The sky was already dark.

It was only about 16 o'clock in the afternoon in summer, but the sky was already dark.

A huge dark red sun hung in the sky, and the light it shone was still scorching, but not dazzling enough, nor as bright as before.

This was an endless grassland. The usual green grass did not grow well, and yellow-green was considered good. Many of them had already fallen and withered.

"Yasheng, go catch a sheep and deal with it. There are guests at home. Prepare the whole sheep and roast it directly."

"When roasting, pour the spicy sauce bought from the mainland, and put a lot of dried chili skins and teeth. Guests like spicy food."

The father's instructions to his son came from the tent.

Yasheng agreed and lifted the curtain. With a machete hanging from his waist, he walked all the way to the sheepfold, staring at the sheep that seemed to have sensed something was wrong and began to hide.

"You dare to eat grass when you see me coming?"

"If you dare to eat grass today, you will dare to eat people tomorrow, and that's you."

"I suddenly remembered that the person who was killed the day before yesterday was your brother, who was born to the same mother. We can live in the same pen and die in the same pot. What a good relationship."

Yasheng was a good sheep catcher. He grabbed it regardless of its struggle and dragged it directly to the blood bucket outside to prepare for bleeding.

According to the normal steps, the sheep should be tied and fixed, but Yasheng was very strong, and he had been extremely skilled in the process since he was a child. He didn't need to worry about so much. He just pulled out the machete from his waist and started.

The black sheep suddenly turned its head and bit him.

There was a sharp pain in the palm of his hand. Yasheng looked down and found that a whole piece of his meat had been bitten off.

His first reaction was not horror, but astonishment. Could it be that they had raised fake sheep for so many years?

Dare to eat grass today, dare to eat people tomorrow, this is a joke, are you serious?

The black sheep struggled to break free from his control, and then bit him hard again, this time biting his shoulder when he bent down to try to hold him down.

Yasheng saw that the beast had grown ferocious canine teeth on its jaw without knowing when, and he couldn't help but screamed in panic.

The black sheep ran away desperately. At first, the speed was a little slow, just the level of normal sheep running, but it got faster and faster later.

When Yasheng's father and friends rushed out of the tent, they happened to see it disappearing quickly under the hills not far away like a galloping horse.

"Is it bitten by a sheep? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

After listening to what Yasheng said, his father found it even more difficult to accept the fact than Yasheng.

If sheep can eat people, why don't they live in the pen?

"How are you, Yasheng? Do you feel anything else?"

My father's friend was a middle-aged bald man with a beer belly and a friendly expression. He did not panic, but asked about Yasheng's condition and checked the wound at the same time.

"I'm fine, and it doesn't hurt much. It seems that the wound is paralyzed. It can't be poisonous!"

Yasheng gritted his teeth and said that it was obviously abnormal that the wound didn't hurt even though the flesh was bitten off.

He would rather die in pain, just like when a dog bit off a piece of meat when he was a child.

My father took out his phone to contact the nearest health center in the pastoral area, and two clips appeared out of thin air in the middle-aged man's hand. They were the cartoon colored plastic clips that little girls used to clip books.

He clamped the clips on the blood vessels of Yasheng's two wounds, and Yasheng immediately recovered his normal pain. After a stream of abnormal black blood flowed out of the wounds, the blood color became normal.

Not only did he stop bleeding, but the wound even slowly crawled and recovered at a visible level. This scene stunned the father and son.

"Cartoon survival clip, this is a prop, which is some special tools that people like us rely on to deal with various abnormal events."

"Just hold it for two hours, then take care of it for a few more days, eat something good, and your child will heal quickly with his physique, but there will be wounds."

The middle-aged man stopped Yasheng's father from continuing to make calls, and conjured up a roll of bandages out of thin air, bandaging him with extremely skillful techniques.

"Disposable sterile bandages, tied on the wound will automatically stop bleeding and sterilize, and you don't need to do anything after tying it, just wait for it to fall off automatically."

"These props are so powerful..." Yasheng's father breathed a sigh of relief, but he had long known about his friend's power, so he didn't say much, and turned to mention the sheep that bite people.

The middle-aged man sighed: "In the past two and a half years, there have been a lot of abnormal events, not only in your remote provinces, but also in the densely populated Central Plains and coastal areas.

. "

"Since the sun turned into that ghostly shape, it has never been normal."

"Grass withered, grain production decreased, climate abnormalities, abnormal migration of migratory birds... These are just the obvious disasters, let's just say meteorological disasters."

"But I have also heard of some cases of cattle and sheep going crazy and biting people and fleeing into the wild. They have essentially become a kind of wild beast. Wasn't the news of the elderly being attacked and killed by pets just reported yesterday?"

The middle-aged man explained, but only he knew that the degree of chaos in the world at this time was far more than this?

The only good news is that these anomalies have not erupted on a large scale for the time being, and there have been no iconic, influential and sensational typical events.

"Next time you kill a sheep, be careful, knock it unconscious and tie it up slowly."

"I guess the sheep was stressed after seeing the knife and the blood bucket, and had some strange reaction that triggered the anomaly. "


Donghai City, University of Finance.

At this time, a dispute between a teacher and a student was breaking out in a class.

On the top of the blackboard were written the words "Wild and Urban Survival Course", and below were a few crooked lines of writing, which roughly described what everyone should do when encountering corresponding dangers and accidents.

"No matter if you encounter any danger in the city or the wild, the first thing to do is to call the police. Before the police come, don't do anything except self-protection. What do you think?"

"Of course you can do this in peacetime."

"But now, it's not that the underground of a community collapses, or poisonous rats rush out of an underground passage, or there are perverted murderers, or people are missing abnormally!"

"There are large and small cordons everywhere in the city, and there are police on duty everywhere. Auxiliary police recruitment notices are posted all over the streets. Teacher Wang, do you think they have enough staff in this situation? Is it useful to call?"

"Scare talk! No matter how busy the police are, can they not answer a single call? Whether it is saving people or dealing with danger, do you, an ordinary student, know more or professionals know more? Even if they give you one sentence of advice, it will be more effective than you struggling for a long time! What's the harm in waiting? "

"It seems that Teacher Wang doesn't understand the four words of police force tension at all, so please open your eyes and see clearly."

Huang Sheng picked up the phone and made several calls in succession, one to the district alarm center, one to the nearest police station, and the last one to the police station temporarily responsible for the block posted by the school.

However, the first two of the three calls were busy, and the only one that was connected was answered by the student union cadres.

The other party said that the people in the police station were called away for field work by the alarm call early in the morning, and there were not enough people. If you encounter any trouble, please think of a way yourself, or check other alarm hotlines.

"Donghai City has a huge population, and the police resources are originally limited. The more special the period, the more tense the manpower. The school offers this survival course to teach us how to survive and how to deal with and save ourselves when encountering accidents, not to teach us how to call the police! ”

“Some people are just sitting in their office all year round and don’t know anything, but they come to teach others how to survive. When they are pointed out, they get angry and only know how to maintain their ridiculous dignity. ”

“Teacher Wang, it’s not that I look down on you, but do you know how to use dry powder fire extinguishers and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers? Do you know how to start a fire in the wild as quickly as possible without ignition equipment? Do you have the hands-on ability to make tools in the wild? Do you know how to tie several important knots?”

In the eyes of a group of classmates who were in awe, Huang Sheng kept criticizing the middle-aged teacher with a bald head and a big belly in front of him.

Capable people save and educate people, while mediocre people hinder and harm people.

In the position of teachers, sometimes mediocre people are allowed to exist, but sometimes they are firmly prohibited, especially in this situation that may directly involve the lives of many people.

“You... I have never seen a student as arrogant as you, just wait! "

Wang Qiang's blood pressure was about to explode at this time. He pointed at Huang Sheng with force and turned to find the counselor.

Wang Qiang may know that the other party is right, but he can't accept that he will lose face in front of so many people. He asked the counselor to come not to let her persuade the student, but the other party will definitely give him a way out so that he can save face.

Bai Mengxue, who had just graduated from the school and stayed on, was called by Wang Qiang with a face full of shame and anger, but as soon as Wang Qiang opened the door, he found that the student was gone.

"Where is he?" Teacher Wang was furious. What do you mean? What do you mean! You ran away after scolding me?

Huang Sheng's deskmate Ma He coughed dryly: "Well, Teacher Wang, Mr. Huang said that you made him have high blood pressure and he went to the hospital for a check-up."

Wang Qiang: "wtf?"

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