Huang Sheng immediately held up his shield and looked at his two companions.

The tall and thin old man who had never shown his ability suddenly began to roar!

Its body grew about ten centimeters taller than the naked eye, and at the same time, its body began to expand rapidly. The empty sleeves and clothes were constantly filled with its body.

Its eyes turned pale red, and canine teeth grew in its mouth.

A long and wide sword appeared in each of its hands. It jumped in front of Huang Sheng with a thud, and danced left and right. The bamboo arrows shot were blocked and knocked away by it!

An ordinary defensive item appeared in Jing's hand, blocking the missed attacks from time to time.

Huang Sheng stood up straight and ended his defensive posture.

This zombie is really good at showing off its power. It can block such a dense rain of arrows.

The profession of corpse driver is still cool. You can have free bodyguards wherever you go.

Huang Sheng and Jian Jing had talked about her ticket problem on the road before.

Under normal circumstances, Jian Jing and the old man can take the old man on the bus as long as Jian Jing has a ticket.

Only in a copy like the Deserted Temple did she have to buy a ticket for the other party.

And because the zombie itself is born with a certain degree of intelligence, it is also an evolver in the eyes of the system. It not only has a panel, but also has exclusive rewards at the end of each copy.

It means that it can greatly supplement Jian Jing's props and improve her economic situation.

Such a tool person is almost perfect.

That's why Huang Sheng said that the other party's profession is cool.

All these bamboo arrows were shot from a certain direction, and the shooting frequency began to gradually decrease after more than ten seconds.

Huang Sheng looked around intently.

At this moment, another fierce rain of arrows burst towards the three people, and this time the bamboo arrows attacked from two directions!

Jian Jing ordered the tall and thin old man to continue to block one direction alone, while she reached out and took out a long iron wire-like thing and threw it in another direction.

After these long iron wires fell to the ground, they began to quickly combine and build up, and in an instant a simple portal frame appeared.

The strange thing is that this is a portal with only a frame and no door panel, but it can block all the arrows. Even the bamboo arrows that can pass through the edge of the portal seem to be blocked by invisible extensions. The defense range is very impressive.

So Huang Sheng still watched the show. He held the square thin wooden board above his head to attract one or two stray arrows occasionally. The three of them were as calm as Mount Tai.

Huang Sheng was very satisfied with this. Compared with other low-level evolvers he had seen before, the strength shown by the D-level evolvers was already very good.

Being an enemy is certainly a headache, but being a teammate will also save a lot of trouble.

After this wave of arrow rain ended, the two seemed a little nervous.

The next wave will not be arrow rain attacks from three directions, four directions, or even more and more directions, right?

If so, it will be troublesome. At that time, Huang Sheng may have to take out the group defense magnetic field column to defend. To be honest, he doesn't want to expose such a good prop so muddled.

Another reason is that the magnetic field column consumes the energy in the energy crystal after all. Before there is a way to get the energy crystal, he only hopes that this thing can use the energy consumption in the key place.

As if sensing the two people's worries, the next moment the bamboo arrows really burst from three, no, from four directions!

"Fuck, this old man is too much!"

Huang Sheng gritted his teeth. This bamboo forest is called Yinjian Bamboo. It can be said that the bamboo arrows are endless.

If the opponent really attacks like this, he is afraid that he will not be able to stop it even if he sets up the magnetic field column.

At this time, the three people no longer have the ability to resist one direction each, so they retreat together and prepare to jointly defend against attacks from four directions.

Huang Sheng took out two playful hand drums.

The defensive effect of this hand drum is very general when there is only one. Not only does it have no additional effect, but when defending, the drum must be pointed at the direction of the attack. If it is not aimed, it may die suddenly.

But after collecting the complete set, there is no such requirement.

The more sudden, more numerous and chaotic the attack, the better the effect of this thing. It can not only resist the attack, but also rebound the attack.

Under the condition of only one long-range attack from the same direction, the shield is enough for defense, but in this case, the playful hand drum should be able to produce miraculous effects.

Holding two hand drums in both hands, as the hand drums kept beating

, the bamboo arrows shot in his direction stopped in mid-air, then suddenly turned around and reflected back at a faster speed than when they came!

Puff puff puff——

In the unknown jungle in the distance, there was a sound of large pieces of flesh being pierced, and then no new bamboo arrows joined in from this direction.

Huang Sheng immediately turned around and used the playful hand drum to defend the other three places.

As the rain of arrows reflected back, the sound of flesh being pierced one after another sounded, and the rain of arrows soon stopped completely, and there was no new attack for a long time.

"From the sound, it should be the scene of a creature like a giant silkworm being pierced."

Jian Jing said to Huang Sheng, this all-knowing naughty boy raised so many silkworms, and even he himself was a half-human, half-silkworm monster. It made sense that he sent silkworms to control bamboo arrows to attack them in some unknown way.

Huang Sheng nodded: "Maybe... It seems to be foggy around."

A white fog filled the jungle, and in almost half a minute, it completely blocked the surrounding vision.

This place was originally covered by a large number of low trees, and the light was very dim.

In addition, the vision was so disturbed that if an ordinary evolver was here, he would probably have been unable to see anything.

However, the two were special. Huang Sheng had already pasted the Eye of Mist stickers in advance, so his vision was not greatly affected in this case.

Jian Jing's situation was even more special.

She was equivalent to a blind person on weekdays, but through the pupilless eyes, she could give back a special vision scene in her mind.

This vision scene can not only see more things than ordinary people, but also this scene is like a processed picture, and is not easily disturbed by the outside world.

It sounds a bit complicated. In short, what she can see is like a world picture that has been processed by data.

This processing will ignore the irrelevant, trivial, and insignificant parts of the picture, and amplify some useful information.

It's amazing, so the only one affected among the three is the tall and thin old man.

"The cold wind is like a knife, the dampness is like a cut, hiss, my skin hurts!"

Gradually, Huang Sheng felt the air become extremely damp and thick, and his skin began to feel severe stinging, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

This feeling only lasted for a dozen seconds, and it was almost unbearable for him.

It was like a real blade stabbing and cutting his body. This was an invasion of the senses and biological functions that ignored external defenses.

During this period of time, he even felt that his movements began to slow down.

"Me too."

Jian Jing frowned, hugged her arms, and also showed a painful look.

It was still the tall and thin old man, not only did not react like them at all, but his expression became ecstatic.

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