There was silence in the Hydra Industrial Building!

All the agents were actually concentrated in the top floor hall!

It's a place for employees, exercise and rest, so it's very open.

But now it is used as a prison, with all employees imprisoned.

However, the three people of Crossbone, Starlight and Sin are not here.

Because they are already on vacation, it is naturally impossible to stay in the company.

On the contrary, the two doctors who are dedicated and love their posts have been arrested here.

"Hey! A skeleton monster on fire on its head!

If you are interested, hurry up now, otherwise when our boss comes back, he will definitely crush you! The

HR manager stared at each other viciously.

But the evil spirit knight didn't even look at him, but squatted in a corner.

Like a helpless child, somewhat pitiful.


don't want to do it, but I just can't help myself."

Obviously, I came to apply, but why did things develop to this point..."

the Evil Spirit Knight said to himself.

The sound is small, but enough to reverberate throughout the space.

For a while, all the agents did not understand what the Evil Spirit Knight meant.

But at this moment.

The flame that the Evil Spirit Knight was about to extinguish was bursting with a single rub!

The surrounding sofas used to rest were instantly ignited!

If it weren't for the furniture here, the high-quality materials used were the best quality, fireproof and waterproof.

Otherwise, this flame will come out, and the whole building will almost be wasted.

"You guys... Guilty!

"Sinners ... Damn it! "

The reaction of the Evil Spirit Knight, compared to before, is completely judgmental.

At this time, Bruce Banner, who had been silent, and Dr. Otto looked at each other and helped each other over.

"This man, although I don't know why you have so much, the people here are all good people!

Even if you want to judge sin, you should not kill innocents. Banner

preached carefully, and Dr. Otto on the side quietly went around the back.

In the hand on the back, there is a weapon that is similar in style to a pistol, but it is not a conventional firearm.

He intends to use this thing to control the Evil Spirit Knight.

"You! Guilty!

Ignoring Dr. Banner's words, the Ghost Rider grabbed him by the collar like a mad demon and looked him straight into the eyes!

This moment.

Banner seemed to feel that something was burning wildly in his body!

Quick as a wink.

Hulk Rage Awakens!

The Hulk, who had been suppressed by You Ming for a long time, finally couldn't bear it and appeared in front of everyone!

However, except for Dr. Otto, none of the other agents present were shocked.

Because they have long known that Dr. Banner is the Hulk Hulk.

"I'm Hulk !!"

The Hulk roared, directly smashed the evil spirit knight into the air, and then rushed up to beat the other party.

Seeing this, Dr. Otto immediately swooped forward and pulled the trigger shaped like a pistol.

I saw a freezing ray, which completely froze the Evil Spirit Knight in an instant!

The cold wind howled.

The sudden cold ice made everyone present feel refreshed.

"Hulk hates this feeling!"

Feeling the cold, Hulk immediately set his eyes on Dr. Otto.

His cerebellar disease came directly towards Otto!

At this moment, Otto was frightened and pulled the trigger again, trying to freeze it.

But this thing suddenly exploded in his hands!

For a time, the blood and flesh of his palms were blurry, all traces of frostbite and explosions!

Although not particularly serious, it is enough to affect subsequent regeneration studies of the reactor.

What's more, the Hulk has already rushed in front of him, and his fist immediately smashed down!

As if seeing Dr. Otto in heaven, he directly closed his eyes and quietly welcomed his death.

However, at this moment, a figure flashed directly in front of the Hulk, intercepting his steps abruptly.

"Hulk, go back."

The voice was flat, as if it was just a casual chat, without any emotion.

But when Hulk heard this voice, he directly shivered and immediately returned to Bruce Banner's body.

"Dr. Otto, well done, now I'll leave it to me.

Your injury was later reimbursed by the finance department, and your internship was forfeited.

Starting today, you are an official member of Hydra.

But only if I need details of the weapon you just had.

"Knowing the boss, I have already prepared the information for this weapon."

But be careful, this angry guy is a bit of an evil man.

Although my freeze gun is still in the first stage of experimental state.

But it can't be so weak, even the fire can't be extinguished.

Dr. Otto reminded, helping Banner up in pain.

"It's not your fault, because the flame on this guy's body is not the fire of the world, but from hell."


Dr. Otto's eyes flickered, and then he did not speak, but supported each other back to the crowd with Dr. Banner.

At this moment, You Ming's eyes flashed with a warm light.

From the time the phone was dialed, it has only been a few minutes now.

Originally, You Ming could rush back the moment he received the call.

But on the way back, he encounters a force organization and asks You Ming to join them.

The other party did not give space to refuse, but let You Ming must join, otherwise it will let Hydra completely destroyed.

You Ming didn't know where this group of people got such a big face, let alone what kind of force they were.

But what surprised You Ming was that the person who invited him to join was far more physically than ordinary people.

It will even blow itself up!

Each of them is like a human bomb, exaggerated to the point of unimaginability.

It is precisely because of this that You Ming wasted a little time on this group of people, so he came back a little later.

As for what kind of force the other party was, he didn't bother to care at all.

Right now.

His gaze returned to You Ming and the Evil Spirit Knight.

At this moment, the Evil Spirit Knight had already broken free from the ice.

The flames on his body were almost burning to the ceiling.

This is the first time that You Ming has seen the flame of the Evil Spirit Knight burn so vigorously.

Not tossing a spoon on its head is really a bit wasteful.

"You! Guilty! The

Evil Spirit Knight said in a hateful tone.

Next second!

Chains whistle!

The chains wrapped around hellfire even distorted the surrounding air.

But for You Ming, it didn't hurt in the slightest.

As soon as he grabbed it, he crushed it directly.

However, just when You Ming was about to drag the Evil Spirit Knight over, who knew that the other party would directly break through the window and escape!

Obviously one second it was so imposing, but the next second, he chose to run away in embarrassment.

This is simply not in line with his personality.

Even You Ming was stunned for a second before he reacted, and immediately laughed.

"This guy, I'm afraid he doesn't have a psychological shadow!"

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