"It's not bad, now it's a little relieved."

You Ming smiled slightly, and immediately returned to the Hydra Mansion.

In one day, the punisher who did not deal with You Ming and the underground gangster were solved.

Although the bullseye guy, because of Jin's task, still wandered outside and did not die.

But a bullseye is simply not enough.

"Crossbone, you send someone who has a clean foundation, has not killed anyone, and has not made any bad deals, to fight Blazer.

I am worried that he alone will not be able to control such a large territory.

"Got it, but what if he rejected us?"

Crossbone asked, but You Ming looked at each other with fool-like eyes.

"Use your brains! We Hydra are experts in infiltration, do you still need to ask me about this kind of thing? Asked

back by You Ming, Crossbone suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment, and then left the office.

After all, the crossbones are the main battle, and the brain is enough.

But when it comes to infiltration, he's not particularly good at it, which is why he asked such a stupid question.

After dealing with these things, You Ming could finally rest.

With so much going on tonight, he barely stopped.

Looking at the time, it was already half past two in the morning.

But just when You Ming was about to rest and sleep, a phone call came in, which made him a little irritable.

The main thing is that this is still an empty number!

"Contact me with an empty number, are you afraid that I will trace your identity?"

You Ming said mockingly into the phone.

On the other end of the phone, there was some silence.

"Why don't you talk? Don't tell me, you made a mistake!

Even if it is an empty number, I have the means to find your location!

I don't sleep in the middle of the night, but call to disturb the people, do you believe that I chased the phone line to find you?

You Ming said seriously.

At this time, there was finally a hoarse voice on the other side of the phone.

"Hydra You Ming?"

"Well, it's me, what's the matter?"

The other party paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"We have a gift for you, already outside the Hydra Mansion, please go and receive it in person."

After saying this, the other party directly hung up the phone.

You Ming frowned, and immediately ordered someone to inquire about the source of the phone, and he went downstairs to see what it was!

However, when he came down to take a look, he found that there was only one express package, and nothing else.

You Ming did not dare to be careless, and opened his perspective eye to check the situation inside the package.

But the strange thing is that inside this express, there seems to be a special metal substance that isolates You Ming's see-through eyes.

So he had to open the package with his own hands.

But You Ming won't be so stupid.

With a laser eye, he peeled off the package layer by layer, and finally revealed a metal box inside.

Then You Ming waved his hand, set off a whirlwind, and after lifting the lid, there was a strong smell of blood, which entered the tip of You Ming's nose.

At first glance, this turned out to be a bloody human head!

And this person, You Ming still knows!

He is exactly one of the first Hydra agents that You Ming knows, in addition to sin, Douglas!

You Ming still vaguely remembered that this guy was the captain of the Hydra agent, commanding hundreds of people under him.

Then You Ming asked them to come here to assist him.

As for what Douglas went to do later, he didn't care at all.

But now, the other party's head appeared in front of You Ming so bloodily.

Although he and Douglas are not familiar with each other, at the very least, they are also their own people!

Or the first person to show loyalty to himself besides sin!

So his death means a lot to You Ming!

You Ming's face was gloomy, and then he saw that inside the iron box, there was actually a blood-stained letter.

You Ming reached out and took it out and unfolded it carefully.

'Dear Mr. Ariake:


This is a gift from our hand association, we hope you will be satisfied.

Given that you declined our invitation and killed dozens of our subordinates, this is a small warning.

Next, we will continue to attack the people around you, and please be prepared. A

very brief letter, but it successfully provoked You Ming's anger!

Finally he looked into the envelope, and there were other letters.

You Ming took it out and looked at it, and it was a photo of Starlight!

In other words, their next target is most likely Starlight!

"Hand rendezvous? An organization that has never heard of dares to be so arrogant!

It seems that if you don't find out, you rats in the gutter really think that you can shake the sun!

You Ming sneered, and immediately put away the photo and the stationery.

As for Douglas, You Ming couldn't resurrect him, so he could only send someone to bury him properly.

Later, You Ming also went to the investigation department and asked about the phone tracking.

But the result was clueless.

Because the other party, not only the empty number used, but even the queried base station, is a pseudo base station.

Even through the wavelength comparison of sound, no valid information is obtained.

This shows that there is no one in the world who can match the wavelength of this voice on the phone!

This made You Ming understand that the Hand Association is a very powerful organization!

But as for why he has never heard of it, it may be because the person who knows the other party is dead.

That's why they seem more low-key.

Even Hydra, for the information of the Hand Association, only knows that they are an assassination organization.

Within the organization, there is an old woman who often comes forward, codenamed Mrs. Gao.

As for the others, Hydra also did not have any information on this side.

Even Mrs. Gao only knew that she could use a special natural ability.

This is not a superpower, but more like a natural energy use.

So here's the problem.

This organization, why is it eyeing itself.

Does it do them any good to provoke an invincible person?

You Ming couldn't understand it, but since the other party had already done this, it must be an unending situation!

"Notify Starlight and let her come to the company to sleep today!"

After putting this sentence aside, You Ming returned to his office.

What happened tonight made him angry and couldn't sleep at all, so You Ming simply worked all night.

Early in the morning.

Starlight put on a bandage and entered the office with breakfast.

"Boss, don't be too tired.

Even if that hand is ready to attack me, I am not without the power of self-preservation!

Xingguang spoke, but You Ming shook his head.

"You do have superpowers, but the Hand Association is a killer organization and will not go head-to-head with you.

So once you let your guard down, you give them the opportunity to assassinate you!

I checked Douglas's information, and his ability can be called a top ten master in Hydra's agents!

But it was such a top agent who was silently assassinated.

Even the agents who sent an investigation said there were no signs of fighting in his home.

So Starlight you have to understand.

Sometimes killing people does not require any means at all.

Just do whatever you want while you're asleep. "

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