After a long time, the two sides of the river were still standing.

So it was another half an hour later.

Looking at the crooked post house in front of them, which was built entirely of wood and had various weird and twisted lines on the doors and windows, everyone was speechless.

From right to left, there were four characters "Yiran Post House". This plaque was hung above the main entrance of the post house. Seeing it meant that you had arrived at the Premium Post House.

According to the information given by the naughty boy, you must stay here for one night after arriving at the Premium Post House, and you can leave this area at dawn the next day, otherwise you will be trapped.

"Welcome, welcome, it has been a while since we have seen friends from the east."

A paper man in green clothes and a small hat came out enthusiastically.

This paper man is vivid and lifelike, and the three-dimensional sense of the person is vividly expressed, which is completely different from the traditional paper man.

"Is this really a premium post house?" Fu Feng asked suspiciously. Although he had made preparations, the naughty boy had said that this was not a place where ordinary people could come. It was good enough for him to get a little information, and it was impossible for him to come here in person.

"Sir, where is this saying?"

The green-clothed paper man corrected: "The name does not change, and the surname does not change. This is the Yiran Post House. There has never been such a saying as you said."

"Please come in, please come in, let me see, there are a total of ten paper horses, oh, and there are three spare paper horses, and the price of water grass is a total of 130 black notes."

"Are you going to stay overnight or stay overnight? Let me count, eleven people, accommodation only needs 330 black notes, even if everyone is 400, you can stay from now until noon tomorrow."

"Don't respond to them, everyone should remain silent from now on."

Huang Sheng said to everyone.

The naughty boy concluded that it was impossible for them to pass through the Premium Posthouse before they hugged the big thick legs, and they would definitely fall here.

The ancestor's appearance might be useful, but no one wanted to use up their precious abilities in advance, after all, the latter was their real destination.

The prop that the other party specially prepared for him, the ink of refusal to trade, was used in this place!

Huang Sheng could conclude from the function of the ink that this was definitely a place where people would be killed without compensation!

Although he didn't know what the word "premium" meant, he could see from the few words of the green-clothed paper man that the other party wanted to rip them off in terms of price.

Then the result was obvious. The Premium Posthouse was a place where dangers occurred through transactions, forced transactions, and other forms of transactions.

Keeping silent would inevitably avoid all transactions, but at least it could avoid the obvious ones.

"Why are the water grass of paper horses so expensive? Do you think they are sweat-blood horses?"

Huang Sheng said to the green-clothed paper man.

The green-clothed paper man immediately cried out: "Sir, look at what you said, don't you see where we are? Where can we get water and grass for the paper horse? As the saying goes, things are more valuable because they are scarce. It is reasonable for us to be a little more expensive, right?"

"Don't worry, we only make money from the cost, and at most we will charge a little more hard-earned money."

"Why is the accommodation fee 330 for 11 people, and you want to charge us 400?" Huang Sheng asked again.

"It's inconvenient to go out, so let's make some money and do some good deeds."

The green-clothed paper man smiled.

"What if we don't pay and force ourselves to move in?" Huang Sheng asked.

The green-clothed paper man still said politely: "Everyone who comes is a guest. We treat people with courtesy at Yiran Inn. Of course, we won't drive you away?"

"Go, go in!"

The crowd then walked into the inn.

As long as we don't pay, there will be no transaction. This is very scientific.

Watching everyone go in, Huang Sheng asked the green-clothed paper man again: "Waiter, there won't be any wanted criminals, murderers, exhibitionists, perverted murderers, etc. in this store, right?"

Paper man: "Look at what you said, sir... How can I tell you conveniently if you don't give me a little reward?"

"Reward? I will never give you any reward. Goodbye!"

Huang Sheng put an end to any form of transaction. The premium posthouse must have its own rules. Refusing to trade ink is also to prevent all transactions from happening from the root. As long as they follow this logic, it shouldn't be so easy to overturn.

The structure of the posthouse is a rectangular wooden courtyard.

The main entrance is a whole four-story wooden building, and the surrounding walls are all wooden houses. The courtyard is fully functional, with a stable, a trough, a stone table and stone benches, and even a swing.

There are other guests in the posthouse, and many people are peeping at everyone in every corner.

Some are located in the crooked

On the wooden building, some were in other bungalow rooms, some were sitting on stone tables and benches, and some were looking at them from nowhere, looking at them unscrupulously.

"Master, I want to swing."

The little woman's bag was returned to her by Huang Sheng, and she suddenly couldn't help but say, saying to Huang Sheng.

"What's so good about swinging... Then you swing."

Huang Sheng thought that if it weren't for the strange ability of this little woman, how could everyone save a whole day and avoid countless troubles to come here in advance, so he changed his words.

The little woman then handed the package to Huang Sheng again, and she happily went to sit on the wooden swing.

"Swing, ten black bills!"

A bald boy sitting on a stone bench next to him suddenly couldn't help it, jumped up and rushed here.

You fucking...

Huang Sheng looked at this person, don't say you will charge me ten black bills for swinging, even if you give me ten black bills for swinging, I dare not take it.

Trading here is very dangerous, but fighting may not be.

Huang Sheng took out the trick to steal the bell, and the bell jingled. He just wanted to do an experiment on this person.

The bald boy who was aggressively asking for the black money suddenly changed his face.

He stretched out his hands to cover his ears, then sneaked into the bushes behind the stone table and bench, carefully touched his companion, and reached out to touch a prop on his companion.

However, before his hand touched it, his whole body was tied up by the nosy rope and dragged over.

Huang Sheng noticed that all the covetous eyes not only did not diminish, but became more obvious.

The bald boy's companions seemed to have not noticed their companions' experience at all, but some strange expressions such as contemplation and regret appeared on their faces.

The rope directly hung the bald boy up and swayed with the wind.

The bald boy did not shout or cry. He was tied up and uncomfortable to look at. He swayed while staring at a group of people, as if he was thinking about something.

"Everyone gather together. We will stay in this area today and for the rest of the time. This area is quite spacious. Don't go out before dawn."

A large area in the middle of the backyard was all flat bricks and tiles. Huang Sheng set his eyes on this place and took out the refusal to trade ink to start marking the territory.

He kept in mind the naughty boy's advice that the area drawn by ink can be of various shapes, but it is important to pay attention to the closure of the lines.

The ink pen kept moving along the way, and finally Huang Sheng drew a circular area, including the two carriages and a group of people, including the little woman who was swinging on the swing.

The little woman didn't know what was strange. Every time the swing swung, the friction of the rope would make a huge and harsh sound.

Carefully finishing the last stroke, he confirmed that this stroke not only overlapped, but also completely overlapped, with the two ink lines perfectly running through a curve without a single edge.

"Okay, everyone take a break, you can talk now."

After greeting everyone, Huang Sheng put away the ink pen.

It was still early at this time, and there was still a long time before the sunrise. I thought to myself that we would have to endure this nearly day and night.

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