"In that case, then I will accept it."

Stark was also not polite and directly accepted the information.

Nick Fury also knows that he stays here at this time, and there is no use for farts.

So he directly chose to leave.

Stay with You Ming, and you risk being killed at any time.

It's terrifying.

Nick Fury didn't want to die so early, so naturally he had to go back quickly.

"Stark, your press conference is really presentable.

Especially after you announced that you are Iron Man, Stark Industries' shares are rising.

I took a look at the shares I held, and it directly increased by more than ten times!

To be honest, at that time, the acquisition of retail shares, as well as the shares of minority shareholders, was really not wrong.

You're making a comeback!

You Ming smiled, not hiding the idea of showing off.

After all, he now, counting the entire Hydra Industries, the shares he holds in Stark Industries are thirty percent!

Stark himself only owns 51 percent.

The remaining 19% is basically distributed to the major shareholders.

Now You Ming has become the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries!

Stark had known about this for a long time, but he didn't care, just seemed a little helpless.

"That group of people didn't recognize the goods, so naturally they wanted to take advantage of the fact that the loss was not too big, and quickly cash out and run.

However, these people should not have expected that the company's shares would rise so quickly, right?

Stark's mockery was almost written on his face.

If it weren't for the fact that the press conference had ended, his expression and the words just now would have been seen by those who sold their shares, and they would probably be angry!

Because the performance of the two of them is too much like a collusion holding.

But in fact, these two people did not discuss at all, and they were purely personal practices.

"By the way, Stark, there's one more thing I have to remind you.

Remove that thing from your chest as soon as possible and replace it with real human tissue.

Even if you master the non-toxic and side-effect reactor, this has always been the case here, and the body will be difficult in early summer.

For now, your body has developed slightly undetectable lesions.

If you don't want to spend your old age in a hospital bed, listen to me once.

"Got it, I'll consider your suggestion."

But now I still have things to do, and by the way, I have to study what my dad left behind.

If you're interested, come upstairs with me and we'll study it together?

"No need, I also have something to do, contact me after you have studied it."

With that, You Ming left the Stark Building.

He returned to his company, and then saw that Starlight had been waiting here for a long time.

The other party was carrying a suitcase and was chatting with female colleagues in the personnel department, enjoying noon coffee.

When You Ming returned, the personnel department of the fish suddenly became busy.

Starlight also got up immediately and offered the suitcase with both hands.

"Boss, this is what the eldest sister said, that special metal substance.

Because of the limited equipment, we can't tell what metal it is.

It is even possible that this is not an Earth product at all, just like the eldest sister's Winter Hammer, it comes from outer space! Hearing

Xingguang's words, You Ming directly opened the suitcase, and then saw a special metal plate that was completely cut!

Its luster is very bright.

Even just looking at it, there is no decoration, and it feels very beautiful.

You Ming grabbed the metal plate and flicked it a few times, finding that it did not show the slightest trace of vibration.

Then he tested it with a laser eye.

The result is still intact!

Although the laser eye, it is not turned on at full power.

But even so, its temperature is enough to melt, any alloy on earth!

As long as it is the material that exists on the earth, there is no laser eye that can block You Ming!

Even if it can be resisted for a while, it will eventually be shot through!

But this metal plate is different.

You Ming experimented with multiple angles several times, and even sustained a minute of continuous excitation.

But it never hurt the slightest!

This made You Ming almost certain that this metal plate was either Edman alloy or vibranium!

As for what it is, you have to go and let people study it to know.

"This metal plate, can't even shoot through the boss?!"

Starlight watched from the side, and the whole person was shocked.

Although she also knew that this thing was very unusual, she didn't expect it to be so strong!

"This kind of thing is really hard and reminds me of that shield of Captain America.

So I suspect that this thing and that shield are the same material, both are Edman alloy!

But how exactly, we have to wait for Dr. Otto to further research.

Saying that, You Ming ordered people to give this metal plate to Dr. Otto, who was studying the reactor.

"By the way, boss, we still found a plan for the winter plan in a certain base.

However, the Winter Soldier program has been completely abolished.

Even the sleeping Winter Soldier is currently the only one left to survive.

Documents show his name as Bucky.

Shall we transfer this winter soldier and do things for us?

Xingguang asked, but You Ming shook his head.

"It's okay to transfer it, but remember, don't let it wake up."

"Knowing the boss, I'll go talk to my eldest sister!"

Saying that, the starlight ran away with a smoke.

You Ming was thinking about Bucky.

If you don't have Stark, it's actually a good choice to leave Bucky for your own use.

But unfortunately, he has already promised Stark, so when he ships Bucky back, he still has to give it to Stark to solve.

It was Bucky, after all, who killed Stark's father.

As a son, it is natural to avenge Lao Tzu!

Since he promised the other party, he naturally would not break his word.

The time soon came late at night.

When Stark learned that Bucky had been brought back, he rushed over without stopping.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly used Iron Man's equipment and killed Bucky!

Although he would very much like to send Bucky to the court for sanctions.

But when he thought of the group of politicians, whether they were looking at the goods of people's dishes, Stark suddenly felt that it was better to solve it himself.

Plus You Ming has always been here, seducing Stark and letting him personally kill him.

In the end, driven by hatred, Stark finally committed murder.

You Ming was very happy.

The smile is even a little crazy!

Stark reacted after the killing, and he was driven by hatred.

It was the first time he was, so irrational.

But that hearty feeling is also the first time I feel it.

After all, it is a hand blade enemy!

Cool is just one word!

You Ming knows this feeling very well, and the one who laughs is called a pervert.

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