After the arguments of the Ghost Knight, and the hour-long desperate explanation.

You Ming finally believed that the guy in front of him, with his legs soft and almost kneeling, was indeed here to apply.

His body has been reconnected and then returned to its human form.

As for the Evil Spirit Knight form, he didn't dare to use it anymore, because he would definitely be killed by You Ming!

More importantly, the original evil spirit form, when encountering sin, people will take the initiative to emerge.

Then, as the master of the power, he will be influenced by the mind of the evil spirit knight and then begin to carry out justice.

This time too.

After all, the other party did not expect that there were so many people who had killed hidden inside Hydra!

They're not necessarily bad people, but they're definitely not good people!

It was precisely because of this that the evil spirit knight who entered the base camp of Hydra suddenly lost control.

Then came the previous oolong incident.

"If that's the case, I can't let you go.

Although this is a misunderstanding, the cause is the loss of control of the power in your body.

But in essence, it is your fault that caused such a big loss to our company.

It just so happens that I am recruiting a new legal partner today.

You can talk to him in detail about the reparations. Saying

that, You Ming was about to dial, Daredevil's phone.

"I can work! Whitework for you!

But at the moment when You Ming was about to press the dial button, the other party finally spoke, making You Ming satisfied with the reply.

"Eh, how can this work?

I am not an evil capitalist, but I am very good to my people.

They are any person, even the cleaner aunt, who has three times the company outside.

High-skilled talents, ten times the salary plus benefits!

So no, you can't stay here to work for nothing to pay off debts.

Unless..." Speaking

of this, You Ming pretended to look at the other party hesitantly.

This evil spirit knight, who seemed to have a very thick brain, immediately lit up his eyes.

"Unless what?"

Just wait for your words!

You Ming smiled slightly, and his face gradually became kinder.

"Unless you take Kim He's place, I can only send you to court."

After all, I am a very reasonable person.

Everything can speak with reason and law.

And if you let you work in vain to pay off your debts, then it will become my loss, so it is absolutely impossible!

But you replace Kim He, and everything is different.

You can master the entire underground gang and have a steady stream of money flowing into your account.

In the end, you are using this money to pay off the debt, doesn't this perfectly solve this problem? You

Ming's smile was very good.

Originally, he planned to personally attack Jin.

But now, there is such a thug, and after this chase battle at night.

The outside world must have received news that You Ming and the Evil Spirit Knight are not in the same group.

So let such a guy, who owes himself a lot, replace Jin He.

This is equivalent to indirectly mastering the underground gangster!

As for whether he has the ability to bring the gangsters together, it depends on his own ability.

"No problem! Although I don't understand why I want to be a gang boss.

But since it was your request, I will do it! The

Ghost Knight immediately agreed.

He didn't care what the reason was, as well as You Ming's thoughts, anyway, he would agree to it first.

After all, he really did make Hydra Company suffer losses.

But what made the Ghost Knight curious was how much this loss was.

"So, can I ask?

How much do I have to lose? Hearing

the question, You Ming pondered for a moment, and then stretched out a finger.

"A million?"

"It's okay, it's not too much..." Looking

at the other party's relieved appearance, You Ming smiled contemptuously, and then shook his head.

"If it's a million, I'm too lazy to let you lose."

I'm talking about ten billion!

And that's just the economic loss you caused to our company.

You have to compensate for the lost work expenses of those staff, as well as the emotional damage expenses!

Plus Dr. Banner and Dr. Otto, all because of you.

They are world-renowned scientists, they are priceless!

So all add up, you have to compensate 100 billion! Hearing

You Ming's words, the Evil Spirit Knight was immediately dumbfounded!

He never expected that this number would be so exaggerated!

He suspected that You Ming was lying to himself.

Not sure, ask again.

"Are you really not miscalculating? Such a huge number, even if it goes to court, the judge will not approve it, right?

And the public opinion outside, don't you think about it? The

Ghost Knight asked tentatively.

Because of this number, even if you master the gangster, it is difficult to pay off.

It's almost a lifetime of debt!

"Of course they won't approve, so I'll change my people up!"

As for public opinion, we Hydra control the direction of public opinion.

So do you think anyone cares about that little bit of sound? The

corners of You Ming's mouth raised slightly.

Although his smile is handsome, the Ghost Knight seems to see the devil of hell!

Such a gesture almost awakened the fear in the depths of his soul!

"So, you have only two paths to go now, either be banished to the universe, or be honest and pay off your debts."

Later, I will ask people to draw up a contract, you only need to be responsible for signing and pledging, and you don't have to worry about the rest.

As for Jinhe's side, I will also pave the way for you.

The only thing you have to do is kill Kim and replace him! Saying

that, You Ming got up and left, leaving the Evil Spirit Knight alone, doubting life in the room.

This day is really too magical!

First he was twisted off his head, and then after coming to the Hydra Company, his power was out of control, and he directly offended people to death!

What's even more terrifying is that after he did these things, he found out that the person who twisted his head before turned out to be the boss of the company!

So he wanted to run, but he was almost broken up.

The latter is good to say that it is to avoid the fate of being thrown into the universe, but inexplicably, it is burdened with a debt of 100 billion!

In an instant, it changed from a petty bourgeoisie to a big negative urn!

Such a magical and fulfilling day makes the Ghost Rider feel that he can write a novel!

A little magic change.

Turn the last grievance into a refreshing battle and revenge, which can definitely be a big sale!

"Wait! I am an immortal body, and when I survive you, I will crush you to ashes!" The

Ghost Knight sneered.

Since you can't beat it, stay up with each other!

Anyway, his life expectancy is almost infinite, so just wait for You Ming to die of old age.

But what he didn't know was that if You Ming was willing, he could also stay young forever.

Therefore, the statement of dying You Ming was not valid from the beginning.

But the Ghost Knight doesn't know this.

He was still immersed in fantasy, and then he saw a beautiful girl walking in with a contract.

"Hello, my name is Natasha, this is your contract, please sign it."

In addition, there is a backup copy of the contract here, please also sign it. Without

doubt, the Ghost Knight took the pen and signed his name.

Anyway, he has already entered the mouth of the tiger, and he can't die, that is, You Ming's words.

So he signed both contracts.

Natasha smiled slightly, immediately bowed, and exposed the career line at a glance.

"Thank you for your cooperation, and please wait for a while, someone will come to train you later."

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