The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

"Get out of here if you don't want to die!"

"You dare to come up and stop us when you see so many of us. There's something wrong with these idiots!"

"You guys stink. Are you roasting insect meat in the back?"

The people in the 15th carriage had just experienced a fierce battle. At this time, their morale was high. They couldn't stand being stopped. Many people started to curse and all kinds of weapons were picked up.

The four people were a little scared when they saw their tough attitude.

At this moment, the door of the 22nd carriage opened, and several people covered in blood rushed out.

These people were extremely fierce as they walked. Their eyes were full of murderous intent, and they held all kinds of sharp weapons in their hands.

As a fishy wind blew, everyone smelled the pungent smell of blood mixed with the stench of rancidity on them!

"Friends in the car in front, why don't I give you a chance."

"Turn back now, and don't cross the twenty carriages before getting off the car. Today we will pretend that you have never been here!"

The short and thin middle-aged man in the lead stared at them intently, but said with a strange smile.

A group of people thought they had heard it wrong. There were not even more people on the opposite side than them, but they were so shameless as to say that they had never been here?

It was really a 40-meter ship-cutting knife that cut his buttocks, and he opened his eyes!

Huang Sheng frowned and looked at this person, only to feel that the other party's state was very strange.

This person, or the few people who came, not only looked a little bloodthirsty and crazy, but also the blood on his body was not his own.

In addition, he actually felt a hint of fatal threat from several people, especially the short and thin middle-aged man who spoke up-this feeling was very mysterious, but it was really reflected in his mind at the moment!

And the next moment, he knew why he had this feeling.

In full view of everyone, a tail...

Stretched out from behind the middle-aged man, slowly sweeping and swaying in the air!

And the other few people suddenly underwent various changes, which was completely beyond everyone's expectations!

One person floated in the air, and a pair of wings appeared behind him!

If that ugly thing that looked disgusting can be considered wings!

And every time this thing flapped, there was an unbearable stench that made it difficult for people to even breathe!

In the middle of a person's left palm, an organ like an insect mouthpart stretched out. This organ completely destroyed the structure of the human palm, and it made people feel physically uncomfortable!

The short and thin middle-aged man looked at them with a strange smile, and the tail behind him was still stretching, stretching longer and longer!

Huang Sheng stared at the other person's tail, he recognized it, isn't this the tail of the strange insect that he cut off several times with a spear? !

The same thickness and size, the same material, and even the length is almost the same!

At this moment, his heart was hit unimaginably!

The tail of the strange maggot... people like them.

How are they connected?

"You transplanted the monster's tail onto yourself?"

"You guys have all been biologically transformed?!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Huang Sheng's words.

Some people just felt cold from head to toe, while others felt a huge absurdity and the subsequent fear in their hearts!

No wonder these people were covered in blood and left so many people outside to be on guard.

Could it be that they were transforming other people in the car just now?

Huang Sheng felt his scalp tingling. Any form of technology related to the human body has always been one of the most sensitive and taboo topics!

He had thought that such a cruel thing might happen in an unknown corner of the world.

But at this time, he was caught off guard and suddenly learned, or even saw with his own eyes at close range, the truth that was at least ten times worse than he had imagined, which undoubtedly made him completely unable to calm down!

"Hehe, hehehehe!"

The short and thin middle-aged man seemed to have been holding back his laughter.

At this time, amid a series of emotional voices, he said: "I have tried to persuade you, but it's a pity that you don't cherish your lives."

"Well, it just so happens that I feel that the quality of this batch of voluntary mother beds is not up to standard."

"You involuntary mother beds, since you can survive safely and even organize so many people, you must have great strength and potential!"

His eyes revealed great greed.

"Then let me help you! Seeing yourself and the powerful

's life is integrated into one, is there anything more interesting in the world than this? "

"Haha, hahahaha!"

As he spoke, his tail swung violently!

With a huge sound of breaking through the air, a small train table next to him was directly rolled up by the woman's wrist-thick tail, and it was about to hit everyone fiercely in the next moment!

Huang Sheng subconsciously opened his shield to block the attack.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the back through the loudspeaker.

"What are you doing so late at night? Do you like to dance at midnight?"

"We, the crew, are also very hard-working. We don't want to serve you during the day and be interrupted at night to stop these boring tricks. "

Everyone turned around and saw two attendants appearing at the end of carriage No. 20. One was holding a horn, and the other was rubbing his eyes, looking at them unkindly.

The short and thin middle-aged man was slowly shaking his tail with a small table in the air. Obviously, even if the conductor appeared, he was still unwilling to stop.

As for his companions, they were even more extreme. They almost didn't listen to the attendant's words. At this time, they rushed towards everyone fiercely!

The speed of flapping wings was very fast. The figure suddenly approached the crowd from a few meters away. A thin knife stained with new and old blood appeared in his hand!

The one with a mouthpart in his palm ran and jumped like a beast. When he stepped on the wall of the car, he actually reflected directly into the crowd!

The opponent's speed was very fast, completely beyond the physical fitness that a normal person should have!

With a crisp sound, Huang Sheng, who blocked the opponent with a shield, retreated. Half a step.

The buffering function of the upgraded shield is very clever.

He clearly felt that the opponent's beast-like running brought huge momentum, and for a moment he felt like he was hit head-on by a leopard or other beasts!

In fact, the opponent also brought great impact to the shield.

But the buffering function played an extremely good role, so that Huang Sheng didn't even take a full step back!

When the strange man with wings swooped down, he was intercepted by the strange ability of the red mole woman. In a trance, Yin Zhiqin roared and hit him with a hammer!

This iron hammer has the effect of shock force, which shook the opponent's body on the spot, and the wings were almost unstable, and he staggered to the ground!

The sudden conflict that the appearance of the train conductor failed to stop was finally forced to restrain the impulse by Huang Sheng and his men!

"Very good, I remember you guys. "

The short and thin middle-aged man had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. He licked the corner of his mouth and said, "You can't do anything on this train. When you get off the train, I will let you know what despair is!"

"What are you still talking about? Go back to your carriages and sleep."

The conductor holding the horn said impatiently. The two men had no intention of stepping forward to stop the conflict.

But both sides stopped fighting. The short and thin middle-aged man and others returned to the rear carriage, while Huang Sheng and others walked forward.

The two attendants saw that the matter was resolved, frowned and turned to walk forward. Although their steps were very slow, they completely disappeared from everyone's sight in a few seconds, as if they had some kind of illusion.

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