The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not the truth.

This Ade company actually came up with such gimmicks as rejuvenation and eternal youth, which made the company praised by the public, especially the rich.

In this way, the biological experiments and even human experiments conducted by the other party will not only not be questioned, but even openly supported by the public and even the official, and can be escorted!

What a bunch of lunatics!

As the copy information said, the people in this world came into contact with tourists from the outside world and knew the prosperity of other civilizations. In order to achieve that level for themselves or their own world, they obviously had thoughts that they shouldn't have.

The question now is, what are the harms of the H1 virus? And what purpose does Ade company want to achieve through the spread of the virus?

The residents of the entire town have become infected. It doesn't seem to be good news. What kind of benefits can they gain from it?

Aren't people in this world supposed to catch up with the pace of developed civilization? This is how you catch up.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, thank you for inviting me to my charity ball."

Moore, who looks young but is actually middle-aged, stood in front of the microphone, nodded to everyone, and said in a magnetic and clear voice, and applause rang out again.

At this moment, Huang Sheng's peripheral vision suddenly moved.

He saw that an evolver who he had been paying attention to suddenly retracted his gaze from Moore not far away, and stared at the left side of the stage, so he also looked in the direction of his gaze.

It was something similar to a shower, but the nozzle was very large and long, and was held in the hand of a man in white protective clothing.

Originally, this direction was blocked, but there was a huge red velvet curtain behind the stage. I don't know who was involved in other places, and suddenly the tip of the iceberg was revealed.

Huang Sheng poked Hu Jialin with his fingernail. Hu Jialin looked in the direction and her mouth trembled slightly.

"Do you have protective equipment? I only brought my own." She asked in a low voice.

The two people subconsciously walked to the corner of the wall. If an accident happened here, they would jump out of the window and leave immediately!

Huang Sheng hummed. Not only did Liao Xiaolou get him a full set of protective clothing, but he also took the time to go to the Municipal Fire Department and asked some common sense about biochemical protection.

In addition to the protective clothing, he also has a portable biochemical mask.

Judging from the situation in this copy, the protective clothing should not be used, and this mask just came in handy.

"I was invited to participate in the Shuiqing Capsule Experimental Project of Ade Company. As you can see, I am full of energy now. God has given me back the time that was taken away!"

Moir laughed heartily. He pointed to a man with a flat head in the first row of the audience: "This is the director of the H1 research project of Ade Company!"

The audience immediately rang with excited discussions, and at the same time, there was thunderous applause. The man with the flat head also stood up, bowed slightly in all directions, and smiled.

"My intention to come to Helin Town this time is very simple, that is, to start a charity journey here and strive for social donations for the experiment of alternative products for Shuiqing Capsule. This can also be regarded as a kind of charity!"

"After all, as long as the product is successfully developed, the audience will be the best of the best, successful people in Helin Town and Changbai City, and everyone will be able to enjoy it at the first time."

"Younger body, longer life, more abundant energy, more active brain, I believe no one will refuse it?"

There was another round of excited applause from the audience.

"Let's start the ball next. As you can see, this will be a masked ball. We have prepared head-mounted masks and face-covering masks. Everyone can protect themselves under the mask."

"And our fundraising will start at the same time as the ball, and it will be carried out backstage. No one knows who donated how much money and who is temporarily short of money."

Moir raised his glass: "I wish you all a good time!"

At the same time, someone on the stage brought a tray of various masks for everyone to choose from, and everyone became excited. Whether they were officials and rich people in the town, or celebrities from Changbai City, or people of other identities, they all chose a mask they liked.

For a while, the entire hotel lobby was in chaos, and various masks appeared one by one, including the twelve zodiac signs, clowns and ghosts, and realistic animal headgear.

Perhaps it was because of the masks that the atmosphere on the scene became more and more heated.

Accompanied by the enthusiastic music, people

They all looked for the opposite sex or the same sex to dance with.

Some couples still insisted on being with each other, but more couples tacitly changed their partners, and the dance moves became more passionate and intimate.

Huang Sheng picked a rabbit mask and put it on, with two long ears on his head.

Hu Jialin casually put on a panda mask.

The two stood by the wall, standing in a ballroom dance posture, moving their steps slightly, but in fact they were observing everyone in the field.

"Fuck, those people should be wearing biochemical masks!"

Huang Sheng cursed in a low voice.

Moore and the flat-headed man also put on masks at this time. Without exception, they were all realistic masks with big animal heads that covered the human heads.

But after these people put on the animal heads, they began to adjust the tightness, direction and other controls of the masks from time to time.

It was very similar to the movements he had been taught by the biochemical firefighters in the Fire Brigade.

Huang Sheng was really drunk at this moment.

He had expected the time and method of the spread of the H1 virus in Helin Town.

He never expected that Ade Company was so anxious that they actually started to get started on the first day of the dungeon opening.

And it was in such a funny way.

The charity ball invited all the celebrities, officials and rich people from all walks of life in Helin Town and Changbai City, especially Helin Town, almost all the big names in the open.

As a result, they used the so-called elixir of immortality to fool them and asked them to donate. Next, are they going to release the virus directly into the ballroom?

Damn it, I have only seen this thing used first on criminals or civilians and experimenters in film and television works, but never used directly on the privileged class!

At this time, the two women who had talked to Hu Jialin before appeared next to them again, and communicated with excited voices.

"I donated 50,000, what about you?"

"Hey? Me too, we are worthy of being good sisters!"

You are worthy of being good leeks.

Huang Sheng complained in his heart, and said to Hu Jialin: "You watch out for this place, I'll go around and see the defense force outside, and by the way, see if I can get close to Moore and his people."

Hu Jialin stuffed two small golden balls into his hands.

"There is a mechanical bug in each of them, which is the one I usually use. It can sense the commands in the brain waves according to the breath of the opener. It has attack means and reconnaissance means, but its noise is a bit loud, you should consider using it."

Huang Sheng thanked her. As expected of an evolver from the Twin Cities, he was determined to make friends with this girl.

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