The cost-effectiveness of the binding card is outrageous to Huang Sheng.

The plastic model figures in front of him were quickly tied and dragged by the nosy ropes under Huang Sheng's control.

He buried his head in making cards, making them frantically at a speed of nearly one card every two minutes. After his physical fitness was further improved, his card-making losses were greatly reduced.

After nearly forty minutes, he made a full twenty-five cards.

He would distribute these cards to everyone, most people would get one, and a few would get two.

Of course, it was not free, but the price was very cheap.

10 black notes per card. Considering the practicality of this thing, it is almost free. After all, they are all team members. Their help is related to his high score, so he doesn't care about this little benefit.

He also plans to make a large number of water cannon cards and crossbow cards, but his energy has been consumed at this time. Let's take a rest first and come back later. Next, we need to prepare bomb cards.

All of Gaudi's TNT stocks have been used up. A total of five instant bombs that explode instantly as long as there is a ignition point, ten conventional bombs with fuses, ten time bombs detonated by timers, and fifteen remote-controlled bombs have been produced.

Huang Sheng is 30 meters away from the explosion point. He hides behind a safe bunker and wears noise headphones.

Gaudi, who has done more blasting protection, is personally responsible for installation and detonation.


The explosions are deafening and also transmit a very long distance in the wild.

Huang Sheng was concentrating on making cards. As each card was made, he gradually became more proficient. In the most critical process of making remote-controlled bombs, the first card had a deep blue quality with greatly increased power.

At this moment, in a large underground laboratory in Changbai City.

The winding corridors were as complicated as a maze. Dozens of young men waiting in a hall sat on seats, each of them wearing a bandage-like suit.

Under the surveillance of armed guards nearby, several people wearing white protective clothing were holding sensors, syringes, tweezers and other tools in their hands, implanting a small chip in the back of their heads one by one.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes put his hands behind his back and stared at the group of young people in front of him, with an average age of about 20 years old, who had been trained by the company for six months to two and a half years.

"Brothers, the company has already transferred 200,000 yuan of resettlement allowance to each of your families, and your own bank cards have also received an additional 50,000 yuan of mission rewards. Please do not worry about the future and carry out this mission well."

"These foreign tourists called Evolvers, each of them deserves to die! They are reckless on the territory of our motherland, blowing up factories and attacking police stations, which not only caused huge losses, but also brought trouble to many of the company's businesses."

"According to our intelligence, there are many such people entrenched in City Z. This time you are going to deal with them. When the mission is successfully completed, you will receive a subsequent reward of 50,000 yuan, and the company will arrange for you to enjoy a one-month seaside vacation."

At this time, the chips behind everyone's brains have been implanted. Under the encouragement of this man, everyone's eyes have become eager one by one.

"Okay, everyone put on their equipment."

The middle-aged man smiled. The longer the chip is implanted, the stronger the control over these people will be.

At the beginning, the sick pigeon virus will not break out, leaving enough time for the chip control to work.

By the time they felt something was wrong with their bodies, they had already been completely controlled by the chip and the unique product provided by the company.

Everyone took the equipment from the cart pushed in front and put it on. It was the clothes, equipment and weapons of the Brown Bear Commandos.

And when these people were dressed, it was still not time to set off.

With a click, a closed door next to it was suddenly opened.

A huge metal cage was pushed out, accompanied by a large amount of disinfectant gas and smoke formed by low temperature, people vaguely saw the creature in the cage.

This is a large dog with a very large body. Their limbs and joints show deformed protrusions that are different from normal beasts, and they exude an unbearable stench.

There are more than one such cages pushed out, and each cage has several special personnel accompanying it.

Soon, everyone got on the vehicle, and the convoy set off directly from the underground, finally arrived on the surface, and went all the way west.


For a moment, in the southwest suburb of Helin Town, a relatively well-preserved village that had not been abandoned for a long time.

Hu Jialin was staring at a stack of photos in her hand with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

Beside her, besides Emil, the middle-aged nun and four other women, there was also a team of strangers.

This team of people had met each other before at the place where the tourist bus was found. Hu Jialin got in touch with the other party after coming here last night and has now gained the other party's trust.

These six evolutionary members rescued a total of thirteen townspeople, all of whom were settled in this village.

To be honest, Hu Jialin was also frightened when she first came here. It must be said that these people are really brave!

Hu Jialin was very supportive of Huang Sheng's overly cautious approach of seemingly constantly tossing everyone around and insisting that they move the people who had just been settled in the western suburbs and the abandoned tunnel in the north overnight.

It's better to be careful. Don't look at those two places. They seem safe, but after all, they are too close to the center of the incident in Helin Town.

Anything is possible, and early transfer is a very calm approach.

But these few people not only did not take the same action, they did not even think about transferring.

Instead, they really regarded the village under their feet as a base and stayed here for seven days!

It seems that Ade Company will not care about those who hide, but the destructive evolutionists will search here sooner or later. Once they find out the situation here, it may be too late for these people to run away.

But she is currently concerned about something more important.

These photos in her hand were taken yesterday in the northeastern suburb of the town, which is the other side of the town farthest from here.

At that time, the two team members who went out saw a mess of corpses in the wild, which was extremely tragic.

After analysis, one side was a team of evolutionists, and the other side was unknown, and took dozens of photos with a camera.

If Huang Sheng was there, these six evolutionists would definitely call it fate.

This is a team of four single-eyed people and two three-legged people, the three-legged people in Dongsheng Square.

The people who took the photos and found the scene were two three-legged people, one named Fu San and the other named Gui Liu, which is a common way to name three-legged people.

Emil and the other girls looked at the few people frequently, wanting to stare at them but embarrassed. It was really exciting to deal with these people from different civilizations at close range.

But this was nothing to Hu Jialin.

Twin City is a prosperous civilization with a long history. There are too many people of various races and civilizations who come here. She has been used to it since she was a child.

And it was precisely because of her identity as a resident of Twin City that this team of evolvers finally gritted their teeth and chose to cooperate with them.

And after Hu Jialin cooperated with them to attack a group of hostile evolvers last night, and saw her powerful and diverse methods, they began to follow her command.

So many photos clearly restored the complete traces after a battle.

There were five dead evolvers in total, which was a common configuration of the number of people in an evolver team. From the perspective of race, they were five people from the Ti tribe.

The appearance of the Ti people is that they look oriental, but their skin is dark, their legs are strong, and they have a pair of keratinized protrusions on their knees that are different from ordinary people.

This race lives in a rugged mountain environment all year round, and such physical characteristics allow them to live better in the mountains.

They have strong mountain mobility and are also very fast on flat ground.

But according to Hu Jialin's analysis, not only did no enemy personnel remain at the scene, but even from the mess left by blood, flesh, hair, etc., the other party did not seem to be seriously injured, and there were no signs of post-processing and body dragging.

She believed that the other party left directly after the fight.

The power comparison between the two sides was very different. The Ti people left a lot of traces of props, but they were no match for the other side.

So who is the other side?

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