The current state of Fuyang is very strange. He tried desperately to go out, the sign on his wrist was glowing, and at the same time, a light that was ready to break out of his body was constantly brewing on the sign of the storage box, but it just didn't emit, and didn't connect to the other trader. "Just stop him in the ink line, don't panic." Huang Sheng saw the clue and said in time. Obviously, this is a method similar to fraud, that is, the trader uses a special method to make the traded person believe that he has been tricked and now he must go to trade. I don't know if it is another kind of mental bewitching ability? But Huang Sheng has let the metal ball observe the surroundings, there is nothing abnormal on all four sides, and he doesn't know where the other party is hiding. Fu Feng, who was about to fight to the death, temporarily controlled his emotions upon hearing this, and he and Jian Zhongguo held Fu Yang tightly.

Who knew that Fu Yang struggled for a full hour, until he was exhausted and finally lost all his strength and fell asleep, and this abnormality gradually disappeared.

"Uncle Lu, please take out the ore we got in the last copy. I want to see if the metal man can still chew it."

Jian Jing said to the tall and thin old man beside him.

The tall and thin old man took out a black ore and handed it to Jian Jing. At the same time, Jian Jing held a stack of black banknotes in his hand: "Deposit it with you first."

Originally, this was just an extremely common scene this night. In the past few days, Jian Jing occasionally communicated with the tall and thin old man, and it was normal to store and retrieve items. After all, her storage box had limited space.

Huang Sheng thought so too.

It was not until Jian Jing's black banknotes almost reached the palm of the tall and thin old man's hand that he suddenly reacted, and his back suddenly went numb, and his whole body was terrified!

Just when he thought he was too late to stop the other party.

He saw something flashing with metallic reflections in the light, and it whizzed out in the air. With a few swish sounds, the seemingly soft but actually very tough black banknotes were cut into pieces on the ground!

This sudden transaction was finally interrupted and ended!

Jian Jing woke up at the moment when the black banknote fragments were scattered on the ground, and sweat immediately flowed down her forehead.

Others also felt something was wrong more or less. Seeing that a crisis was resolved, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's expression showed varying degrees of worry.

Since night, the residents of the Premium Inn began to induce them to trade in a more bizarre and obscure way.

People like Fu Yang are considered good, at least they come in the open.

If I am also attacked like Jian Jing, I don’t know if I can live until tomorrow?

Killing is not the right thing to do, but the rules of the premium inn are to eat people alive!

"Didn't you feel anything unusual just now?"

Huang Sheng frowned and asked Jian Jing. The other party's body has a good soul defense ability. Who can control her silently?

Jian Jing said with an ugly face: "In fact, the other party did not attack me, but used a little trick to successfully induce me, so that I could not concentrate temporarily, and did something I usually do, but I can't do it tonight."

Huang Sheng responded silently and understood that this silent and invisible soul influence is indeed difficult to be detected.

Not long after, a paper horse suddenly moved quietly, and it stuck to the side of Kong Shiyi.

At the same time, Kong Shiyi's insect, which was buried in the land somewhere outside the tent and within the ink line to deal with unexpected events, suddenly lost control and ran straight into the darkness after crossing the ink line!

"Refuse the deal, you refuse the deal!"

Huang Sheng stood up suddenly and said to Kong Shiyi, who was about to destroy the paper horse when he realized something was wrong.

Kong Shiyi was slightly stunned, then dodged the paper horse and repeated loudly: "I refuse this deal!"

After its voice fell, the paper horse returned to normal, and it leisurely circled around Kong Shiyi like a flesh-and-blood life, and then walked to the place where its companions gathered and played.

Kong Shiyi's heart moved, and the insect that ran back from the original direction exploded with a puff, spilling slurry all over the ground.

Not long after, a faint humming sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

A human-like existence that looked like a wisp of smoke in the night sky, but combined into a strange appearance, floated into the yurt without any obstruction.

Wherever it passed, a thin layer of

Ice, the air was freezing cold.

Many people seemed to be suddenly in the coldest winter, almost unable to breathe, their spirits began to become muddy and turbid, and all kinds of messy thoughts flooded into their minds!

Two huge human-shaped phantoms emerged from the carriages respectively.

They each hit out with one palm, and in an instant, the unknown existence could barely be seen as being hit by two palm shadows on the chest and back.

It suddenly became weak and transparent, and after leaving a resentful hum, it quickly dissipated, and the space in the yurt gradually warmed up.

This is a deserted temple monster wandering at night. I don’t know why it got into the premium posthouse, but it is obviously a sheep in the tiger’s mouth. If it hadn’t run fast, it would have been beaten to death by the two ancestors.


A violent sawing sound suddenly rang out, and the ink line was sawed off in an instant!

"What a trick to sneak into Chencang, to deceive the world, and to dance with the sword of Zhou Gong."

Huang Sheng rushed out of the yurt and immediately locked onto the figure who had climbed out of the posthouse before and came back at some unknown time, standing on a roof and grinning at him.

He pulled the saw prop in the air, secretly destroying the ink line while he and others were affected by the monster, and finally sawed off the ink line.

The ink line on the ground was affected by something unknown, like a taut rope, as a certain point was sawed off, it actually swam to both sides like a snake, and the empty range reached more than ten meters in a blink of an eye!

"Sir, do you need a skinny horse to warm your bed? In this lonely night, only the female paper doll in red clothes can bring you warmth."

"Are you interested in my props? This saw can saw everything in the air. As long as you give me one thousand black notes, or I give you one thousand black notes, it will be yours."

"That paper horse is good. I will invest five hundred black notes to buy one for transportation. Who is willing to sell that paper horse to me?"

"Selling pears, the pears of the murdered old man. I will give you thirty black notes to buy one. I am honest and have no malice."

"Selling guide services. I have lived in the premium post house for half a year and am very familiar with the surrounding area. You give me money or I give you money. Anyway, who wants to hire me?"

At the moment when the ink line broke, countless voices rushed in densely and chaotically, with various excited, urgent, and crazy tones.

Obviously, many people living in the post house did not sleep all night. Huang Sheng and others were fighting wits and courage, and they were also racking their brains to wait for opportunities.

In the dark courtyard, there were chua, chua sounds and people lit up all kinds of lights.

Dozens of people were seen crowding outside the broken ink line, trying desperately to squeeze into the coil. At the same time, all kinds of strange props and spiritual attacks were swarming towards everyone, causing some people to be affected.

It seemed that in an instant, everyone was forced into a desperate situation!

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