The two of them were in a state of panic, but the two of them were still alive.

Fu Yang waited outside the Yinjian bamboo forest with an ugly look on his face. When he saw a group of people coming out, he immediately came over.

He didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that the place where his second uncle was trapped was also the destination of this group of people.

In this way, they could just work together. As for the fact that he was controlled, there was nothing he could do but endure it.

He felt that after finding his second uncle, he would have a strong supporter here, and the other party would give him the antidote if he knew what was good for him.

From the naughty boy's mouth, it can be known that the area around the wet sand cemetery is far from safe. He has seen the map. The area is located hundreds of kilometers west of Shilao Village, far beyond the safe range around Shilao Village.

The other party is short of manpower now, and as a C-level evolver, even if the second uncle is exhausted, the secret method of the deserted temple can quickly restore his strength through energy.

As long as he can be rescued, the strength of his side will be greatly increased. He doesn't believe that the gang dares to control him.

Of course, he has no intention of being an enemy of this group of people. It was Li Zha who died, not him. Afterwards, he just wants the antidote.

Facts have proved that these outsiders are not so easy to control. The reason for opposing them before was not because of the large number of people on his side. Everyone is targeting this group of people, so what's wrong with him following the trend?

As for his attitude in private, that is another matter. It is true that Shilao Village is xenophobic, but who hasn't had contact with outside evolvers in private?

After all, they all have to go out to do dungeons.

"You want to cooperate? How many people can your family send out?

Huang Sheng asked. This place is too far from Shilao Village. Thinking of the various dangers that may appear in the wilderness at night, he was a little panicked. At this time, it is naturally better to have more people, especially local people.

"Our Fu family can still send out two people, both of whom are D-level evolvers, one is my cousin, and the other is my third uncle." Fu Yang said.

Two D-level?

Huang Sheng nodded involuntarily. There are people to cooperate, and their strength is not completely beyond theirs. This is not bad.

All the way back to the wooden building of the Ling family, it is already a little late.

Now there is a new problem in front of us, that is, how to rest tonight?

The wooden building is not big, and only the first floor can be used. Now there are more than a hundred people at once, and it can't accommodate them at all.

There are various supplies in many places in the wooden building. In this way, unless everyone lies side by side in rows, there will be enough space.

"Can't your neighbor's house be swallowed? Otherwise, choose to do it today? "

Huang Sheng asked the two women.

Lingtian shook his head: "No, it's too late."

"Only if we hand over the stolen lineage flags and spirit tablets to Zhenying Hall and get permission can we devour the house. It's too late now and it's too late to do it."

"And grandma hasn't received any incense replenishment for more than a month, and her strength has been greatly weakened. Although she has received a great supplement today, her strength has not recovered."

"Even if her strength is restored, she will still be needed to escort us along the way. After rushing to Yanfa Temple, we will summon the ancestors to appear and ask her to help occupy Yanfa Temple to complete the task."

After Lingtian said this, Huang Sheng also knew that he was not thoughtful, and couldn't help sighing: "It seems that everyone will have to sleep together these days."

"It's okay, sleeping on the floor is nothing compared to not having enough food. "

Lingtian smiled, and Huang Sheng looked at the group of pale and skinny servants. These people had relatively satisfied smiles on their faces. Indeed, no one was worried about where to sleep at night.

Huang Sheng looked at the situation in the wooden building, and whispered: "Do you know where is the more secret place around here, which is not easy to be noticed and monitored? I have a big treasure that needs to be taken out temporarily."

On the way to the Yanfa Temple, Huang Sheng had a hunch that he might need to take out the small home in the wild. After all, it was not so easy to camp in the wild of this deserted temple.

But at this time, the small home in the wild was filled with all kinds of supplies. These things were originally prepared for the two women. Taking them out would not only greatly supplement the supplies in the wooden building of the Ling family, but also free up basic space for the hut, otherwise it would be difficult to even settle down at that time.

"Big treasure? How big is it?" Ling Zhen asked blankly.

Lingtian said: "There is no place that is not monitored at all, because the entire Shilao Village is under the control of Zhenying Palace, but if it is not noticed by others, there are still some. ”

“There is a mountain range near the west gate, and Qiuzi Valley is one of them. The terrain there is complicated, so as long as you don’t intentionally

Places close to human habitation are very secretive, and no one will notice them. "

"The situation there is very chaotic, which is why lewd temples like the Arhat Temple for Children have grown up. In fact, if anyone paid attention to it, it would have been cleared out long ago."

"It's too far away."

Huang Sheng shook his head. He wanted to take out the supplies inside. It was so far away. He could take out the supplies from the wild house, but how could he bring the supplies back?

"Our neighbor next door has been abandoned for a long time. We can go into his yard, but it is dangerous inside the house, and no one will pay attention to such a place." Lingtian said hurriedly.

"Okay, let's go there. "Huang Sheng said, since it is a yard, it should be no problem to put down his small house.

So the three of them walked on the street and went all the way to the back of the wooden building, and came to a dilapidated brick and earth courtyard wall.

Lingtian stretched out his hand and pushed open the creaking courtyard door, and Huang Sheng immediately felt a suffocating cold wind rushing towards him.

The righteousness ring moved slightly, and the cold wind that almost made him gasp gradually dissipated, and the two women next to him also woke up from this state one after another.

Lingtian explained: "Because no one has lived here for too long, the soul of the ancestor who is responsible for taking care of the back of this family is too weak to wake up, so they allow the evil spirits to invade every night. The yard itself is a trapped place. After a long time, this place is like a water tank full of evil spirits. "

"Look there, there. "

She pointed to several corners of the weed-covered courtyard. It was obviously dimmer than the surrounding area. If you get close to them, you can feel the biting humidity invading your body.

"The situation in these corners is the most serious. If this courtyard is not located on the sunny side and is briefly baked by the sun every day, who knows what will happen. "

Huang Sheng looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the two-story building in front of the yard.

It is unknown whether this building was like this when it was built, or whether it was affected by the long invasion of evil spirits. It looks gloomy in broad daylight, giving people an indescribable weirdness and discomfort.

Huang Sheng stopped talking, motioned the two to stand apart, then reached out to grab the wild hut and threw it to the reserved space in front.

The hut model quickly grew larger, and finally, in the shocked eyes of the two women, it turned into the size of a real house in the blink of an eye!

Huang Sheng stepped on the stairs to open the door and moved out bags of rice, flour, grain and oil.

"I saw that your financial situation was very serious on the train, so these are prepared for you."

"Pile these things together, and I will send someone to move them after I put away the house. "

The two girls were touched, and they loved and were amazed by this house prop that appeared out of nowhere. They nodded and piled up the things Huang Sheng took out one by one.

Ling Zhen said happily: "There are so many things! Not only food, but also so many vegetables and candies and snacks. Brother, I really love you to death! "

Huang Sheng smiled faintly, but unfortunately, since the wild house was only a white item, it was not convenient for him to take it out casually.

With the acquisition of several new soul items, his self-protection ability is getting stronger and stronger.

He was not too worried about the props being stolen, but he was mainly afraid that the wild hut would be damaged by others, and the magnetic field column was not omnipotent.

Can white props withstand a beating?

It's a fart, he didn't know how many props of the opponent he destroyed in the battle.

If the wild hut can be upgraded to blue or even purple quality, it will be quite strong as a defensive item.

Then he can take this thing out frequently.

Otherwise, there will be more opportunities to deal with the strengthened wild tent, but living in a tent is not as comfortable as sleeping in a big bed.

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