After the two of them had a chance to meet, they found that the two had already met.

Si Qinyue and Amir had successfully reunited.

After using the Qingmu technique to stabilize Si Qinxue's injuries, the two of them didn't bother to stay and take care of her. Si Qinyue called Huang Sheng and left the coordinates, and the two of them rushed to support Hu Jialin and the middle-aged nun.

I don't know if this was a joke of fate, but the place where Si Qinxue was left behind was the abandoned village where she and Huang Sheng had found Alhut before.

Even the room was exactly the same, it was the room where Alhut was captured.

Huang Sheng, who had hurried all the way to find the coordinates given by the other party, had a slight blackness in front of his eyes when he got off the car, and subconsciously reached out to hold the roof of the car.

He had consumed a lot of energy in making cards before, and he had not been able to rest since he was awakened. At this moment, his head was aching.

Xue Zhefei and codename Binglan were also accompanying him.

Gaudi, who was also very tired today and had severe tinnitus due to frequent explosions, was left in City Z to meet up with Alhut and the other two.

"Why is she so seriously injured?"

Xue Zhefei looked at Si Qinxue, who was seriously injured and bloody, and was covered with a mat on the ground. His face changed wildly. He really couldn't bear to see the miserable state of this lively and lovely girl before.

You know, this is the result of the injury being alleviated after using the Qingmu technique.

This body covered with a lot of mud and blood undoubtedly gave him and Huang Sheng a great shock.

Xue Zhefei simply saw little. Although Huang Sheng had seen many worse cases on the initial train, he was confused because of his concern.

After all, the woman in front of him was his girlfriend, so his mentality was of course different from others.

"Heavy machine guns are good if they don't tear people to pieces. They are completely different from the small-caliber assault rifles used by those brown bears."

Huang Sheng shook his head. He took out his portable iron bed, put soft mattresses on it, and carefully placed her on it. He squatted down, frowned, and thought about what to do next.

"It seems that this can't be treated directly? There is so much dirt on her body that she needs to be treated?"

Xue Zhefei asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it can't be treated directly." Huang Sheng also felt that it was very tricky. There might still be bullet fragments left in Si Qinxue's body. In addition to so many foreign objects contaminating, some stones were even pressed deep into the wound under rolling pressure. If she was treated directly, it would leave a lot of sequelae.

Dust and mud can get on people's shoes and pants for no reason. When the wound is bleeding, rolling on the ground is simply unimaginable.

At this time, codename Binglan said: "I should be able to help her, but I can only separate the shrapnel from other foreign objects, and it will accidentally hurt some flesh and blood."

Huang Sheng cast an inquiring look.

The other party said: "Wuyun City is a religious and technological civilization. We have mastered the doctrines of ice and water. The core of the water doctrine is expulsion and dispersal. Expulsion includes physical expulsion, which has a special advantage in dealing with this kind of mixed injury."

She didn't say that this also requires the help of the mask detector.

In fact, the mask detector is the technological core of the inert life form of Wuyun City. This is their most important tool and weapon. The doctrine is just an insignificant spell.

Huang Sheng was also anxious. Hearing this, he took out two hundred black notes in his hand: "Then please, I won't let you help for nothing."

Codename Binglan did not refuse the black notes. After putting them away, he said: "The expulsion hurricane matrix will tear her clothes to pieces. You..."

Xue Zhefei hurriedly left here and went to the surrounding area to be on guard.

"It's okay, you do it, this is my woman."

Huang Sheng said lightly, and then saw the mask worn by Codename Binglan on his face emit a faint blue light, projected on Si Qinxue.

Her right hand took out a green crystal from the space, and the crystal began to blow air towards the place covered by the blue light.

The airflow gradually increased, and finally slowly formed a very small hurricane shape, which began to swirl around Si Qinxue's body.

As the hurricane blew, her wounds were stained with deep sand and mud, and even some of her flesh and blood were blown up, and the bullet fragments were all squeezed out and sent to a piece of ground by the hurricane in a whistling sound.

This process lasted for a very short time, about one minute.

At this time, most of Si Qinxue's clothes had been stripped off, and the pink wounds with clear muscles and even bones were completely exposed, and the dirt and dust were cleaned up.

Very thorough.

There is no doubt that the foreign objects on her body have been cleaned up very cleanly.

Huang Sheng could not hide his shock. This Wuyun City seemed to be an extremely powerful technological civilization... The earth was far behind in this regard!

He took out the iodine, clean water and distilled water in the space one by one, and began to further clean and disinfect the other party's wound.

He put the hematopoietic bracelet on the other party's wrist, so that it slowly began to produce blood for her.

"Binglan, this thing is called spell paper. You take it first. When I say to use it later, just throw it into the air."

After proving the powerful healing effect of the Qingmu card, although there was no condition to continue to make more of the same cards at that time, the middle-aged nun also left him a spell paper, which came in handy at this time.

The Qingmu spell paper and the Qingmu card he drew on the spot, the double treatment, should immediately allow Si Qinxue to get rid of the serious injury and wake up.

Codename Binglan nodded after hearing this. After Huang Sheng prepared to make the card, with Binglan's use, the Qingmu technique began to work on the other party.

As the Qingmu technique took effect, Huang Sheng began to concentrate on drawing and sketching.

At this time, his energy state was already a little bit forced. If he didn't pay attention, the card making might fail, so he didn't dare to be distracted.

Fortunately, there was no accident in the end. When the light made by the card successfully bloomed, Huang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, waved his hand, and immediately used the card on Si Qinxue.

The wounds on the other party's body healed and recovered quickly, and most of the lost flesh and blood were reshaped like a remodeling. The girl's indescribable miserable situation quickly developed towards the good side in an exaggerated way!

When the light effect of the card disappeared, Si Qinxue on the portable iron bed also snorted.

After feeling her own state a little, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Huang Sheng looking at her in front of her.

The girl struggled to sit up with tears streaming down her face and stretched out her arms.

Huang Sheng approached and held her in his arms. He heard the girl's voice choking with sobs, with both the surprise of a new life and the fear of surviving a disaster.

"Brother Huang, I thought I would never see you again!"

"Okay, it's okay. Your life is completely saved."

Huang Sheng patted her shoulders and kissed her on both cheeks and lips: "The technological civilization of your sister Hu is very advanced. The scars left on your body can be completely eliminated. It won't be long before you will become exactly the same as before!"

Si Qinxue nodded excitedly, and thanked the code name Binglan during Huang Sheng's narration.

Just after looking at the time at this time, her face changed immediately and begged him to save people quickly.

"Old Xue, take her back to our base camp first. She needs to recover from this injury for a few days, but it is not safe here. Miss Binglan, let's go."

Huang Sheng arranged the next plan.

Xue Zhefei opened his mouth and thought to himself, I want to fight too, but thinking that he was the only one who could escort Si Qinxue back, he had no choice but to nod and agree.

After the two left, Huang Sheng and codename Binglan rushed to the place where Hu Jialin and others were fighting.

"From the time they were attacked to now, it has been too long. Could it be that Hu Jialin and others are still fighting?"

Huang Sheng stretched out his hand to release two mechanical bugs, and let them explore the scene and the surrounding area first.

He called Hu Jialin, the middle-aged nun, Si Qinyue and Emile one after another to see who could be contacted, so as to know the situation there in advance.

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