The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Song Ting didn't believe in those so-called martial arts masters or fitness coaches at all.

She only knew that the senior who had taken the make-up exam was a real tough guy. She saw him kill two monsters with one on two!

It is said that the lantern man had been greatly strengthened at that stage. Many people who dared to challenge him died in the school, and it was a group of people fighting one.

As a witness of the Caida incident, she was once paralyzed on the ground waiting to die because of great fear. She was more eager than anyone else to become stronger and have the ability to protect herself.

It happened that she was now the other party's "girlfriend", so of course she couldn't miss the opportunity.

Huang Sheng couldn't resist such a generous reward, so there was such a scene.

After all, Teacher Bai's soft rice can't be eaten forever, and we still have to rely on our hands to get rich.

Grab both the soft rice and the hard rice, and both hands must be strong!

Although Huang Sheng is not professional, he has practical experience and understands better than anyone what aspects Song Ting needs to improve. During the day, she exercises by herself, and at night, he comes to make sure that she can't get up within an hour. It's fulfilling.

Song Ting smiled sweetly: "Then I'm relieved. My graphics card is enough. Thank you, senior husband!"

"Okay, I'll give you a massage for a while and then I'll leave. I can't come tomorrow night because of something. You can just take a break and relax."

"Husband, you are so nice, uh... I don't need a massage..."

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, Huang Sheng, who had a free midnight snack worth thousands of yuan at the hotel before leaving, picked his teeth and rushed to his home.

In the past few days, he has made a total of ten cards.

Five of them are new fighting cards that use long spears instead of military boxing attacks.

Military boxing is bare-handed after all, and it still can't compare with weapons in terms of lethality.

Two blocking cards, plus the first one that was made but not used, that's three cards.

In addition, there are three strong light cards, which is a new card he has researched.

It is very simple to make, just take an outdoor light with a light intensity of more than 10,000 lumens and shine it in the specified direction!

The brightness of this thing is very terrifying. Although it is not as exaggerated as the promotional video that instantly turns night into day, it can make people blind in minutes if you shine it in your eyes!

And the duration of this strong light card is considerable, it is actually a full minute!

Huang Sheng suspected that the card directly absorbed the light energy that he used for the branding step with an outdoor flashlight, which is enough to use for so long.

In this way, the strong light card can not only be used to blind the target and achieve the purpose of strong control.

At critical moments, it can also be used directly for night lighting, the effect is very good!

Unfortunately, the production of cards requires energy. Huang Sheng has been training and improving himself crazily these days. He dare not waste too much energy, so he only makes two or three cards a day, which should be enough.

As he was thinking, a car suddenly stopped quietly in an empty alley ahead.

With a bang, someone closed the door and got out of the car, and the crisp sound of leather shoes came.

Huang Sheng's heart moved slightly, subconsciously looked behind him, and tightened the spear in his hand.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill will towards you, I just came to see the first civilian master born in the Caida incident."

The visitor was a middle-aged man with a soft voice, standing a few meters away from him.

"What do you want to teach me?"

Huang Sheng asked. Although it was covered by fog and darkness at the time, it was no secret that he was killing people everywhere on campus.

Especially before he went to the main teaching building, he killed nearly ten lantern-carrying people in a row in front of many people guarding the door on the first floor!

If you want to check, you can easily find him. It's not strange for someone to come to you, but if the other party stops you in the dark, you have to be on guard.

The other party said: "If nothing unexpected happens, you will take a special train tomorrow night, right?"

Huang Sheng did not deny it. Since the other party said this, he obviously knew a lot.

"In any F-level crisis event, you can get a ticket if you reach a certain standard."

"In some events, you can get a ticket just by reaching an F+ level. Your University of Finance has a higher standard this time, which has been raised to E+. It is probably because the overall difficulty of this event is relatively low."

"There are six people in the University of Finance event who have reached an E+ rating, including you, and six tickets."

"There are two people in the same car with you, one is Zhang Rui, whose specific car number is unknown, and the other is Wang He, in car No. 14."

"Oh, Teacher Bai Mengxue did not get a ticket because she did not need to board the initial train because she obtained the identity of a police officer.

——This is not what she told us. We know more about this identity and can identify it. "

Huang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly. The Zhang Rui who followed him to the top floor and was later angrily called Old Silver Coin by Ma He?

He said E- to Ma He. This man is not very honest.

"Zhang Rui?"

"Yes, Zhang Rui who lives in the same dormitory with you. You did not refute Teacher Bai's identity. It seems that I am right. She is indeed a policeman?"

"Okay, this thing is for you. In addition, read the note inside carefully. It will help you survive in the initial train. "

A black object was thrown over, Huang Sheng took it subconsciously, but the other party had already turned around and got into the car, and soon the car slowly left.

After Huang Sheng returned home, he looked at the small square box that the other party had given him as a gift.

The small square box was opened, and inside was a foam filling, and inside the foam was a section of a transparent plastic bag... a red candle?

The candle was as thick as a wrist and about ten centimeters high. If it burned, it should burn for a long time, and text messages appeared on it.

Evil-repelling candle, effect: after lighting, it will temporarily dispel the bad luck within the lighting range. The deeper the bad luck, the faster the candle burns. It will automatically extinguish after one minute of lighting each time, and it cannot be relit within thirty seconds.

It is a special item with attribute effects!

Then he looked at a note attached to the candle.

There were three short lines of text on it, and the handwriting was very beautiful. It should be written by someone else.

"One, do not exchange any items with anyone."

"Two, buy off or at least bribe a flight attendant. "

"Three, one of the passenger instructions is wrong."

Huang Sheng carefully read the three pieces of information, frowned and wrote them down, and after a long time, he sighed and put the candle and the note into the space.

The next morning, the glass bottle like a perfume bottle was unscrewed, and this was the evolution point I liquid.

The reason why he chose to take it today was because he had undergone physical strengthening and marrow washing continuously before, and he still needed to adapt and digest. He wanted to wait until his body reached a relatively peak state before using it.

Today is the last day, and the morning is also the best time. With a gulp, he drank the liquid.

"Huh, it seems that there is no reaction?"

Huang Sheng was a little confused, but less than a minute later, he slowly felt a cool feeling in his mind.

This kind of comfort from the spiritual level made him take a long breath, and he nestled comfortably on the sofa, not wanting to move for a long time.

"The memory has been enhanced, the brain has become more flexible, and organs such as eyes and ears have become more sensitive! "

Huang Sheng gradually felt the way, and after some tests, his guess was confirmed, and he was overjoyed.

The increase in physical strength and potential is certainly gratifying.

But the changes in wisdom and memory are even more exciting! Because the latter is much more difficult to improve than the former!

It is easy for a person to become strong, but it is difficult to become smart!

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