In the simple ward, the air is filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes. If he moved a little, the wounds on his body would hurt.


"Where am I?"

Looking around, this place looks like a ward converted from a bedroom.

"You're awake, don't move yet, I'll inform them."

A doctor wearing a mask calmed Wang Yan's emotions and immediately walked out of the door.

Wang Yan lay down honestly, his mind full of thoughts.

The experience of the evacuation point was vivid in his mind.

Liang Guangzhi's rebellion carried those Brothers who have been through life and death, stabbing each other in the back.

As a commander in charge of an army, for such a thing to happen.

It is simply shameless to face it.

My heart feels like a knife is being twisted, and I am so depressed that I can vomit blood.

"I've known for a long time that he was dissatisfied, but he didn't take any action.……"

Liang Guangzhi showed negative emotions not once or twice.

But because he has been with him for many years, Wang Yan believes that he has the spirit of a soldier.

Wouldn't do such an unethical thing.

So I just thought he was complaining, who knew it would lead to such a disaster.

The evacuation point was seized, and many personnel were killed or injured.

As a leader, he cannot escape his responsibility

"Being able to have medical resources and electricity in this apocalyptic world……"

Looking at the air conditioner blowing out hot air, the temperature in the room is comfortable and warm.

This special strength is simply off the charts!

You must know that at the evacuation point, a burning fire is enough to make people break their heads and fight for it.

"I don’t know who can lead such a powerful base."

"But why does my body feel weird?"

Wang Yan felt that the wound was very itchy, which meant that the flesh and blood was growing.

But was it growing too fast?

Could it be that he had been sleeping for a few days this time?

"Chief! You finally woke up!"

A few soldiers rushed in excitedly, with tears in their eyes.

Wang Yan was very relieved to see that these people were all his confidants.

"Don't cry, what are you talking about?"

"By the way, where is this?"

Faced with Wang Yan's inquiry, the soldiers quickly answered

"We found a base established by the survivors, run by leader Lin Mie."

When he heard Lin Mie's name, Wang Yan's expression flashed with surprise.

But he quickly disappeared and nodded.

When he first saw him, he felt that this man had an extraordinary temperament and would definitely achieve great things.

He even beat him up. tires, trying to force him to stay.

Unfortunately, he could jump three to four meters high in one jump, and ran directly over the fortifications.

"Where is Lin Mie now?"

"Leader Lin has been notified and should be coming over."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was opened and Lin Mie entered the room.

Seeing him who was so oppressive, everyone swallowed their saliva.

"Chief Wang, you wake up."

After saying hello, Lin Mie sat aside.

"Alas, I am still a leader, a bereaved dog who fled in embarrassment. Just call me Wang Yan."

The word"chief" seems so heavy at this moment.

"The chief joked that what he threw away would be something he could get back one day. Lin

Mie laughed. After a brief chat, he signaled the soldiers to leave. He had something to say to Wang Yan alone.

The soldiers bowed respectfully to Lin Mie and exited the room.

Wang Yan was slightly confused. What did Lin Mie want to say to him?

"Chief Wang, there are some things you should know about your physical treatment.……"

Lin Mie told him the efficacy of the Blood Corpse Pill, and Wang Yan's eyes were full of disbelief.

Have I become a blood corpse?

From now on, he had to take blood corpse pills from Lin Mie every day in order to survive.

This news was so shocking that Wang Yan took a long time to digest it.

Slowly exhaling a breath, Wang Yan smiled bitterly. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can be done?

And he didn’t blame Lin Mie. No matter what, he was doing it to save himself.

"Leader Lin, I have a heartfelt request.……"

Wang Yan struggled to get up, but Lin Mie held him down.

"If you have anything, just say it, no need to get up."

Wang Yan had a complicated look on his face. He thought about it and spoke slowly.

"I would like to ask the leader to kill the traitor Liang Guangzhi if there is a chance in the future."

After saying these words, the anger in Wang Yan's eyes was indelible.

The tragic death of soldiers and civilians could not be eradicated in his mind for a long time.

Especially Liang Guangzhi's disgusting face, even if it was torn into pieces a thousand times, it would be difficult to get rid of the hatred.

Lin Mie Nodding, killing Liang Guangzhi was already part of his plan.

"Don't worry, Chief Wang, I will deal with it even if you don't tell me. After all, allowing an unstable force to develop here is also a big threat to me."

Hearing Lin Mie's words, Wang Yan was so excited that he wanted to bow to him.

But Lin Mie still pressed him down.

"By the way, Chief Wang, I have something that I don’t know if it’s convenient for you to tell me."

"Leader Lin, but it’s okay to talk"

"I want to know what the current situation of the country is like."

Lin Mie's words silenced Wang Yan. This was because he wanted to inquire about the country's information from him.

For example, what kind of strength the country still has.

This is a military secret and must not be disclosed.

But now, my own His life was saved by others, and he also lost his identity.

If you want to gain the trust of the other party, you have to give something.

Wang Yan slowly told what he knew under the ideological struggle.

"Before the power outage, we contacted the country several times. You can rest assured that our main force has not been affected."

"The strength of the army has not been weakened too much, but the zombie virus has suddenly broken out across the country, making it difficult to disperse manpower for rescue."

"According to intelligence, the zombies in several major cities have been suppressed, and the people there have been protected."


A simple description with Lin Mie also gave Lin Mie an understanding of the situation in front of him.

In the face of modern thermal weapons, zombies at this stage are still difficult to pose a threat.

Of course, that's only at this stage.

Zombies will continue to evolve, and disasters will continue to escalate.

One day, even ordinary zombies will be able to resist bullets.

By that time, modern thermal weapons will be useless

"Chief Wang, you can rest here for the time being. If you have any requests, just ask my subordinates."

"Thank you, but... Leader Lin, just call me Wang Yan."

"Okay, then Wang Yan, you have a good rest."

Coming out of the ward, Wang Yan may not be useful for the time being, but after killing Liang Guangzhi and obtaining the equipment to contact the center, Wang Yan can exert great power at that time.


I read a lot of people's comments and they all said that the word"Holy Mother" at the beginning,"Young Master" to Lin Mie Mie, was very dramatic.

After reading it, I immediately cut it in half...

Because this is my first time writing, I have stepped on all the pitfalls of the apocalypse. I have learned from the experience. I thought about it and decided to start a new book. This time I will learn from the lessons of this book and avoid all the pitfalls..

I’m so tired of updating this one…thinking about new books…

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