The door was opened, and the door was opened.

"There are people from the Brown Bear Commando inside and outside."

Huang Sheng said to Hu Jialin: "The evolvers outside are also ready to take action at any time. The people inside can definitely contact the outside world. Let's get ready."

The two silently took out the protective tools. Huang Sheng held the protective mask and turned his back to the crowd to start debugging the parameters inside.

Hu Jialin directly took out a white faceless mask with a transparent hood behind it. It looks simple, but it can actually completely protect the head. It should be a technological item, not a prop.

At this moment, the curtain was slowly pulled open.

Several people wearing biochemical protective suits walked in with something similar to a shower head, and the shower head had a long nozzle.

Several people walked onto the stage and spread out, aiming the shower nozzles at the crowd at the same time, as if they were going to shoot fireworks into the sky again like the waiters just now.

It's just that these fireworks may be more labor-intensive.

Both of them wore masks.

There was a commotion in the crowd instantly.

These commotions did not come from the people who were enjoying the warm atmosphere, but from the evolvers "hidden" in it.

If they were not from an extremely backward world, no one would not recognize this kind of clothes, and no one would think that something good would happen next!


An evolver yelled, he clasped his hands together, and he didn't know what props he used, only to see a black light shoot out with a bang!

However, just before this black light shot, the person who was about to be attacked had already started.

The shower mouth made a "hiss" sound, and a large puff of green mist instantly filled the surroundings!

This evolver could be either an opponent or a destroyer, but it didn't matter.

No matter which faction the evolvers belong to or what mission they accept, they will not watch themselves being poisoned or infected by poison gas or viruses!

Missions must be completed, and lives must be saved!

Even if they are the evolvers of the destruction faction, few people are willing to take their lives lightly and "cooperate" with Ade Company like this!

The evolvers can no longer pretend, and they all take action, and props are flying everywhere!

Since they have torn their faces, these people are not idle, and they all start to contact the outside world and start different actions at the same time.

Some are focused on running out, obviously saving their lives is important, and they plan for the long term.

Some stare at the people wearing biochemical suits and attack.

Some go straight to the direction of Moore and others.

Some chase the direction where the flat-headed supervisor and others left before.

Others seem to be arranging something, as if they are going to deal with someone.

This is the disadvantage of the two factions of evolvers being scattered. Everyone is confused and can't figure out what others are going to do!

But isn't this a rare opportunity?

Many times, success and even miracles come from inadvertently. Maybe it is such a chaotic situation that can greatly promote the progress of a faction's tasks in the end?

This group of evolvers is not completely unprepared. Knowing that the copy is called "Prelude to the Virus", anyone who is not stupid will take certain precautions against it.

Some are cautious like the two of them wearing protective masks. Even if they are not prepared for anything, they have multiple layers of masks on their faces. Anyway, they are much better than Huanli and Li Xiang. The two are really unprepared.

"Catch Mor, don't let him run away!"

Amid the fierce gunfire, screams, various props and attack collisions, someone yelled and rushed towards Mor and others.

Mor, who had already put on a protective mask, was surrounded by the crowd. Although the hall was in chaos at this time, he did not seem surprised. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the crowd indifferently, and then left the scene slowly under protection.

The bodyguards around him conjured up equipment one after another out of thin air.

Protective shields, armored bulletproof plates, guns, cold weapons, and even someone threw a red smoke bomb directly onto the ground. The smoke began to spread rapidly in an instant, choking people to cough, and the vision in the hall was also severely affected.

The evolvers who rushed to the outside were forced back!

Amid the sound of assault rifles, an evolver who was caught off guard was like a sieve, and his body flew backwards while a lot of blood was gushing out.

On the balcony, in the outside passage, up and down the stairs, some rooms that were originally tightly closed and not allowed to enter, and even in the emergency passage behind the hall, fully armed Brown Bear Commando soldiers rushed out everywhere!

At least two of them cooperated with each other.

Holding the explosion-proof shield, full of equipment, laser aiming lights shining everywhere,

The assault rifle fired fast and accurate bullets, instantly causing a crushing fire suppression!

"Damn it, it's a mess, it's a mess, the whole northwest of Shanxi is in a mess!"

A young man next to him shouted loudly: "The evolvers on both sides are attacking them, and they are also attacking us, so how should we stand in this dungeon?"

Any evolver who was shot by firepower includes any evolver, whether he is exposed actively or discovered due to poor camouflage.

Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin were well disguised and would not be easily recognized.

However, it is impossible for the two of them to expose their mouths and noses to the air and breathe this sweet air, so they were also targeted.

Coincidentally, the two team members who attacked them were the two team members seen on the balcony before.

Hu Jialin released the rotating prop again, flying around in the air, actively detonating the approaching bullets, so Huang Sheng did not take out the shield for the time being.

"Xue Zhefei?" Huang Sheng shouted to the young man.

Isn't this a coincidence? The Earth compatriot who had a strong presence in his copy last time, whom Mach had embraced by chance, unexpectedly also participated in this copy and got a ticket to the dance?

"Fuck, do you know me?"

Xue Zhefei was wearing a transparent mask and looked here in shock.

Huang Sheng took the initiative to call out the other party's name, but he was helpless. The main reason was that this copy must unite more people to have a greater chance of passing.

Just like now, only he and Hu Jialin are fighting alone, but Fan Dora is also good.

"The copy ticket of the City of Despair is what I gave to Mach."

Huang Sheng explained briefly, and then threw a breathing valve mask to the other party.

He took back what he said just now. It seems that not everyone in the evolution present is ready. The transparent mask worn by Xue Zhefei must be familiar to everyone present. It is the kind worn by cooking chefs.

It's simply outrageous. He opened the door to outrageousness. What's the matter, expect this thing to prevent viruses?

Xue Zhefei grabbed the breathing valve mask and put it on his face, shouting non-stop.

"So you are Mach's friend, so you are my friend, Xue Zhefei! Brothers in the underworld pay the most attention to loyalty, and friends are the best!"

"Don't mention the rubbish dungeon of the City of Despair, it almost killed me. Damn, I have some ideas on how to pass the dungeon. I should be able to attack it if I have time to study it carefully, but the dungeon boss is too awesome, killing a large group of us!"

"This kind of murderous violent maniac didn't give us a chance to attack it properly, chasing us and hacking. If I hadn't made an enemy in the chaos, this dungeon would have been a loss."

Hu Jialin said speechlessly: "What time is it now? Don't talk so much nonsense!"

Huang Sheng was also speechless. He saw that Xue Zhefei was stubborn, reckless and talkative in the last dungeon. He didn't expect that he would still perform stably in the changed dungeon.

"Hahaha, two friends are meeting for the first time, let me kill them as a greeting gift!"

Xue Zhefei was not embarrassed, he laughed loudly, and threw two spherical props in his hand, hitting the foreheads of the two commandos who were shooting at them.

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