"Stop it!" Huang Sheng shook his knees unceremoniously, and the two women had to put away their tricks and sit down again. We should not be vague when we should enjoy ourselves, and we should not be blinded by beauty when we should do business seriously. "By the way, what are your names, and what kind of place is Huangci?" He asked, intending to get to know the two better. "I am Lingtian, and she is Lingzhen." The red mole girl answered, and added: "Huangci is very poor." "I can see it." Huang Sheng nodded. Lingtian and Lingzhen are nice names, and Huangci is really poor. Apart from anything else, the textile industry should be almost zero. If I take the two of them to any first- and second-tier city shopping mall, especially the women's clothing area, I wonder what their expressions will be.

"Where we are..."

Ling Zhen, the necklace girl, said: "There are evil spirits everywhere, and the mountain people are not living well."

Huang Sheng was silent. Ling Tian and Ling Zhen were able to board the initial train and had good abilities. They were naturally the best in the place of Huangci. Needless to say, they must have a high status in daily life.

However, not only did they wear ill-fitting coarse cloth clothes and hemp ropes as belts, but they also brought dry and cracked steamed buns and dry noodles that were difficult to swallow.

Even the two women were like this, what kind of life ordinary people lived was simply unimaginable to him.

"Do you have a lot of that kind of incense?" he asked.

The two women's abilities often need to be fully demonstrated with the help of burning incense. It is too much to say that this thing is the capital for their survival, but its importance is beyond doubt.

This kind of incense can be understood as a medium for casting spells and an amplifier, similar to a wizard's staff.

Lingtian shook his head, and finally nodded hesitantly. Huang Sheng understood. What the other party meant was that the amount of incense was not much, but it was more than enough, and the two women used it sparingly.

Lingzhen took out a piece of residual incense and introduced it: "It's called red incense."

Huang Sheng was about to ask the two women to exchange one for fun, but suddenly he felt something wrong.

Among the three messages that the mysterious man warned him, one was that he could not exchange any items with anyone. Although he didn't know why, he just did it.

He quickly recalled his behavior after getting on the car. Using black money to buy equipment was 99% not considered an exchange, otherwise he would definitely not be able to do this, and other bartering behaviors should not be.

He took the candle to exchange the red incense or other things in the hands of the two women. This is definitely not possible and cannot be done.

"Forget it, I'll give it to you."

Huang Sheng couldn't help but feel depressed. It was impossible to exchange, and the two women were so poor that it was difficult to sell them.

As soon as they got on the bus, they were very purposeful in "getting black money". Black money seemed to be circulated in the deserted temple. Maybe the two of them had to rely on it for food and daily life. It was meaningless to make such money.

The situation was urgent at that time. Huang Sheng and his followers were stuck to the wall by two maggots in a few minutes.

In order to wake up the existence in the coffin as soon as possible, the two girls did not know what means they used, and they really offended the dead ghost.

In addition, these two beasts were originally coming for him, and he was also responsible. Since the candle could save their lives, this thing must be given.

The two girls were happy and hurriedly put away the small piece of candle.

Lingtian, the red mole girl, put on a beautiful smile for him, and Lingzhen even touched her mouth with her right hand, and spread it on the side of her mouth, pretending to blow a kiss.

Then Lingtian took out a complete red incense, thought about it, broke it in half, and gave one of the parts to him.

You two still have some conscience and know that the benefits are not taken for nothing.

But Huang Sheng didn't dare to take it immediately, and confirmed: "Is this for me?"

You have to say yes, then we can be considered to be giving each other gifts, otherwise it might be judged as an exchange.

He scratched his head, this kind of bug behavior should be okay? Forget it, don't worry about it, the information itself didn't say that much.

Lingtian nodded and answered yes.

Huang Sheng took the incense and was a little curious: "How to use this thing, can I, an ordinary person, use it?"

"No." Lingtian replied: "Only related professions can."

"I am an evil curse master, a spiritual curse master, and similar professions."

It turned out that the two women also obtained permanent professions and became professionals.

However, the name of this profession sounds unusual. It is probably a local feature of the deserted temple. It is unlikely to appear on Earth.

If these two professions are on Earth, they may have some similarities with the professional attributes of Taoist priests and monks.

Of course, he was just guessing, he didn't know if there were any Taoist priests or monks.

"Leave me a small piece of incense, and take the rest to help others."

Huang Sheng said, since he couldn't use this thing, just keep some for collection, the people in the car need it more now.

The two women actually tried their best to help others before, but the red incense was precious, so they could only focus on selecting targets, like Caihua and others were all treated.

The two nodded quickly, picked up the red incense and got busy, the first person to be rescued was Zhang Bai.

At about 11 o'clock in the evening, the lights on the ceiling came on, and the surroundings suddenly became bright.

Everyone felt a little safer, and the car became a little more lively.

Huang Sheng leaned against the car window, but his brows were slightly frowned.

After escaping from the car before, some people's luggage backpacks were lost, and many people didn't bring any food, so everyone's stomachs were growling with hunger.

It's okay to be thirsty, just hold the water in the sink faucet and drink it, but there's really nothing you can do if you're hungry.

There is still one day left tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, we don’t know when we will arrive at the station. They just escaped from the train in an emergency. Although their lives were saved, no one except him earned any black money, so naturally they had no money to buy expensive train meals.

Just then.

The train door was pushed open, and the figure of the No. 8841 attendant appeared, looking at him at a glance.

Huang Sheng got up and walked over, not knowing what the other party wanted to talk to him about.

At the connecting passage, after closing the door, the attendant whispered: "I have cheap food and clean water here."

Huang Sheng was shocked. Is the attendant going to do business privately to make money?

"How much, what price?" he asked hurriedly.

"One hundred bottles of one-jin clean water, one hundred boxes of canned pork, a total of two hundred black notes." The other party replied.

Huang Sheng couldn't help but be extremely surprised. That is to say, a bottle of water plus a box of canned pork, only two black notes in total?

Such a food combination can barely meet a person's food needs for a day!

If we only compare the prices on the train, this is much cheaper than the food during the meal delivery time!

Three black notes for a bowl of porridge? Five black notes for an egg?

As the 8841 attendant said this, a bottle of water and a box of tin cans appeared in his hand.

Huang Sheng was not polite. He unscrewed the water and took a look. It was very clean. He drank it and tasted it. It was indeed the taste of normal purified water.

Then he pried open the tin can without any label. The taste inside was very familiar. This was a can of luncheon meat, and the quantity was not small, about one and a half pounds!

"I bought it." Huang Sheng paid for it without saying anything!

This batch of food can not only solve the problem of hunger for everyone in the car, but also make him a lot of money!

The attendant nodded with satisfaction. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen stacked packaging boxes appeared in front of the two of them in the next second!

The boxes were mainly filled with water, twelve bottles per box, and four boxes were filled with one hundred canned pork.

The two checked the quantity in each box one by one, and after confirming that it was correct, Huang Sheng paid the other party with black money.

After receiving the money, the attendant disappeared in the car in front.

Huang Sheng first filled the remaining space in his space storage box.

Then he opened the door of the fifteenth car behind him and shouted: "Come out, help move things!"

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