Daredevil One Fifty-Ten told all the information about the Hand Guild.

It also includes a secret address that even Hydra has not found out!

A very secluded bar without a name, it is one of the strongholds of the Hands Association!

And such a stronghold, in this city, there will be at least twenty or so!

So it's not enough to end one, you have to uproot it!

Daredevil then revealed information about the Hand Guild, the other creators.

You Ming recorded their information and sent it to the intelligence department for them to investigate.

As long as the identity and location coordinates can be determined, You Ming will definitely personally deliver the express!

"Isn't there anything else besides these?

For example, behind the hand-held association, are there any masterminds behind the scenes, and the abilities of these five founders, don't you know?

You Ming continued to ask, but Daredevil shook his head.

"I really don't know this, after all, I have only been in contact with the middle and lower classes of the Hands Association.

I have never even seen this kind of real high-level, how can I know.

Daredevil said very aggrieved.

Because if he had really seen the high-level of the hand union, he would not have let his ex-girlfriend die on the street.

"So be it, you prepare your lawyer's information, and then go to the personnel department to pull out a contract about Blazer."

The specifics and the contract of arrears, you discuss with them how to get it.

This guy Blazer owes me 100 billion, so this contract, you have to deal with it seriously, you can't be vague.

"Mr. You Ming, what did you just say?

I just seemed to have misheard, are you sure of the number, is it 10 million?

Daredevil felt as if something was wrong with his ears.

He thinks he hears 100 billion, but it's actually 10 million.

But You Ming shook his head and spoke.

"You heard it right, it's 100 billion!"


Daredevil suddenly gasped.

It was really difficult for him to understand who could owe such a huge amount of money!

Even if it is a real estate loan, it will not owe 100 billion, right?

Could it be a national debt?

Thinking of this, Daredevil did not dare to think about it, but went to prepare the materials himself.

Karen is not here, then you have to come by yourself.

After all, before Karen, he also sorted out the materials by himself, but he changed to a new environment and needed to adapt for a while, so the speed would be slower.

You Ming did not take care of Daredevil, but left the living room and went to the factory next door.

It has been converted into a laboratory.

There are open, sterile laboratories, and even fully sealed biochemical laboratories.

Among them, there are even other kinds of laboratories subdivided.

Anyway, You Ming didn't understand one, so he tossed with them.

The area of this factory building must be at least two or three hundred square meters, and it is still a two-storey, which is enough for them to toss.

The previous company building, because of the limited conditions, could not be classified in detail.

So after changing the environment, this group of people immediately became active.

You Ming crossed the doors of the laboratories, and then looked for Otto's location through the perspective eyes.

Soon, at the end of the factory, he saw Otto and Banner, discussing something.

"Dr. Otto, Dr. Banner, is it convenient for me to come in?"

You Ming stood at the door and asked.

Because I don't know what the other party is studying, it's better to ask.

So as not to have any surprises.

"It's convenient, boss, come in."

Dr. Banner took the initiative to open the door for You Ming and ushered him in.

Dr. Otto had a bandage on his palm, and it looked like the previous injury was not healed now.

"Boss, I have a new discovery here!

This is a piece of artificial auxiliary chip!

As long as this thing is attached to the human spine, it can assist the brain to think, and then achieve the level of rapid thinking, even parallel thinking!

More importantly, this thing can be attached to a robotic arm to act in place of its own arm.

This way, everyone with your agents can wear exoskeleton armor without restrictions!

Otto said excitedly.

You Ming stepped forward to take a look, and immediately understood what this thing was.

In the original book, Dr. Zhang Wenyu relied on such a chip and then controlled his mechanical tentacles.

But for some reason, the chip has a backlash, which amplifies the dark side of Dr. Otto.

The original Dr. Octopus was a kind and attentive man who was very considerate of others.

But after being changed by the chip, he became a selfish, evil-doing, and only acted for his own interests.

Of course, he made a profit for his own research, but ignored the suffering of others.

This thing basically amplifies his obsession and turns him into a paranoia!

So You Ming's first thought when he saw this thing was to destroy it.

But thought about it for a moment.

In the original book, Spider-Man can save Dr. Octopus, and there are so many researchers on his side, so it makes no sense that he can't compare to a Peter Parker.

"Nice invention, but it feels a bit chicken.

After all, no matter how strong the exoskeleton is, it is impossible for Stark's steel armor to be strong. As

soon as this remark came out, it was directly exploded!

Dr. Otto's originally excited expression immediately turned into an embarrassed look.

He scratched his head and then took out the box next to him.

"Boss, this is a reactor, although there were some accidents, it was still made at the specified time.

If you want a complete replica, I'll arrange for a one-to-one restore right away! Otto

used the reactor to change the subject.

You Ming did not dismantle the other party, but nodded and put the reactor away.

"Don't rush to replicate it first, wait until I see if anything new appears on Stark's side."

Hearing You Ming say this, Dr. Otto suddenly fell silent.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was that Stark's ability dumped him several streets!

But he doesn't care about this, after all, the other party is young, and he is already old.

Those who cannot keep up with the times will be swallowed up by the tide of the times, which is a matter of nine times out of ten.

"By the way, boss, the frozen gun you said last time, I also upgraded it.

Now this thing has been tested several times, but the effect is worse than I expected.

Not even as good as the first generation.

Saying that, Otto glanced at his palm.

His injuries were caused by the explosion of the first generation of frozen guns.

So the second generation, starting from safety, guarantees no more blowing up, as well as stable shooting.

But the flaw is that the power is directly reduced to a tenth.

It's fine to freeze people, but it's impossible to freeze it completely.

Because of this thing, even the flame cannot be frozen, let alone a large living person.

Compared with the first generation, directly freezing the evil spirit knight for a few minutes, this second generation frozen gun is simply a toy.

"I know, you improve and improve, if you think you can, then mass production and equip every agent!"

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