The coffin was in a mess, but the inside was still.

In front of the coffin, a figure had been standing quietly since some time.

This figure was short and stood straight, with both legs and arms hanging naturally.

But from the figure, one could feel the weirdness of the other person's body proportions at a glance.

The figure's shoulders were a little too high, as if he was wearing a cheap suit that was too big.

The neck was directly connected to the chest, and the neck could not be seen.

At the same time, the arms were a little too long, and the hands that were naturally hanging and attached to the pants almost touched the knees.

Huang Sheng hurriedly used a strong light to shine while fleeing, and then immediately moved away, gasping in his heart.

He only saw a vague figure of the thing that crawled out of the coffin, but he felt it was very weird and his back was cold!

Run, run quickly!

Fortunately, this thing has just woken up and seems to be in a state of confusion. There is no danger for the time being.

But if he stays any longer, it is hard to say what might happen!

Fortunately, before he was beaten into the room by a monster, he had just repelled another monster. At this time, the two monsters rushed into the room with crazy roars, and the two sides fought one after the other!

The lights in the room gradually went out, and a kind of darkness was shrouding the place.

And this darkness is extremely mysterious, which is different from the natural darkness outside.

It seems to have a strange function. Not only did it make everyone almost blind, but the noise made by everyone walking through the room and shouting seemed to be weakened!

In other words, people's vision and hearing are suppressed. The movement that happened in front of them seems to happen five or even ten meters away!

This is the case for people, and monsters should be the same.

Sure enough, when Huang Sheng looked back, the two strange maggots that broke in also fell into a brief chaos.

Of course, the light in the room had not been completely extinguished at this time, and the darkness had not yet completely eroded, and had not completely deprived the two monsters of their visual perception. They were still locked on him and chased him.

People can be scared by things like spirit tablets and coffins, but monsters don't understand this, otherwise they wouldn't rush in all the way.

They were still unscrupulous during their flight, with bodies slightly thicker than buckets and long tails rushing around and hitting and slapping everywhere!

For a while, the spacious room was filled with gusts of cold wind!

The candlestick was overturned, the coffin leaning against it was blown away, and even the piled wreaths were smashed to pieces!

After the candlestick fell over, the remaining light suddenly dimmed!

The speed of the darkness erosion, which was still gradually deepening to a certain extent, suddenly accelerated!

In almost an instant, it was difficult to see your fingers around you!

And the next second, the room was completely blind!

All the noises around seemed to be ringing in the sky, and the voices of the crowd were almost blocked to the limit!

"F**k, we haven't rushed out yet?!"

Huang Sheng couldn't help but curse.

The light hadn't been completely extinguished just now, and they had plenty of time to leave here. It was none of his business what the room looked like by then!

However, this monster was so cheap that he knocked over the candlestick, and the candlelight went out, instantly accelerating the progress of the darkness!

Including the few people around who were either running slowly or running a few steps slower because of supporting him, all of them were crazy greeting the ancestors of these two monsters.

But at this time, several people could hardly hear each other's voices.

Everyone was scared and lost their minds. Several people gathered together and ran forward desperately in the dark!

Everyone knew that the size of this room was limited, and they had already aimed at the direction of the exit.

In addition, although the voices between the people were almost inaudible and they couldn't see anything, they could still touch each other, which meant that they had not completely lost their five senses.

So although they were still afraid, they were not mentally broken.

They just ran forward desperately. After running for about ten seconds, they found that the night was still endless. Now everyone started to panic!

"Is it a ghost wall?"

Huang Sheng was shocked and reached out to take out the high light card subconsciously.

On the surface, it seems that this place is shrouded in darkness, but in fact the space here may have changed, or they are currently in a place similar to an illusion. I am afraid that they can't run out just by running!

I wonder if this 10,000 lumens high light card can come in handy?

Not to mention shining through this place that seems to be a ghost wall, at least

The code must also illuminate each other and see what kind of situation everyone is in.

He didn't have time to think about it and used the card directly.

As a faint light came out from the card, the boundless darkness was finally dispelled a little!

Wow, the light intensity of 10,000 lumens, which can illuminate the entire yard like daytime when placed in the yard, can only illuminate the distance of two or three meters in front of it.

And the light is so dim? It's like a flashlight that is about to run out of power!

Everyone was originally panicking, and seeing this light finally seemed to have found a savior.

Huang Sheng quickly looked around, and he didn't see any of Yin Zhiqin and others. The only familiar person around him was Caihua.

Caihua was also beaten hard by the monster just now.

She only suffered two attacks on her stomach and thighs from the long tail, and even so, she was only half dead, and she was holding her stomach in pain at this time.

Her trousers were torn to pieces by a whip, and her long legs, which should have been slender and white, were covered in blood!

In this situation, she naturally couldn't escape as fast as others, so she just joined a few people.

Huang Sheng shone the card behind him, but unfortunately nothing was illuminated. The distance of the light was too close for them to see anything clearly.

However, they didn't encounter any danger for a while, which was good news at this stage.

This means that the "health father" either hasn't taken action yet, or the monster is blind like them.

Or the father is in conflict with the monster...

Anyway, everyone is safe at this moment, but this time will not be too long, at least a few seconds, and at most no more than a few dozen seconds!

Before the illumination time of this card, which is about 30 seconds in total, runs out, they have a great chance of being attacked!

Everyone rushed forward for a few seconds in the light, but the situation around them did not change at all!

They seemed to be trapped!

Huang Sheng's mind raced. He thought of the candle to drive away evil, and also of the first trophy they obtained, the snake-shaped long sword.

If I remember correctly, the snake-shaped long sword was obtained by several cat-eared people at that time. The core of the cat-eared boys and girls was Caiye and Caihua. Caiye was the most lively, but Caihua was the combat power.

So the snake-shaped long sword was very likely to be on Caihua. The function of this thing was to break the illusion!

I wonder if it can be used now?

He shouted at Caihua, asking her to take out the sword, it was time to use the props and equipment.

However, now there was light, but the weakening of the sound did not change at all.

In addition, Caihua might have bled too much, and her reaction was a little slow at this time. She couldn't hear what he shouted, but just looked up at him blankly.

Huang Sheng had no choice. He was anxious and reached out to grope Caihua's tall and slender body.

Caihua didn't know whether she was stupid or had a cramp in her brain. Facing Huang Sheng's hand, she didn't dodge, but turned around to let the not-so-majestic but particularly strong mountains face her.

Huang Sheng's heart palpitations were stronger than one wave, and he didn't care what this girl was thinking at this moment.

He impatiently turned her body forward, slapped her hips mercilessly, and then stuffed his hand into the backpack she was carrying.

Fortunately, the snake-shaped long sword was not small in size. As soon as he reached into the backpack, he touched the long sword wrapped in layers of thick cloth and pulled it out on the spot.

Tearing open the thick cloth, he held the sword and slashed it forward!

He only felt a pain in his waist. Damn, using this weapon actually consumes energy... Then he found a flash of light in front of him!

Originally, the light card could only barely illuminate a small area in front of him. With this sword swinging, the space in front was suddenly illuminated!

The bright light stimulated everyone's eyes, so bright that people squinted subconsciously.

With just this light, Huang Sheng immediately saw the real terrain around him!

The exit they were looking for was actually very close, no more than three meters away!

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