to see You Ming appear here.

After all, he is just wandering here and has no intention of entering.

In the Hydra Industrial Building, there are people on duty 24 hours a day.

If he wanted to go in, with his fame, someone would have already called him to the lounge as a guest, and it was impossible to let such a scientist, famous all over the world, feed mosquitoes outside.

"I went to Stark Industries, took care of some things, and brought back a souvenir.

Dr. Otto, tell me about your intentions.

I don't believe that scientists like you would wander around the door of my company for no reason.

So you must be asking for something, or have something else to come to me. Hearing

You Ming say this, Dr. Otto sighed, and then his expression became a little tangled.

For about ten seconds, Dr. Otto walked towards You Ming as if he had made some major decision!

"Mr. You Ming, I want to enter Hydra Industries and work for you!"

"Came for an interview?!"

"Sort of,"

Dr. Otto scratched his head, obviously embarrassed.

You Ming was even more surprised.

He didn't expect that Otto had come to join him.

It's as incredible as Stark, who put down his company and become his little brother.

After all, a talent like Otto has a heart higher than the sky, and he is a holding existence everywhere.

But now, he is willing to succumb to others, which is a little incredible.

"In that case, come in and talk.

It just so happened that I ordered someone to prepare a late-night snack, and we ate and talked.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Otto was also not polite, and directly followed You Ming to the pantry, chatting about defecting while eating a late-night snack.

Because Dr. Otto wants to research a nuclear energy source called 'tritium' to make energy that will never run out!

Such a wild idea frightened Dr. Otto's original partners.

Together with the laboratory they were in, Osborne invested in.

Now, Osborne has collapsed and become a small company of Hydra Industries.

So Osborne, for their investment in the institute, was also completely interrupted.

It is precisely because I think that this is the case, so that the entire institute is in a state of green and yellow.

In addition, at this juncture, Dr. Otto also proposed to use all resources to study the energy of 'tritium'.

How can such appalling research not be excluded by others.

So there was no way, Otto was forcibly kicked out of the institute and turned into an unemployed vagrant.

Even if he went to other research institutes to apply, he was rejected by the other party because of his wild ideas.

This also includes credit for the institute that fired him.

So there is no way, Dr. Otto can only come to You Ming here to see if he can get the support of Hydra.

It was his last resort.

If You Ming also rejects him, then his strength and ambition will be buried in his heart forever, and he will spend his life in confusion.

You Ming did not know that his acquisition of Osborne would affect the future of Dr. Octopus.

Even without the institute, he probably won't even be able to become Dr. Octopus.

This surprised You Ming, and at the same time understood how many people's fate would be changed by what he did.

He didn't care before, but now that he thinks about it, maybe it's time to pay more attention to those whose destinies have been changed.

This is not the flood of the heart of the Virgin, but You Ming pondering whether these changed people can be included under the command of Hydra.

After all, there are actually many talents like Otto, but they have been ignored by You Ming for a long time.

"In that case, I can agree with your joining and fully support your research on 'tritium' energy!"

But before that, you need to replicate this thing for me and let me see what you are capable of.

If you can't even do that, I'm sorry, Dr. Otto.

Saying that, You Ming took out the reactor.

Dr. Otto was shocked when he took a look!

"Such an exquisite design not only locks the huge Dino energy in it, but also does not even cause any energy leakage!

The main thing is that its stability is even stronger than that of a nuclear reactor!

Mr. You Ming, I would venture to ask you, who developed this thing?

"Didn't I say, I went to Stark Industries and brought back souvenirs from there."

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