The more you draw, the more you will see.

Under the flashlight, he thought about it, wrote the word "summon" on a card cut to the size of a bank card, and then drew an image of a wolfdog.

Meaning that he wanted to make a summoning card, the kind that summons a dog.

Unfortunately, nothing happened after writing and drawing.

Well, let's try again.

He wrote the word "fight" on the card and drew a picture of a person fighting.

He has a good foundation in painting, and the content of his painting is also quite realistic.

But there was still no response.

"No, it's still useless. Do I need to add some elements?"

Huang Sheng suddenly thought that in those card novels, the protagonist would always have at least one medium involved when making cards.

This medium connects the physical object with the content that the card wants to express.

Or it can communicate with the power of heaven and earth to form the energy in the card, or influence pets and beasts to let them get into the card, or imprint a certain existence or rule, let them temporarily exist on the card, and release it when the time is right...

He must not be able to do it just by writing with a pen. You are a magic pen, what if you can do what you say?

"What should I do? Why don't I do a set of boxing to see if I can imprint it on the card and try to make a fighting card."

"Just try a few classic moves in military boxing!"

He swung his posture and grabbed his wrist quickly. In the past, he had found an opportunity to consult with military masters and learned a completely different fighting style from the military boxing seen in reality. This fighting style is more violent and efficient.

With his full strength, three famous moves such as crotch-bouncing elbows were used.

And at this moment, the originally ordinary card with the word "fighting" written on it like a joke actually underwent amazing changes.

It glowed with a faint white light.

Bathed in the light, the texture of the card material changed rapidly, from rough and inferior shoebox paper to smooth and beautiful card material.

The handwritten fonts and hand-drawn graphics of Huang Sheng on it gradually became standardized.

The fonts of the two words "fighting" were enlarged and bolded, and the little man in the picture who was using fists and feet became more and more majestic.

Finally, a layer of ordinary white border appeared around the card body, which reminded people of the difference between white, green, blue and purple borders in the card drawing game.

He took the card in his hand, and a slightly heavy texture came over. This was no longer the feel of shoebox paper.

At the same time, Huang Sheng felt that part of his energy seemed to be drawn out.

It can be seen that the production of cards requires extra energy, but fortunately this loss is not too great, and it should be able to bear it a few more times.

He held the card in front of him, and his mind moved.

As the card quickly broke into pieces, fell piece by piece and turned into nothingness, a light and shadow appeared in front of him out of thin air.

As soon as the opponent appeared, he immediately launched a swift attack, using the moves he had just used, but with more force and speed!

Moreover, in the gaps between each move of the military boxing, there were also a few moves of other martial arts, and each move was a powerful attack!

Since there were no attack targets around, the light and shadow did not disappear after attacking the surroundings, as if it was obsessed with finding a target and attacked again.

Finally, it seemed to run out of energy and gradually dissipated into the air!

Huang Sheng was overjoyed. Is this the power of the cards made by the card maker?

Love it!

It can be seen that the process of making cards by yourself is actually quite easy, but the effect of this fighting card is particularly good.

Even moves can be imprinted in the card, so what about other types of cards? For example, the summoning card that I thought of at the beginning...

However, Huang Sheng does not plan to think too much for the time being. Since the fighting card is so good, he will make a few more.

The card has just been made.


Suddenly, a sharp female scream came from below.

There was an unprecedented panic and despair in the voice, which instantly caused a huge shock to people in this campus that was used to living a peaceful life.

Huang Sheng pointed the camera of his mobile phone at it and saw a scene after zooming in.

I saw a stiff figure suddenly appear behind a building not far away.

This figure was wearing a robe that was not suitable for this era, and his left hand was holding a pale lantern.

And his right hand...

was pinching a girl's neck tightly.

The girl was easily lifted up, her feet were kicking wildly off the ground, and the skin on her face was gradually becoming pale under the pale light of the lantern.


The lantern fell to the ground at this time, and the light it emitted could only illuminate a little bit of the ground. No one knew what happened above.

He could only feel the girl's body gradually swaying, and twitching violently from time to time.

At the same time, the lantern and the ground around the lantern were covered with dense blood spots.

Huang Sheng frowned and lowered his head, not watching any more.

He thought about it, wrote the word "block" on the new card, and then drew an image of a man holding a gun and constantly parrying.

Standing up, he picked up the steel gun in his hand, constantly imagining that someone in front of him was attacking him fiercely, and he used the spear to make a parry.

There is attack and defense!

The fatal attack on this girl reminded him that attacking is certainly very enjoyable, but defense can directly save his life.

He tried his best to use all the experience he had learned from his previous life when he was exposed to cold weapons, for fear that the card would not work well or even fail to make.

The fight lasted for more than a minute. The spear kept changing his moves in his hand. He considered many ways to attack himself and used the spear to resolve them one by one.

Finally, he saw the card emit light from the corner of his eye!

Although it was still white light this time, the color was richer and the brightness seemed to be more dazzling.

He stopped with sweat on his forehead and a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, there was a violent knocking sound from the direction of the small door, and Zhang Rui's frightened voice rang out: "Brother, can I go in? Open the door quickly!"

Huang Sheng checked the card and put it away. He could clearly feel that his energy was depleted. Thinking that it might be a bit difficult to continue making it, he simply gave up.

He walked over and handed the key to the other party.

Zhang Rui, who looked nervous, trembled in his hands. He tried several times to open the bicycle lock, rushed in, slammed the door, and collapsed on the ground.

"What happened?" Huang Sheng asked knowingly.

Zhang Rui's schoolbag was no longer held in front of his chest, but was now on his back. He was holding a mop stick that was only half of its length. He was surprised when he heard the words:

"It seems that there are some strange people holding lanterns in the school, and their bodies are stiff!"

"We look like zombies, but they can't jump, they can only walk, and they walk quite fast."

"Anyone caught by them has almost no power to fight back. Once they are caught..."

Zhang Rui took out his mobile phone and showed him a picture that was taken by someone unknown, which was a little far away and a little blurry.

Huang Sheng took a look at the restricted picture, and combined with what he had just seen, he knew what had happened.

Problem, isn't pork much more delicious than people?

He motioned Zhang Rui to keep a distance from him, and then used his mobile phone to observe again.

After a while, there were indeed a lot more people holding lanterns wandering around the school. He walked around the rooftop and noticed no less than twenty of them.

They were not walking slowly, but they were certainly not fast, which was equivalent to the speed of an ordinary person running in small steps.

Normal people can run away in fear when encountering such monsters, but a few people will be paralyzed by the huge fear.

Such people are just like the screaming girl before, they are easily caught one by one and then die in despair.

"Everyone was scared and ran back to the dormitory, but now, these things are walking towards the dormitory door, as if they know there are living people in the building!"

"Everyone is almost scared to death, the whole floor of the girls' dormitory is crying, and the boys' dormitory is not much better!"

Listening to Zhang Rui's fluctuating voice due to fear, Huang Sheng did not speak.

Judging from the current situation, these monsters are a bit scary, but they don't seem to be too threatening?

Normal people will not be caught as long as they don't have weak legs.

And these lantern monsters don't seem to have viruses. They bite people into zombies with two bites. This is already the best news.

Anyway, for his current situation, he has no reason to be afraid. He is prepared to deal with it in all aspects.

If the two sides meet, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, I really can't think of any danger.

The fear is that these things have other means.

Especially if there is any ability that does not abide by martial ethics, even he would have to stay away from it to avoid death.

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