The metal man was so busy that he was unable to get out of the old man's hand.

The space storage box logo on the inside of the metal man's wrist suddenly lit up, and then a thread formed from it and fell on the palms of the old man's hands that had been spread out early.

After the metal man came to the deserted temple, all the accumulated black banknotes flew out of the storage box that did not exist in this world in a line, and fell into the hands of the old man one by one, and a stack was formed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that his little belongings, which were not much and accumulated entirely by Brother Huang's charity, fell into the hands of the other party, the metal man had woken up from the state that had just made Li Zhi faint, and he couldn't help but screaming.

"Give it back to me, don't take my black notes!"

However, his call was useless. In a blink of an eye, all his few black notes fell into the hands of the old man, and he didn't collect them directly.

Next was the props. The two ordinary props of the metal man fell into the hands of the other party.

There was a force that seemed to want to take the higher-quality props from the metal man's space storage box, but it seemed that the force was not enough and ultimately failed.

However, this matter was not over. The light turned to the metal man's body, scanning up and down, and then the metal material on its body was sucked towards the old man like a dragon sucking water!

"Hahaha, good, good, with the blessing of a silicon-based life, what is there to fear for the old man to travel around the country! Hahahaha!"

"I have had enough of the fragile and aging body of humans. From now on, I will also feel the state of metal. I just don't know if the old man can regain his strength and even the words are as solid as metal!"

The old man danced with joy.

This moment seemed like a grand ceremony, and the noise was very loud.

All the windows of the houses around were opened. Some people looked out with bloodshot eyes, some hid in the shadows of the house and gnashed their teeth, and some wanted to take the old man's place.

But no one tried to rob him.

The metal man was getting smaller and smaller. This force not only stripped his metal bones and flesh from his body, but also caused his overall structure to deform and irreversibly deform.

He screamed heartbreakingly, and at this moment his heart was filled with endless regret.

"Is this the price of the deal?"

Others rushed out and felt extremely chilled when they saw the scene in front of them. Even though they were not the ones suffering at this time, they still felt the same way, as if they were falling into an ice cave.

Naturally, everyone couldn't bear to see the scene in front of them, and they all tried to interrupt the process in anger.

However, the two parties in the transaction seemed to be protected by some kind of protection, and there was an invisible and intangible force separating the two parties.

The old man laughed heartily, and his laughter became louder and more rampant.

His body was gradually transforming into a metal body.

"Put me down quickly, I will give you all the black money, props, and everything I have!"

The bald boy, who had been hanging on the rope for a day, shouted frantically, his eyes bloodshot, full of endless desire and envy.

"Call your mother!"

Huang Sheng turned his head suddenly, holding the tuning fork and hitting it twice with the greatest force.

When the first hit fell, the bald boy was like being struck by lightning, blood spurted out of his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, and his eyes turned white instantly.

When the second hit fell, the bald boy's body exploded with a bang!

Flesh, broken bones, skin, and dirty stains flew around like rain!

Fortunately, the yurt unfolded by the white paper ball prop blocked it here, and the other party's blood and flesh were mostly hit on it, and it was like a heavy rain, which scared everyone.

The freed rope floated in the air and drifted to the side of the old man.

Huang Sheng is now just waiting for the transaction to end. Once this unknown protection disappears, he will cut the old man into pieces!

"Huang... help..."

The metal man had been absorbed and only a deformed and bent skeleton was left, like a wire rack bent by the sun. He could not stand steadily and relied on his bent body to support himself on the ground.

With his body joints stiff, he fell to the ground, leaving only the most basic things of silicon-based life. All the life sources were almost absorbed.

"How can I save you?" Huang Sheng asked.

The metal man seemed to have been bewitched just now. He rushed out to trade with others regardless of the presence of everyone.

Although Huang Sheng felt that he was a little stupid, stupidity alone could not lead him to do this.

"Tang... Wolf!"

The metal man said desperately with his last will.

Obviously, the life levels of silicon-based and carbon-based are completely different, but for some reason, in the eyes of everyone, the metal man

Like a dying person with almost no hair and teeth, and only a layer of skin wrapped around a skeleton.

Huang Sheng's heart moved and he summoned the metal mantis.

Before he blew the whistle, the mantis was a dead thing, it would not move, and it had no will.

He threw the mantis on the metal man.

The metal man began to collapse with a bang, and at the same time, the dead mantis seemed to come alive. It jumped behind Huang Sheng at the first time and hid in the corner and trembled.

"Hahaha, metal life, almost endless life! I embrace non-human civilization, and soon I will be promoted to C-level evolver, I succeeded hahaha!"

"The Premium Inn really did not deceive me. As long as I succeed once, as long as I succeed once, it is equivalent to working hard for several years, more than ten years or even a lifetime!"

The old man's perception of the surroundings was almost zero at this time. He was completely immersed in his own world and shouted madly.

Its body has completely transformed into a metallic texture, its speech is sonorous and powerful, and its movements are smooth and mechanical.

Huang Sheng has been controlling the rope to attack the opponent, but has been blocked.

At this time, the barrier was finally broken.

The rope was immediately wrapped around, and instantly entangled the ecstatic opponent.

However, just when he was about to drag the opponent in and ravage him to death, the green-clothed paper man appeared, along with some other paper men in the entire inn.

"Sir, this is against the rules. This inn adheres to the principle of peaceful coexistence and does not allow guests to fight each other."

Hearing the paper man speak so seriously, Huang Sheng pointed to the blood and flesh on the other side of the yurt: "Oh? But I not only did not coexist peacefully, but also turned him into fertilizer. As long as I use a dustpan to sweep it up, it will be a good fertilizer for flowers. What do you say?"

The green paper man said: "He provoked you first, and he deserves it."

"But they are normal transactions, and they are all good guests who abide by the rules."

Huang Sheng shook his head: "Why, is this also the rule of the premium inn? As long as the transaction is successful, the person who initiated the transaction will be protected. Safe?"

"If I give you a thousand black notes, are you willing to help me kill him?"

The green-clothed paper man seemed to have no interest in the black notes. It shook its head seriously: "I'm sorry, sir, rules are rules. I won't ruin the reputation of our Yiran Inn for a little black note."

Then his voice suddenly dropped: "But if I pay you a thousand black notes, and I help you to take it to you for your disposal, this is indeed possible. I don't know what you think?"

"No, I will kill this man!"

Huang Sheng hit the tuning fork with a ding, and a terrifying spiritual power fell in a way that no one could perceive.

The green-clothed paper man took out a copper basin, and the copper basin floated to the old man who was tied up tightly with ropes.


A violent crash sounded from the bottom of the copper basin, and the sound wave instantly swept in all directions.

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