The old man was so busy that he was not very happy.

Watching Huang Sheng take away so many things casually, he left with a calm expression.

Many people on Liao Xiaofan's side were a little uneasy. Isn't it true that this person's space storage box is so rich?

A gun, a head-mounted earmuff, and a box of bullets, the ordinary space storage box is basically full at once.

You know, the AK308 is nearly 90 cm long, and the ammunition box is not small. Could it be that this person had nothing in his space before?

This is impossible!

After becoming an evolver, no one does not treasure their own personal space, and their private and valuable things will be hidden in it.

For example, 500 GB of learning materials...

Anyway, for ordinary evolvers, even if they don't put anything functional, at least half of the space will be used.

Liao Xiaolou looked coldly at several companions whose attitudes changed quietly, and smiled disdainfully in his heart.

They had activated the space before getting on the train, and they were the special followers selected by the system.

Many people like to be arrogant after serving in the army for a few years, and look down on ordinary people and their strength.

But it doesn't matter, Liao Xiaolou just needs to stay calm.

The cat-eared people of Bai Yuanxing are ordinary people on their planet, but they are the core of the team on the initial train, and there are also eyebrowless people...

The individual strength gap between civilizations is too big, and his vision has begun to look long-term.

The missions and responsibilities of the civilian team and the military team on Huang Sheng's side are different.

The ultimate goal of the military is to end the Donghai Square incident.

The civilian team is humanitarian assistance, placing the old, young, sick and weak, and saving as many people as possible.

At the same time, help maintain basic order, contact other teams, and cooperate with the military team to end the incident.

Therefore, the professional composition of Huang Sheng's team is also more complicated.

There are eight doctors and nurses, carrying medicine boxes, medical equipment bags and some simple medical equipment.

A news team has four people, a female reporter, a photographer, an assistant and a liaison.

The remaining four are civilian volunteers. Judging from their professional attire and physique, both men and women are sports enthusiasts, which is good news.

But unfortunately, none of the above sixteen people are evolvers.

The remaining four people are Huang Sheng, Han Kai, Yu Xiao'e and Yu Zhengyang, two ordinary people and two evolvers.

Such a team can only perform humanitarian rescue obligations.

But no matter what, most of these people are kind people in society, and the team should not be difficult to lead.

"Who is the leader among the doctors?" Huang Sheng asked directly after returning.

Most of those who can come here know something about the evolvers.

Especially after seeing Huang Sheng put away the gun given by the soldier out of thin air, although the people in the team didn't know him yet, they consciously regarded him as a big boss.

"This is our team leader, Dr. Chu. My last name is Li. This is my colleague, whose last name is Sun. Our students are Xiao Jiang and Jiang Ningyi. We are a team of the Department of Oncology of Harmony Medical College. We are also good at dealing with minor injuries and general diseases."

A young man in his thirties with few white hairs said to Huang Sheng. The one next to him who was the same age but even worse, with a Mediterranean look, was his companion surnamed Sun.

The team leader was Dr. Chu, an old man in his sixties. Jiang Ningyi looked like a student. She was a young girl in her early twenties. It was unknown which year and which city or county she was the top student.

The leader of the news team was the reporter herself, a well-known female reporter from a local TV station in Donghai. Her name was Dong Liu and she was less than thirty years old.

But she undoubtedly had a lot of say. She was in charge of the entire work arrangement of the team.

The last four sports enthusiasts ranged from seventeen or eighteen to early thirties. There were two men and two women. One of the men was short and strong, the other was tall and thin. One of the women had short hair and the other had long hair in a single ponytail.

As for Yu Xiao'e and the others, they naturally listened. In this way, Huang Sheng understood and controlled this temporary team in the shortest time.

Of course, he would not do any humanitarian work with everyone. He did not have the time.

But everyone should cooperate. It was hard to say what the specific situation was in the square. It was necessary to establish an understanding with everyone in advance.

"Okay, everyone, follow us. Time is tight."

Several soldiers came over and led the team out of the coffee shop.

As soon as the two teams left the room, they separated in two directions. Under the leadership of the other party, Huang Sheng and his people took several cars and circled around the dark area covered by a large area.

Huang Sheng had already learned about the details before.

After looking at the detailed layout of the square, this is a roughly mirrored S-shaped area layout.

In the middle of the love area formed by the upper halves of the two Ss in the north, there is a movie studio.

At the same time, the movie studio is also the entrance and exit of the underground shopping mall, as well as the north gate of the entire Dongsheng Plaza, and the main entrance, where the flow of people is the most concentrated.

There are three shopping malls and two of the largest restaurants in the east.

There is a fourth shopping mall in the west, and the rest are some small and medium-sized restaurants and venues. Various small shops are densely distributed on the business floors.

The vehicle stopped quickly.

Huang Sheng got off the car and took a look, and immediately found that this should correspond to a high-rise building of at least seven or eight floors in the square.

Because a few dozen meters above the dark area, there is a rooftop protruding from the dark area!

I don’t know if the dark area is just short of this coverage, or if there is any other hidden secret.

In short, this is one of the entrances that the authorities have found to force people in.

A special tower crane has been built here, which can transport five to six people at a time.

After people land on the rooftop, the guide here will forcefully open the passage connecting the rooftop and the inner area.

Huang Sheng, Yu Xiao'e and four sports enthusiasts were the first to climb the rooftop.

A one-eyed old man was waiting on the rooftop, which was only a few square meters in size and surrounded by guardrails.

Huang Sheng grabbed the air out of thin air, and a spear appeared in his hand.

At the same time, the arm shield was unfolded, waiting for the old man to open the passage.

The old man looked at him twice, and then a heavy khaki light appeared on his palms, directly attached to the dark area.

The khaki light continued to burst and bloom, as if silently confronting the dark area.

Soon ripples appeared on the dark area.

As the ripples deepened, a hole appeared, and in a few seconds it expanded to a size that could be drilled through.

The old man signaled with his eyes, and Huang Sheng was the first to step in.

"It turns out that this dark border is not a thin layer."

After walking through a dark area about one meter long, Huang Sheng finally walked into a room.

As he entered the square, he received a series of information reminders.

[You entered the F-level copy "The Victory of the Three-legged Man"]

[The current copy has lasted for 90 hours and 17 minutes, and the estimated natural end time is 116 hours and 43 minutes]

[Copy target ①: Find the ten three-legged people hiding in the crowd, and one has been found so far]

[Copy target ②: Spend the remaining time of the copy]

[The copy ends immediately if any of the above two goals are completed]

[Note: For every number of three-legged people who have not been found, the natural end time of the copy will be automatically increased by that number of hours at midnight on the same day. For example: if there are ten three-legged people who have not been found today, and there were originally ten hours of copy existence time before midnight on the same day, then after midnight, the time will be extended to twenty hours]

[Note: No three-legged person can die, otherwise it will cause unknown consequences]

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