
The three warriors of the Immortal Palace were surprised to look at You Ming, who was covered in heat rays, but was like a nobody.

For a while, in their minds, they had quarreled with You Ming before.

Fortunately, Sif came out to play the round, otherwise the three of them would really fight with someone.

As a result, there will be three more corpses on the ground!

Even Sif didn't expect You Ming, a human being, to be so strong!

The four of them stared wide-eyed, not knowing for a while whether they should go up and help.

Because looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that the destroyer does not pose a threat to You Ming at all.

"Loki, are you capable of that?

But I've heard that the Destroyer is a powerful weapon made by Odin!

It is a powerful weapon that even the planet can easily defeat, and even the universe can run rampant!

But how do I feel, this thing in your hand, as weak as a toy? Saying

that, You Ming stood hard against the heat ray, floated into the air, and then suddenly rushed up!

Relying on his own strength, he not only bathed in the heat rays unharmed, but even punched the head of the destroyer!

Even if the other party uses a material similar to memory metal.

But such a heavy punch is enough to make the destroyer lose his balance and fall to the ground!

Such a blow shocked the Immortal Palace warriors for a lifetime!

They asked themselves, they can't carry this punch at all!

The best result, that is, to leave a whole corpse, that's all!

Then they watched, You Ming grabbed the destroyer, and greeted each other with one punch after another!

His speed is not fast, and he only throws a punch every second or two.

But its power is heavy!

Every punch is like Mount Tai pressing on the top, full of irresistible power!

At this moment, the destroyer is trembling, looking like the CPU has burned out, a little psychotic.

But You Ming could see that this was its core, and he was dodging his attacks everywhere to prevent being caught!

This is also a rune set by Odin, in case someone sees through the existence of the kernel and then removes it directly.

Because the destroyer of the dismantled kernel is basically no different from broken copper and scrap iron.

However, this kind of trivial matter is not difficult for You Ming at all.

Since the other party likes to hide, just one place, and then one place to dismantle.

You Ming is like a naughty child, unloading the destroyer into eight pieces!


Destroyer from head to toe, not a single place is complete!

In the end, You Ming also spent nearly ten minutes before finally grasping the core.

After crushing the Odin rune above, You Ming absorbed it without hesitation!

Looking at his progress bar, he jumped from 46% to 66% at once!

You Ming's mood was suddenly a lot happier!


Loki was even more crazy to use Gunganir to smash the ground.

His whole person is not calm.

Even if he was humiliated by You Ming, he actually sent a destroyer, and he was not the opponent of the other party!

This simply does not make sense!

Even Gu Yi is not so strong, right?

Loki couldn't understand why a mortal in Midgard could be more powerful than a god.

This has refreshed his three views!

But this trip to give for nothing is not without gains.

At least Loki understands that Thor has not recovered his divine powers, so his plan can still be carried out.

But before that, a threat must be eradicated!

Saying that, Loki's skin became a little cold, and a pleasant plan had come to mind.

"I'm sorry, Laufey."

"For my great plan, I can only sacrifice you!"



On Earth, You Ming will be unloaded with eight pieces of iron and assembled together.

But no matter how he assembles it, it is always almost meaningful.

This is the same as being at home, after dismantling the TV and refrigerator, the group went back and came out with a bunch of extra parts.

However, he assembled this thing, not to use it, but to bring it back and study it.

There are so many idle researchers in the company, and they can be justified in sending them work.

"Thor, are you still alive?"

"Alive and alive! I'm here! Thor

ran out from behind the room, and Natasha followed behind calmly and gracefully.

The three warriors of the Immortal Palace and Sif looked at You Ming's eyes also changed.

Before they were contemptuous and disdainful.

But after seeing You Ming's power, all that remained was reverence and shock.

"Please forgive us for our previous faux pas.

I'm sorry, we didn't know you were so strong.

Sif apologized again.

You Ming nodded, and no longer paid attention to the other party, but went to pat Sol's shoulder.

"Choose for yourself, follow and leave, or follow me back to Hydra."

I won't interfere with you, but I look forward to continuing to drink with you.

After saying this, You Ming picked up Thor's hammer and carried it on his shoulder, which once again caused Sif and the others to be shocked.

But they didn't say anything, because of You Ming's strength, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being able to lift Mjolnir.

Then You Ming went to make a phone call and asked people to send a few planes over.

While they were waiting for the plane, Thor came over and said goodbye to You Mingbao.

"Sorry good brother, although I would love to go with you to Hydra now.

But what happened today made me know that there are some things that cannot be escaped!

The turmoil inside Asgard must be handled by me!

This is my responsibility because my name is Sol! "

Between words.

On Thor's body, lightning bolts appeared unconsciously.

Myrnir trembled in You Ming's hand.

This surprised him a little, and then looked up at the sky.

I saw the two crows, hovering overhead, constantly flaving their wings, as if they saw something worth exciting.

Then You Ming nodded with relief, and then put the hammer on the ground.

"Try it, I think you can lift the hammer now."

"How is this possible? I didn't do anything, how could I... I'll go! I really picked it up! Thor

didn't have any hope yet, he just wanted to give it a try.

But he didn't expect that he actually lifted Myrnir!

At the same time, this further confirms You Ming's speculation!

In fact, Odin has been observing Thor.

What the other party wanted was not what Thor's strength had grown, let alone what words of repentance or words he wanted to say to ask for mercy.

What Odin wants to see is Thor's sense of responsibility and character growth!

This is the real test!

So when he said that from the heart, this trial had already cleared itself.

"Congratulations Thor, now that you have the capital, return to Asgard to settle accounts with Loki."

You Ming said with a smile, and then looked up at the sky.

"Heimdall! You've seen enough of the play! The

voice fell.

A rainbow bridge fell with a bang!

This is enough to show that Heimdall was not executed by Loki, but just watched the play on it.

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