The battle was going on inside the ballroom, and the streets outside were filled with shouts of killing.

Even with so few evolvers inside, they dared to take action, not to mention the many people outside.

Even within a few minutes, some evolvers had already broken into the ballroom, either to meet their companions or to rush to various directions of the hotel, and some were even specifically to capture ordinary people who were suspected of being infected.

The opposition and the saboteurs were mixed, and in the absence of a unified command, they each took advantage of the ballroom to achieve different goals.

Many saboteurs seemed to be on the side of the authorities and Ade Company, but they were also ruthless in killing soldiers and policemen, and their copy missions had nothing to do with whether they cooperated with the authorities.

"Hurry up, let's go after the people from Ade Company!"

Huang Sheng finally received a series of valuable messages from the mechanical bugs at this time. He was delighted and hurriedly pulled Hu Jialin, whose faceless mask could not completely cover his head. At this time, there was a dark sky above his head because he had killed someone.

The three people rushed into the passage and chased after the traces of the mechanical bugs along the way. On the way, he took out a candle and purified the three people again.

"I say, brother, this virus doesn't seem to be a big deal."

The crowd climbed two flights of stairs and estimated that there should be no virus residue here. Xue Zhefei opened the breathing valve mask and said with a big breath.

Surrounded by such a thick green gas, according to any script, the unprepared people below would be finished in minutes.

But even when they left the hall just now, many ordinary people at the scene did not see anything unusual... It is true that many people died, and they were all killed by the fight between the two sides.

"There is no need for an incubation period for a virus outbreak."

Huang Sheng rolled his eyes: "Even in a biochemical crisis, zombies have time to leave their last words after being bitten. What can we see in such a short time?"

"If those people really start to mutate in such a short time, Hu Jialin and I are probably fine, but you are definitely finished."

When he thought of the transparent mask used by chefs that this guy was wearing at the time, he felt panic. It's not your fault that you didn't prepare a mask. The question is, what's the point of wearing this thing?

Xue Zhefei smiled and hurriedly prayed, fearing that this thing was too strong.

After all, he inhaled a lot of gas in it at the beginning, and now he can only pray that his physique as an evolver can be immune.

Of course, if he is really infected with the H1 virus, he is not completely powerless. Evolvers generally have vitality capsules in their hands, and some people also have detoxification capsules.

If it doesn't work, just die and beg for mercy.

Anyway, this is a dungeon site. After using the soul energy restart fluid, you can be resurrected, but it's a pity to miss a dungeon opportunity.

"There are three mission objectives now. We are completely passive and unknown in the search for Alhut. There is no way to do this. We can only rely on others."

"Mission 2 is to stop the spread of H1. This mission is currently the most difficult and the most uncontrollable."

"Although many evolvers have come in, these infected ordinary people are likely to die, but there are inevitably some who slip through the net. Moreover, Ade Company can use it on us here, and it can also use it on ordinary people in other densely populated areas."

He did not mention the catalytic enzyme. The H1 virus appears in the air and reacts with the catalytic enzyme and passers-by, which will greatly increase the possibility of virus transmission.

Even if this thing is not transmitted through the air, it is fatal to prevent it.

Unless the evolvers unite, it is difficult to stop the other party when the authorities and Ade Company are determined.

The reason why Target 2 is the most difficult to control is that its concept is very vague.

It is easy to say that it is simple to prevent the spread of H1 biological agents, but what are the specific scales and criteria?

To what extent is the target mission considered a failure?

Under this unknown premise, the most cautious approach is to directly kill the signs of spread.

But this is almost impossible. They can't defend against any group of people that Ade Company wants to attack. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill the signs. The minimum prerequisite is that you have to quickly unite all the evolutionists of related tasks, right?

It can be said that whether the second goal can be successful depends on how large the spread of this target information involves.

As for the third goal, there is a limit on the number of people, at least one hundred people survive. From the perspective of safety and stability, these people cannot be infected with the virus.

The dungeon lasts for seven days, and Ade Company has started to launch it on the first day.

Seven days is enough for the virus to break out completely. The infected people are very likely not to survive to the end, which is a huge trouble.

At present, the evolvers are scattered, how easy is it to protect a hundred people?

So far, they don’t even know which two of the three goals should be completed.

What is certain is that goal one is the key. As long as this goal can be achieved, the rest will be much easier.

If goal one fails, it will be too difficult to complete two and three together.

The news sent back by the mechanical bug is that the flat-headed supervisor and several others have reached the sixth floor at this time. The supervisor and others went back to the room to rest, regardless of the battle outside.

You don’t need to ask, you know that the sixth floor must be the most heavily defended at present. The passage space in the building is limited, and it will not be effective if you rush up rashly.

The mechanical bug told him that in addition to them, the other evolvers who caught the attention of the flat-headed supervisor have already fought with the opponent’s bodyguards on the fifth floor. At present, the opponent’s bodyguards are not easy to deal with, otherwise the evolvers would have killed them long ago.

"We have to find a way to get in from outside the building."

Huang Sheng said to Hu Jialin and Xue Zhefei, asking them if they had the corresponding props.

Xue Zhefei spread his hands, and Hu Jialin nodded.

"You stay in this room to meet us. The two of us will go upstairs. This grandson is likely to be one of the persons in charge of the H1 virus. As long as we catch him, we will definitely be able to extract some information."

Huang Sheng and Hu Jialin did not hesitate, and left directly from the window and climbed upstairs.

He was naturally using the Storm Climbing Gloves, but Hu Jialin was wearing something strange. The cuffs of her forearms below the inside of her wrists could stick tightly to the wall.

The two were not slow, and they had climbed to the sixth floor in a blink of an eye.

Take out the spear, and the pestle-like structure at the end of the spear turned into a window-breaking hammer. With a light bang, the entire window shattered into a white spider web.

Huang Sheng punched in, then rolled his body and rushed in, followed by Hu Jialin.

The noise here quickly caused a reaction inside, and a dense sound of footsteps came from the corridor and the next room.

Before the two men could wait for each other in the room, the other party threw objects into the room frantically.

Grenade, detonator, smoke bomb, flash bomb.

The two hurriedly hid in the next room, Huang Sheng held up the shield, Hu Jialin shrank and hid behind him, as a violent explosion occurred in the room where they were just now, all kinds of sound and light waves swept here.

The carbon fiber shield is no longer what it used to be. At this time, it not only has a strong defense capability, but also has a strong resistance to shock waves.

As the noise subsided a little, the footsteps outside rushed in suddenly, and the two stood up from behind the shield. Except for the severe tinnitus in their ears, the other effects were not great.

The shield cracked in the middle, and a jagged sharp structure popped out from the edge of the shield.


The two semicircular shields turned into cold weapons and shot forward, dragging a sharp hiss of air along the way.

The two bodyguards who had just rushed into the door screamed in blood mist, and their bodies were cut in half in an instant.

The sawtooth structure spun rapidly, sending blood and flesh flying everywhere, and a fishy smell was also floating everywhere!

Hu Jialin was also unwilling to lag behind. She took out a paintbrush and directly drew a door-shaped outline on the wall leading to the corridor.

Then she stretched out her hand and pushed, and this "door" seemed to have been cut by laser in advance, and fell to the back with a bang!

The two did not fight, Huang Sheng took back the two shields and followed Hu Jialin in.

A buzzing sound sounded in the air, and the mechanical insect hiding on a high-top cabinet restarted and flew down. Huang Sheng grabbed it in his hand, closed it, and turned it into a metal ball again, and threw it into the space.

Following its direction, the two of them accurately locked onto a room next door.

Hu Jialin took a paintbrush and drew a large picture frame near the door lock.

She reached out and pushed hard, and the door lock part within the frame fell off, and then the whole door was opened.

A figure in the room turned around suddenly and looked at them with a hint of a sinister smile.

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