Sakura Island Country, earthquakes after earthquakes!

The ocean, the waves!

This is the moment.

The entire island country has fallen into a scene like the end of the world!

A huge storm fell from the sky.

The monstrous waves are washing away the sins of this country.

Above the sky, endless whirlpools, like the gates of hell, contain everyone's souls!

The ground is devastated, corpses are strewn everywhere, and blood flows like rivers!

The entire island country is almost on the verge of destruction!

This is the moment.

A special news item was urgently broadcast on television in various countries.

Hydra President You Ming, codenamed Superman, is trying to destroy the island nation of Sakura because of a personal grudge!

For a while, people were panicked.

No matter what the country, it is extremely panicky.

Except for Hua Guo.

Because the people of this country appreciate what You Ming has done.

But politicians also have to make their attitude clear.

After all, You Ming's behavior is almost not much different from those terrorists.

The only difference may be that You Ming's strength is not something that those terrorists can touch.

But there is only one You Ming here.

Starlight is not there.

She had already followed the people of Hydra and left the cherry blossom island country.

You Ming came over with the starlight, one is to let her see the world, and the other is to mock the hand association in person, telling the other party in person that Hydra is not a bully!

Then You Ming spent a day meeting the hands of the cherry blossom island country, all in one pot.

Whether it was Mrs. Gao, or anyone else, they were all killed by You Ming.

Although these people possess a special True Qi ability similar to that of the Ancient Kingdom of Huaxia.

However, this ability, they did not have a perfect mastery, so You Ming could easily kill it in seconds.

After solving the five dens and killing the five founders, You Ming was ready to overturn the entire island country!

But if you want to overturn the cherry blossom island country, it is still a little difficult for You Ming.

So he has to rely on the power of nature, otherwise it will be difficult to do this.

That's why he borrowed the power of earthquakes, storms, and tsunamis to constantly impact the foundation of the cherry blossom island nation.

As long as the entire island collapses, it is a good time for You Ming to make a move!


In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury's office, the phone is almost bursting!

He is now in a state of distress and needs to constantly face all kinds of oncoming problems.

More importantly, the agents of the Sakura Island Country are also asking whether to retreat or not.

After all, they stayed there and had no purpose other than sending them to death.

"Everyone evacuate! It must not have anything to do with Hydra! Nick

Fury gave the order, and then shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, he really planned to cut with Hydra.

Although it is said that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have not been dealt with since ancient times.

But because of Hydra, there is a new leader, and its strength is enough to pinch S.H.I.E.L.D. at will.

It was precisely because of this that he wanted to contact You Ming.

But not only did he stick his hot face to his cold ass, but even You Ming was still killing!

Although all those killed are the people of Sakura Island, who are full of evil and heinous crimes.

But who can guarantee that this knife will not fall on his head.

After all, although the people of Sakura Island have done a lot of evil, they are really better than the number of killings, or the Americans!

The only thing that the other party can crush the United States may be the degree of perversion.

And Nick Fury also remembered a sentence that You Ming once said.

He does not have any nationality position!

That is, he is an independent individual who is not controlled by any state at all.

If he had to say it, he could only be regarded as the king of China in the Hydra Country!

"It seems that this time, we are in big trouble."

Natasha also rushed back because of this incident.

She looked at Nick Fury's helpless look and didn't know what to say.

The captain at this time, Steve Rogers, looked at the live broadcast screen and asked a question.

"Since the other party is so strong, why don't we look for someone who is stronger than him and has a sense of justice to come out and punish him?"

Hearing Steve's words, Nick Fury sighed softly and then took out a BB machine.

"To be honest, I didn't want to trouble her, but in the current situation, if I don't call her back, I feel that the scene will be seriously out of control."

With that, Nick Fury pressed the BB machine.

Although Steve, as well as Natasha, did not know what it was.

But looking at Nick Fury's expression, it is estimated that something very important!


Hydra headquarters, as well as You Ming's villa, all the agents cheered.

They had been holding back for too long, and now they finally saw their boss break out once.

If it doesn't sound, it's already a blockbuster!

As long as You Ming makes a move, it will be a real war to destroy the country!

And he can easily destroy the cherry blossom island country on his own!

Although the island country has not yet sunk, it is only a matter of time before it disappears.

"I really didn't expect that the boss is so much stronger than we thought!"

Otto, who has become Dr. Octopus, wields his mechanical tentacles as if calling You Ming.

Bruce Banner next to him twitched from time to time, as if he had been shocked.

However, this is not his problem, but the Hulk in his body, who is frightened by the scene in front of him.

After all, Hulk was beaten by You Ming, and he didn't dare to rise up at all.

Especially when it saw that You Ming was destroying a country, it convulsed with fear.

The Hulk can't wait to disappear now, lest he suffer such fear again.

"Although the boss did too much this time, I don't know why, I somehow feel very cool!"

Banner smiled.

This means that he is no longer his original self.

Banner was thoroughly spoiled.


The Ghost Rider is also watching the live broadcast.

The flames on his body trembled.

Although he was expressionless, this trembling flame showed that his heart was not calm.

This is the moment.

Everyone in the world is watching the live broadcast.

They all want to know if this evil cherry blossom island country will really be destroyed!

Billions of people around the world, except for the cherry blossom island nation, are all looking forward to it and fearing it.

They look forward to the collapse of the island country, but at the same time they are afraid that You Ming's ability will not affect their country.

For a time, the headquarters of Hydra and the office of evil also received all kinds of threatening calls.

Almost every country called.

Even some countries are not at ease and directly bomb wildly.

This country is nothing else, it is the country where Hydra is currently located!

They are really afraid, because in terms of crime, if the United States says second, the cherry blossom island country can only rank third!

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