The more they fought, the more they were defeated.

All of a sudden, everyone's attitude towards the middle-aged man in black changed subtly.

From respect and admiration at the beginning to complaints and anger from the bottom of their hearts now!

Obviously, the people on their train encountered far more danger than usual because of this person!

The most hateful thing is that this man in black didn't lead them to fight together, but ran away alone, leaving them to take the blame!

Huang Sheng's view is naturally different from that of everyone else.

There is not only one so-called special attention person on this train, but also his own!

It's hard to say whether there are only two of them.

After all, there was a group of people who were neither human nor insect at the rear of the train. It was unknown whether there was any special strength among them, so that they could occupy the entire rear of the train safely.

He suddenly realized why the middle-aged man in black should be easy to get along with. After all, he helped them many times during the battle last night, and chose the most ordinary rewards in a low-key manner when distributing the spoils.

But the other party was incompatible with him and others, and even went into the fog alone when getting off the train.

The other party probably knew the impact of his identity on the train, which was to avoid bringing danger to everyone!

According to Cai Ye and others' previous statement, those with special attention would receive "special care" from the Evolver system-

And what kind of care?

What other words can be used for special care? Of course, it is to hit the most handsome guy with the heaviest punch.

"Fuck, so I am also one of the accomplices who killed everyone?"

Huang Sheng was a little numb when he thought of this.

It's not that he attracted all these strange maggots. After all, according to a certain established procedure on the train, since their skin is abnormal, they will attract strange maggots in this situation.

But now the bad situation of wandering outside and waiting for their companions to come and attack together may have something to do with him.

Without him in this team, these strange maggots will still be sent one by one like last night.

Of course, the premise is that this group of people can handle it.

Now with him, these monsters actually start to understand cooperation. Who can hold it?

"What should I do now?" He walked back and forth in place. When he thought that he couldn't get away from the misery of these unlucky guys, he also felt depressed.

So the next thing to do is to ensure victory in the battle and minimize casualties.

However, this is easier said than done. What kind of combat power will burst out when two strange maggots get together? At this moment, he dared not think about it.

At that time, even if he took the strong light card to irradiate, one card could not aim at two monsters at the same time.

Under the circumstance that only continuous irradiation can paralyze the monsters, with their wisdom of waiting for their companions at this time, the other one will definitely counterattack frantically!

If the remaining energy of this strong light card is used at one time, it will last for half a minute.

But the problem is that if the irradiation time is long, these monsters will adapt quickly, and if the irradiation time is short, his time is not enough. After all, two monsters are attacking everyone, and he can't approach the other party calmly like before!

There was a cry in the air, and the second monster came!

The strange maggot that had been wandering for a long time became obviously emotional.

It no longer flew around, but floated on the wall, staring at the people in the yard, and seemed to have thought about how to kill these weak creatures.

"Damn it, put it to death and then survive!"

It was also at this time that Huang Sheng suddenly realized and looked in the direction of the room.

It is unknown what danger is hidden in this doorless courtyard, but everyone was afraid before because they had not been forced into a desperate situation.

Now that it's like this, who cares what's inside? Just rush in with the monster maggots!

If there's any danger, maybe the two sides can start a fight.

If there's no danger, the complex environment in this house is also good for their battle!

Maybe using the strong light card to continue fighting here is also a way, but then he will have to rely on himself to turn the tide.

Just now he was hit by the broken tail and hit the wall half to death. Facing two monsters, forget it. He would rather try another way.

"Let's go, everyone go into the house!"

He said, and everyone thought the same thing. Who cares what's in the house at this time? Let's hide in it first!

Huang Sheng and a few others were guarding outside, while the others rushed into the house with the wounded in their arms and rushed all the way to the house inside.

This time the leader became

The necklace girl and the red mole girl.

The two were very cautious and signaled everyone not to separate. Everyone rushed into the room they entered, and they didn't know what the rules were.

This group of houses is located in the middle of the courtyard. It is a group of houses that connects the small courtyards in the courtyard.

Along the way, they passed several rooms, all of which were dilapidated and empty.

No valuable furniture was seen. Except for some tables, chairs and cabinets, there was only dust on the ground. As everyone broke in, the air was filled with a smell of dust.

At this time, the two women who broke into the core room saw a black square wooden table in the middle of the room.

There was a wooden sign in the middle of the wooden table!

"Raise, give birth, benevolence, father?"

The necklace girl read the last word one by one, but she didn't dare to make a sound, but only rang in her heart.

At the same time, the woman with the red mole hurriedly said to everyone: "No one should read out the name above! Otherwise, it may kill us!"

Everyone subconsciously covered their mouths and felt a chill on their tailbones.

The four words "Healthy Father" were written on this wooden sign. This is not a person's name, but a title for a person.

Since the two words "Healthy Father" appear here, they certainly do not mean nourishing the body.

In this case, health-preserving actually means the literal meaning, nurturing life, and being a parent.

Judging from its mahogany material and the neat font selected by the frame, this is a tablet.

And the two women recognized its specific identity at a glance. This is a spirit tablet!

Spirit tablets are temporarily used to worship souls after death!

The two women couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Seeing the spirit tablet means that the owner of the spirit tablet has died not long ago.

As for the specific time, it is hard to say, because the time for worshipping spirit tablets in different places is not consistent.

Some places will be removed after a year, and some will be burned after three days!

In other words, the deceased, who was called the loving father of health preservation, had just died not long ago, or less than a year, or maybe even ten or eleven months!

However, not to mention the dilapidated state of the house, many incense ashes and yellow paper looked very old, and the two had reason to believe that the deceased had been dead for quite a while.

However, the more this was the case, the more frightening it was.

Not to mention the two of them, even ordinary people knew that even if the soul of a newly dead person was annihilated, there might still be a trace of intelligence in the body, but for a person who had died a long time ago...

Although these were all statements in Feng Shui superstition and supernatural film and television cultural works, no one dared not to believe it at this time!

At this time, the second strange maggot outside the house had arrived, and the two monsters could not wait to rush towards the few people left outside the house.

Several people turned around and ran, desperately trying to drill into the house that everyone had explored in advance!

With a crackling sound, the two monsters smashed the wooden windows one after another, drilled into the house through the broken window frames on the ground, and swam to continue chasing!

"Have you found any clues? The monsters are chasing very fast!"

Caiye screamed.

A wall behind her was actually knocked down by the monster!

The train wall is much stronger than this old brick and stone house. The strange maggot behind her raised its head from a pile of brick and stone debris, shook its dizzy body, and continued to drill into the inner room!

"Sister, what time is it? We can't wait to call the dead ghost in the house for help. Don't be so careful!"

Seeing that the two women were still frightened by the spirit tablets, a woman in carriage No. 16 couldn't help but say.

Then she directly opened a closed wooden door in the house with force!

As soon as the wooden door opened, the scene inside scared the people who looked in at the first time to death!

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