The third leg loomed behind it, and even if you stared closely, you would often feel like you had an eye problem.

After watching it for a long time, you would even feel dizzy and want to vomit.

Then the three-legged man walked and even ran quickly.

This feeling of dizziness and nausea suddenly became many times stronger. At least half of the people watching could not help it and stumbled outside to vomit.

At this time, the footsteps it made were no longer a quick three-step sound.

Instead, they began to mix and mix. Although there was still a certain difference from the running of a normal person, it was not as obvious as when walking.

A few minutes later, at the signal of the middle-aged man with black mole, a martial arts master in the army took a starting stance and punched the three-legged man in the face.

However, a strange scene appeared.

The punch was about to hit the opponent's face, but the martial arts master missed it by a hair's breadth!

The opponent did not believe in evil and attacked several more times, but only one of the three times hit the target, and the other two were "avoided" by the three-legged man who was standing still.

Huang Sheng's heart moved, and he took out another two hundred black bills.

The black bills he took out before were naturally all taken back, and of course he could not pay for this money.

"Can you stand still and get these black bills? If you get them, they are yours."

He took off the ring of sobriety, stood a few steps in front of the three-legged man, and held the black bills in his arm forward.

He saw it just now.

The martial arts master seemed to be controlled and affected by the three-legged man in an instant, and the attack that could have hit the target suddenly deviated.

The strangest thing is that the fighting master himself did not realize it, and thought that his eyes were blurry and he did not aim. This is the most fatal thing.

In other words, if the three-legged man has this ability, then the arrest carried out by the rescue team a few days ago would almost certainly fail.

The middle-aged man with the black mole and others also saw the hidden truth, and their faces became extremely ugly.

The three-legged man smiled silently.

Then Huang Sheng immediately felt that his body began to lose control of his brain.

His footsteps moved forward slowly, one step, two steps, getting closer and closer to the other party.

But from beginning to end he did not feel forced to control, just like taking a careless walk or unconsciously walking a few steps.

Finally he walked in front of the other party, and the three-legged man took the money with one hand.


Everyone turned and left the room. Although the middle-aged man with the black mole fulfilled his previous words and gave the other party a certain degree of freedom, the defense force outside the house increased again.

"If you hadn't come here, I'm afraid we would never have discovered this secret."

The middle-aged man sighed, patted Huang Sheng on the shoulder in the ugly expression of the short officer next to him, and then handed him a business card, asking Huang Sheng to find him if he had any problems in the future.

Without wasting time, Huang Sheng immediately prepared to take people out to find the three-legged man.

In any case, one or two must be found in a short time, this is very important.

The people he can use now are Yu Xiao'e and Yu Zhengyang.

Yu Xiao'e received good reviews on the initial train, and the rewards were naturally considerable. In addition, she had a sum of black money obtained from mining, and she improved her strength after getting off the train.

At this time, she not only learned basic fighting skills, but also wore a pair of combat gloves with spikes that had been forged and strengthened.

And she also had two or three props that were directly helpful to the battle, and several other auxiliary props, with a certain combat power.

Yu Zhengyang's palms were thick and rough, and the accumulation of a large number of overlapping calluses made the joints deformed and bulged.

This was the result of years of practicing iron sand palm.

So it's hard to say about his defensive ability, but his attack must be very strong.

Han Kai ran away.

The only young girl with a ponytail left by the four sports enthusiasts, Su Xiaoqin, was an athlete of the city figure skating team. She had no combat power, but she was very physically fit.

Finally, there was the news quartet who had to follow them, which was a pure burden.

"Captain Huang, do we want to cooperate?"

Seeing that Huang Sheng had no one under his command, the beautiful female captain asked him.

This female captain had a full twenty strong young men and women subordinates. I don't know where these people came from, but they were very disciplined. This woman looked extraordinary.

"Let's talk about it later."

After Huang Sheng left a word, he left with a few people. They

Plan to return to the Mingzhu Trade Building where he first set foot.

The lower floors of Mingzhu Trade Building are all shops of all sizes, with countless rooms of all sizes. There are many people gathered here, and the situation is chaotic.

If the three-legged man is hiding, there is a high possibility that he is hiding here.

The specific floor chosen is a high floor. Half of the space on this floor is occupied by a gym, and the interior is a huge space with a panoramic view.

However, the sight in the space will be blocked by the densely packed fitness equipment, and generally speaking, there is a certain degree of obstruction.

After testing that the black banknotes are very attractive to the three-legged man, Huang Sheng directly plans to carry out the first step of the plan, that is, to try to trap him with black banknotes.

The three-legged man is not an NPC who is stupidly waiting to be conquered.

Since they have seven emotions and six desires, they must also have relative wisdom.

So he adopted an open strategy, directly in the surrounding empty place, sprinkled a handful of black banknotes on the ground.

But there must be people ambushing around, and both sides know this well. It depends on whether the three-legged man dares to come and whether he will be fooled.

Huang Sheng scattered the money on the ground, which was both a temptation of actual benefits and an invisible provocation.

For the absolute advantage in a game, they never mind playing some risky and dangerous tricks.

As for whether they will find the black money, Huang Sheng is not worried at all.

Since it is a copy of the three-legged man, they must have a good understanding of the situation in the copy.

Especially for the new people coming in from outside, they are big targets and have a high probability of being tracked. Such a large pile of black money on the ground is as conspicuous as a light in the dark.

"Dong Liu, you guys go outside and pretend to be guards outside, and stop all those who want to come in."

Huang Sheng sent out a few burdens first.

This Dong Liu is a well-known reporter and program host in this city. He was once called the flower of Donghai TV by netizens. His appearance is extremely excellent, almost 360 degrees without dead angles.

Especially that pleasant and standard broadcasting voice, it is very easy to arouse men's desire to conquer.

There is no doubt that this woman is far superior to Yu Xiao'e in all aspects, but Huang Sheng, who works in this industry, has never had a good impression of her.

The other party originally had nothing to do with him.

But after he showed his strength, the other party seemed to rely on him. For such a person with a purpose, he just wanted to drive him away first.

"The three of you should find a place to hide nearby. It's better to hide, but don't worry about whether you will be discovered."

"Once the target is determined, go all out to capture it. You don't have to worry about the rest. Yu Xiao'e, you are responsible for coordinating."

The four people outside the door are cannon fodder, the first line of defense to prevent irrelevant people from coming here.

Yu Xiao'e and the other two are the main force of the capture.

Of course, the real main force is himself who wears a sober ring and will not be affected by the three-legged man.

He hides farther and more cautiously.

In addition, the nosy rope was hung behind the door handle of the gym door by him.

Yu Xiao'e still had some cards that she had given her, two strong light cards and two fighting cards.

As long as the three-legged man dared to come, even if they couldn't catch him, they should be able to cause some trouble to him.

The next step was to wait.

There was no time to waste, and they had to hit him with one strike.

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