After they had a long conversation, they were still together.

He explained a lot, repeatedly saying that they had nothing.

Ma He was skeptical, but his emotions finally stabilized.

Soon he became excited again. This was the goddess's home. He never dared to dream of coming to this place before!

Looking at the various furniture and items used by Teacher Bai, Ma He's expression gradually began to become a pervert.

Huang Sheng couldn't help but hold his forehead with his hand. How could such a person not be bitten by the lantern man last night?

After trading the promised black notes and capsules to the other party, Ma He took the weapon improved by Huang Sheng and studied it. He was eager to try it, and he wished he could make one now.

After driving Ma He away, he changed the clothes in his backpack and went out.

He had already thought it through. Since he needed defensive equipment, he could just use a shield.

Shields are not like spears. As long as they are made smaller, they can be placed in the space storage box.

Made with modern technology and hammered with a protective gear strengthening hammer, it is definitely a good equipment that is easy to use!

He still came to the forging workshop.

The master recognized him at a glance and immediately found the difference in the weapon in his hand, which shocked him greatly.

Considering that the Caida incident has completely spread, and that he may continue to need the other party's help in the future, Huang Sheng roughly mentioned what happened last night.

And warned the other party to be mentally prepared, and perhaps a new crisis will come soon.

The old master was open-minded: "I am old, and still afraid of this? People in our line of work are brave!"

"And who didn't dream of traveling the world with a sword when they were young? Cold weapons were strictly controlled in the past, but now this chaotic world is not completely bad. If I also meet those people with lanterns, I will have to chop a few more!"

Huang Sheng did not doubt the other party's courage. Those who have been dealing with swords and weapons for many years are unlikely to be cowards.

"I want to buy a shield this time, a smaller one, preferably a lighter one, so that it won't hinder my movements."

He said his purpose, and he still planned to take a look at the ready-made products first.

However, this time the old master did not take him to see it, but went directly to the room to pick up an exquisite packaging box.

After opening it, there was a square metal lump slightly smaller than an iPad, about three or four centimeters thick and weighing about three pounds.

The master pressed on the metal lump, and then the whole metal block suddenly bounced open quickly, and in the blink of an eye it opened into a round curved shield like an umbrella!

It was only so small when closed, and now it was only slightly smaller than an umbrella!

Things that can grow or shrink in this world are really magical.

There is actually an elastic structure supporting the bottom of this curved shield. Huang Sheng stabbed it hard with his spear under the master's command.

The master's figure holding the shield did not move at all, and his horse stance was very stable.

Not only did the spear fail to leave a scratch on the shield, but Huang Sheng also felt a strong force rebounding back, which shocked him and made him retreat two steps!

"Fuck, what material is this? It seems to weigh less than two kilograms, right?"

Huang Sheng was confused at first, and then he was ecstatic.

Sure enough, modern technology and craftsmanship are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people like him. He thought that the current shield was still that kind of bulky iron lump, but who knew it was so awesome.

"This is a shield made of composite carbon fiber material. You know Captain America's shield, right? Captain America uses this material in his setting!"

The old master laughed and said, "I can't make this thing. I also went to a professional workshop to make it."

"Originally, this was an order placed by a big customer out of interest, but the money was paid and the people went in for 25 years! So this thing stayed."

"It not only has strong physical defense capabilities and rebound, but also anti-static, anti-electromagnetic radiation, waterproof and fireproof, and it is also bulletproof."

Teacher Fu Yi smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum: "As for the performance of this shield, it can prevent damage from light weapons. Although it cannot completely block bullets, it can offset most of the damage. Many bulletproof materials are made of it now."

Huang Sheng hurriedly said: "I want this thing, how much is it?"

"The material cost is not bad, the most important thing is that it is difficult to make."

The master craftsman hesitated for a moment: "I charged the other party 99,000 at that time. If you want it, it's 9,900. The young man seems to have some skills. It's not a waste for you to have this thing in your hands."

Huang Sheng was relieved

The tone seemed okay, it was a bargain price.

The problem was that he couldn't even afford the bargain price now, so he had to ask for help.

He asked Bai Mengxue for help through the text pager, and within a few minutes, he suddenly received a transfer message of 200,000 yuan!

This wife, no, this rich woman was too awesome, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

After the payment was settled, Huang Sheng pressed and shrank the arc shield, restoring it to the original metal lump, and left with satisfaction.

As the armor reinforcement hammer hit, the arc shield quickly changed.

First, its weight was further reduced. With a weight of only two kilograms, even a weak person could hold it for a while.

This will greatly enhance his endurance of holding the shield, and even when running away, he can defend himself and be safe.

Secondly, the material has become stronger and stronger. If it could only barely defend against light weapons at the beginning, it should be even more so now.

Finally, the automatic deployment mode and elastic structure of the arc shield were optimized, and the deployment was smoother.

Unfortunately, the change in elasticity is difficult to test, and I will find someone to try it later.


He rented a one-bedroom penthouse not far from Bai Mengxue's apartment, but slightly away from the city.

Although Teacher Bai's apartment is a hundred times better, he needs his own private space more now.

For example, he is about to use the marrow washing serum, and it is not good to use it in the other party's house.

What if it is really like what is written in the novel, and the room is full of black impurities and odors overflowing from his body.

What will happen to Teacher Bai's apartment with pink walls, soft and expensive carpets, white and fragrant sofas, and various furry toys...

Just thinking about it makes me sour!

In the bathroom, he took off all his clothes and took the marrow washing serum.

The effect was immediate!

His body immediately began to roll violently, his stomach ached, and soon he couldn't help squatting on the pit.

In addition, dense dirt began to appear in the pores of the skin. At first, it was pure black, and then slowly turned into a color similar to the skin.

The whole body was fully fired up and began to excrete a large amount of impurities from various channels!

This process lasted for a long time, and there were five bowel movements alone.

The dirt that poured out of the body was even more waves, and it almost blocked the sewer several times!

Huang Sheng never thought that there would be so much dirt and garbage in the human body. Fortunately, he rented this place and no one would disturb him. He had plenty of time to toss slowly.

Until the evening, Bai Mengxue seemed to have finished her work at school and asked him where he was.

At this time, Huang Sheng was almost exhausted. After rinsing his body for the last time, he was finally relieved to find that the effect of the medicine should have completely passed.

At this time, his weight was four or five kilograms lighter than at the beginning...

His figure and temperament became more upright and heroic, his muscles and bones became tighter, and even his brain seemed to be a little smarter. The changes were not small.

His stomach was rumbling like thunder, and the hunger made him see black. He wished he could die of hunger in the toilet.

"I'm at the school gate. My car was smashed by those monsters last night. Come pick me up!"

After hearing Teacher Bai's invitation, Huang Sheng naturally agreed immediately.

He put on his clothes, stuffed two bars of chocolate into his mouth to fill his stomach, and took some other things to fill his stomach on the way. He hurriedly left home to meet the other party for dinner.

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