The head rolled on the ground, leaving a trail of blood wherever it rolled.

There was no light in the corridor, and it was blindingly red under the white light of the flashlight.

A pair of eyes widened, as if they could not believe this fact anyway.

Everyone was stunned, and two of the remaining four men sat down on the ground with a plop, staring at their companion's body with blank eyes.

After a brief moment of fear, the other two turned around and ran back.

Huang Sheng pulled out his gun and fired two shots at the door in front.

The violent gunshots and sparks from the bullets once again caused screams at the scene, and also stopped the two men from running.

"Four days, less than four days and someone has become a beast dominated by desire and arrogance. You are really lawless."

Huang Sheng's voice was cold.

From this, we can see that if the doomsday really comes and society is completely paralyzed, what will the real world look like?

There is always a crowd of people who hide sin and evil in their hearts.

As long as the time is right, they will reveal their ugly true faces.

Huang Sheng has no intention of wasting time with this group of human-like beasts, but he will never let them go.

He kicked a man between his legs hard, and it seemed as if something broke with a click.

The man's eyes bulged out, his body bent like a shrimp, and his two hands pressed there tightly, and blood flowed all over the floor.

He did the same thing, and after making four people lie on the ground one by one, he continued to go downstairs with people.

The two women were ragged, but fortunately there was no shortage of clothing stores nearby. With everyone following in awe, the group went down to the second floor at the fastest speed.

On the fourth floor, there was a woman with a bleeding forehead, lying on the ground, her life or death unknown, holding a pet leash in her hand.

The end of the pet leash had been opened, and a bloody and smelly dog ​​skin was crumpled into a ball and thrown not far away.

A pot was set up, and the banquet had long been over. The pot was empty and there were only blood and bones on the ground.

There were still weapons used to kill pets and a chopping board made of door panels at the scene, but the place was already empty and no one was left.

On the third floor, a young man who looked like a student slapped himself more than a dozen times at the request of the other party.

The man opposite had a happy expression and grabbed a large piece of bread and a cup of yogurt from his side and threw them over.

The young man was grateful and nodded and bowed while holding the food and retreated to the side...

Huang Sheng knew in his heart that most people were normal at this moment, but as he said before, many people who avoided the crowd and deliberately hid in remote places were problematic people.

On the second floor, the group was surrounded and could not continue to walk.

There are too many people here, sitting and lying everywhere.

After seeing the people who seemed to be coming in from outside to support, countless people immediately surrounded them and asked for food.

"We didn't bring much food!"

Jiang Ningyi used his body to block Dr. Chu, while protecting his medical bag and portable equipment in the struggle.

"Bullshit! Why did you come in without food? Hand over the food quickly!"

"I've been hungry for a few days. If I can't eat anything, I can do anything!"

"Give me that bottle of glucose, little bitch, give me that bottle of glucose!"

The crowd still maintained the most basic rationality at first.

But in a short period of time, it became more and more chaotic, until a few emotional people joined in, and the crowd went from asking for it to snatching it!

The camera on the photographer's shoulder was snatched away, and it was thrown directly to the stairs with a bang, and fell to the ground with bumps and bumps.

The four members of the news team had neither the white coats that could sober some people up, nor the sports enthusiasts who looked like they were not easy to bully, so they were the first to be robbed.

The photographers and others who resisted were beaten by the crowd, and their backpacks were violently snatched away.

The power banks and other personal belongings in the bags were thrown away casually, and some people took out the food inside with laughter, which immediately caused new disputes.

Huang Sheng glanced at the camera that rolled down the stairs and saw that it was immediately snatched away by a child who came out of nowhere, and he couldn't help but smile.

He wanted to take pictures of everything. He really didn't understand the meaning of these people coming here. Did they take pictures of the tragic scenes here and cause public panic and foreign criticism?

"Everyone calm down, we are here to treat diseases and save lives. We don't bring much with us.


Dr. Li shouted hysterically, trying to protect the items in his hands, but he staggered when he saw several hands reaching out to pull him.

Dong Liu just shouted a few words, but an old lady in the crowd scolded her, "I'm starving here, and you still have the mood to put on makeup." She scratched her face, and several fingerprints appeared on her face, and she screamed in pain.

Several sports enthusiasts were very stubborn. Seeing that persuasion was useless, they directly fought with the crowd.

At first, only two men participated, and then two girls joined in, and the scene was in chaos.

"Brother Huang, what should we do now?"

Yu Xiao'e asked. She was the only one among all the people who had no psychological fluctuations about the other party's anger and killing just now. Compared with the experience of the people in the initial train, this was nothing.

"Leader, please persuade them! "

Jiang Ningyi was so anxious that she cried and shouted to Huang Sheng.

AK pulled the trigger, and three loud noises instantly suppressed all the noise at the scene.

Most people were shocked, and a few who didn't care about the gunshots couldn't help but stop in this atmosphere.

This is another reason why Huang Sheng insisted on having a gun in his hand, and a powerful and loud gun!

Many times this thing is much more useful than talking.

Of course, if this thing is in Lighthouse or any other country, talking may be more useful because the people there know better.

"What are you doing? Take all your things back."

Huang Sheng said to everyone, Jiang Ningyi and others woke up from their dreams, and took advantage of the crowd's stunned time to rush over to fight for their personal belongings and equipment, etc. Food and the like are secondary.

"Fuck you! "

Suddenly a strong man reacted, slapped the assistant of the news team in the face, and then he started to fight for it, snatched his messenger bag and ran behind the crowd.

The sound of gunfire was like a shadow, and the man suddenly threw himself forward, was shot in the back and fell into a pool of blood, and the messenger bag in his hand flew far away.

After a moment of screaming, the crowd fell into complete calm. Everyone quickly retreated from the place where the messenger bag flew, including those who were sitting and lying on the ground, leaving a small space, and no one dared to grab the bag on the ground.

"Go pick it up, do you want me to help you? "

The gun barrel was smoking under the flashlight, and Huang Sheng tilted his head to look at the other party.

The assistant woke up as if from a dream, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, rushed over to pick up his bag, and rushed back again.

Soon, Dr. Li and others took back most of the medical supplies, and did not care about the food and water that were taken away. The group went to the first floor and left under the eyes of the crowd who were avoiding snakes and scorpions.

"The Victory of the Three-legged Man", this is the most fatal part of this copy, looking for the three-legged man? No, no, no, first think about how to deal with the crowd that is out of control and will become more and more out of control.

Someone in the crowd was secretly filming, but he didn't care. There are reasons for prosperity in prosperous times, and rules for chaos in chaotic times.

If you want to maintain an order that is about to collapse, iron and blood are always the most effective.

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