The gun was fired, but the gun was still in the air.

"Kneel down!"

The butt of the gun hit Li Xiang hard, and he knelt on the ground covered in blood and bruises, and fell directly to the ground because he had no body to support him.

A rough hand reached out and lifted him up to face the wall. The blood on Li Xiang's forehead and face instantly smeared a layer of bloody scratches on the white wall.

Huanli fell in a pool of blood, with bullet holes all over his body, but he was not dead yet with his eyes wide open.

Such an old and thin body, the physical strength of the brown bear commandos who attacked here was unbelievable.

There were two bodies in the corridor outside the room. These were Shaki's men. They died in the dense rain of bullets. The four were all the people left in the hotel.

"These evolvers are really hard to deal with."

The leader of the Brown Bear Commando was a man with simple equipment and a flat head. Although he was wearing bandage-like clothes like his men, he was not a consumable victim, but a commander and supervisor.

The flat-headed man wiped the sweat from his forehead. There were only four people. He led a dozen people to attack. Even with the explosion-proof shield and greatly improved life status, his men still died and six were injured, with a total casualties of more than half.

The props of the evolvers made them defenseless!

Fortunately, these four people have been captured, but what made him look ugly was that these people were all fucking poor ghosts and could not be extorted.

After contacting the headquarters, he waved his hand: "In principle, the headquarters does not want to take them alive, but since we can capture them alive, it would be better. Hand them over to other personnel in the company, and we will cooperate with other teams in the operation."

"Z City is not far from Helin Town. Some of the remaining rats have hidden here. Even if we can't find them, the military and police who dare to obstruct us will die! Nanshan Country has been divided for too long. Why don't we, Ade Company, lend a helping hand to Bai City and unite the surrounding cities?"

No one responded to the team members. The chip has been in effect. In addition to their basic work and rest, they only have one instruction in their minds to complete the task at all costs.

Soon, they dragged the two seriously injured people into a car and came to the east of Z City without covering up. After being taken over by another car, they drove directly to Changbai City. They were ordered to reinforce another battlefield.

The whole Z City was in chaos. Huang Sheng sensitively felt that in addition to hunting and killing, the people of Ade Company should be deliberately destroying the city.

Two police cars whizzed by, but immediately stopped in front of a small chaos. A group of police officers holding pistols watched for a long time to make sure there was no danger, and then approached fiercely.

Retracting his gaze, a group of people robbed several electric vehicles on the roadside and split into two groups.

One group approached a certain area where fierce fighting was taking place, and the other group was alone, heading to a nearby place where no conflict had occurred, but where the brown bear soldiers could be seen to start moving.

Brown Bear Commando

Age: 19

Health: High

Status: Excited, drug addiction is dormant, abnormal malignant tumor is in the middle stage of deterioration

Weapons used: Qiushen p25.15 caliber assault rifle, disposable close-range poison arrow

Main equipment: standard explosion-proof shield, standard all-round face-covering defense helmet, fist-shaped blasting grenade, poison-tempered dagger

A tall woman with ice-blue skin was attached to the ceiling with her back. Her body was extremely slender, and this lying posture made the proportion of her plump long legs look very exaggerated.

Her facial features were also obviously different from those of normal humans.

In addition to her skin, she wore a long mask that looked like a biomimetic membrane, with a sharp corner above her forehead and an arc below that covered her neck.

Her limbs were long and beautiful, and her waist was extremely slender. She wore a set of modular, skin-colored clothing with a sci-fi style, and two sharp arc-shaped bulges on her chest that fit her body.

In the woman's eyes, the several commandos passing by showed almost no different observation information.

At this time, she was caught in a huge contradiction.

She had no other companions and was alone, but in the next room, there were fifteen surviving residents of Helin Town sleeping.

Because there were no other helpers, after she took great pains to transport the people away, in order to prevent them from waking up and resisting, she used drugs to keep them in a coma for a long time.

In the next room, she prepared a great gift for these invaders who wanted to kill them all for some unknown reason, but it was obvious that this gift was not enough to kill them all.

The main thing is that her illusion was broken in the previous battle, revealing her true image that could no longer be disguised in this copy.

Due to the huge difference between her and ordinary people, even if she can deal with this group of people, she will be targeted by more enemies later.

"Should I give up these residents?"

She asked herself silently, but the answer was obviously no.

Codename Binglan didn't know how many town residents other evolvers in the same camp had rescued. The fifteen people in her hands were undoubtedly extremely important and might directly determine the success or failure of target three.

Of course, there is also a great possibility that target three has actually failed. Excluding the infected samples in the town, the number of people rescued by everyone is less than three digits.

The reason why the mission target did not directly show failure is that the infected samples are still alive for the time being.

If she leaves now, the other party will definitely search this residence, and the fifteen people will not be able to escape.

Maybe the people of Ade Company will let them go?

But how to say this, just like she never thought that this group of people would unexpectedly come to chase her, who knows what the crazy people in Ade Company are thinking?

She couldn't help but regret it. If she had known this, she shouldn't have placed people in the city for convenience. It was actually too inconvenient here, and she had too little experience.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of glass came from a room somewhere in the back, and someone jumped in with a bang.

Several commandos stopped immediately, and the four people in the back turned around and rushed out of the corridor, and immediately fired recklessly, without worrying about accidentally injuring or killing anyone.

The remaining three stopped and waited, never looking up.

Codename Binglan listened quietly.

Just after the fierce conflict and screams suddenly came from the back in addition to the dense bullet shooting, her figure fell silently.

Three flying blades like catkins were released from her hands, fiercely cutting towards the armpits of the three people!

She didn't dare to attack the opponent's vital points, because she suffered such a loss at the beginning. After killing the Brown Bear Commando, she didn't know what happened, and she fell into a bad time for more than ten hours!

This is not a special case. Through her understanding of other people's battles, she determined that this is a negative result that will definitely occur after killing the opponent.

The mask detector could not detect this kind of abnormality that was difficult to explain in advance.

Her self-examination also failed to detect this unknown invasion, but the black air that flew into her body and represented bad luck did torture her for a long time.

The catkin-like flying blades shuttled quickly, and immediately tore the armpits of the three people, making several people's arms completely unable to move, and let out dull screams.

Bang bang bang!

Then, there was a terrible impact and smashing sound from the aisle, and then there was no movement.

After a long time, the sound of footsteps stepping on sticky blood slowly sounded, and was about to push the door in.

Codename Binglan didn't even need to see it with her own eyes to guess that the four people had been dealt with by the other party at close range. This must be a powerful evolver!

I just don't know which camp they are from?

Her face was a little solemn, and she took two steps back with great vigilance, keeping a sufficient distance from the door.


The figure failed to successfully push the door open, but was directly slid to the ground by something, making a heavy sound, and a "fuck".

Codename Binglan's mouth twitched. Even if she was an inert life form, she couldn't hold it back at this moment.

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