After a brief calm, everyone suddenly became excited.

What people fear most is losing hope.

After so many days, they only caught a three-legged man, which made everyone feel that it was hopeless to pass the copy, and there was a great possibility that they would be starved to death here.

But the improvement of the situation made everyone see the light, not to mention that they caught two targets at once, which was countless times more efficient than the previous few days!

Baoli's third floor, the middle-aged black mole and others were also overjoyed.

Everyone was excited and waiting for more news.

But after several minutes, several people on the committee still did not receive any intercom call requests, and they looked at each other in bewilderment.

"What's going on? Which rescue team captured the person? Why didn't they contact us? Can they control these cunning three-legged people with their own manpower?"

One person asked angrily.

"Could it be that the civilian rescue team captured the person? The leader of the civilian rescue team is not equipped with our standard walkie-talkie."

Someone speculated in a low voice.

A sturdy man next to the middle-aged man with the black mole said sternly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The civilian team came in to provide certain humanitarian aid. Now even they themselves are waiting for rescue. How can they catch the three-legged man?"

"In terms of professionalism, strength and technology, they have no chance of catching the three-legged man!"

The middle-aged man with the black mole did not participate in the quarrel, but asked the military staff around him: "Are you sure all military rescue teams can be contacted?"

The staff affirmed: "Report to the commander, yes!"

"All military leaders have received strict and standardized requirements. They will definitely say hello in advance when something happens, and each team has more than one walkie-talkie. There is no possibility of not being able to contact us."

The middle-aged man with the black mole walked back and forth in place with his hands behind his back. It has been five minutes since the two copies of the message went out.

Every second that passes, there is a risk that the two three-legged people will escape.

The other three-legged people will definitely not sit and wait for death. They may rescue their companions through conspiracy at any time!

In fact, they had encountered this kind of thing before. Fortunately, the third floor of Baoli was their base camp, and the other party was helpless in the end.

"Does anyone know where Mr. Bai from Baoli Group and Mr. Huang from the University of Finance are?"

Someone replied soon: "Mr. Bai and her subordinates are on the same floor of a nearby shopping mall. I didn't hear any movement over there."

"Mr. Huang led the team to the Pearl Building in the west before. Sir, you mean..."

"Quick, Captain Qi, take your people over there immediately!"

The middle-aged man with the black mole immediately said to a middle-aged man who had not spoken and was wearing full combat equipment.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and a team of more than a dozen soldiers immediately followed him and left in a hurry.

The middle-aged man with the black mole looked a little ugly. Although the Dongsheng Square incident happened very suddenly, it also exposed a lot of problems in the entire Donghai City's response to emergencies.

For example, there was no screening work for the rescue team at all. In the first few days, there was even a team composed of hooligans. After coming in, they not only failed to help stabilize the situation, but caused further chaos.

The other thing is the lack of unified communication and exchange. Not to mention the civilian teams, even the military teams come from different places.

In addition, they were busy with these trivial matters in the first few days, such as finding the middle and senior managers of each shopping mall in the square, confirming and protecting the warehouse materials, and starting the energy facilities, which wasted a lot of time.

It is also based on this situation that the civilian teams are generally left alone, and naturally they will not be equipped with communication equipment that can directly connect here.

And this place is currently without power, network and signal, and general communication facilities are not useful at all.

In less than a minute, Captain Qi's deep voice came from the intercom:

"Report to the commander! There is a suspected large-scale riot in the Pearl Commercial Building. The crowd is rushing to the sixth floor of the commercial building. There is a medium-to-large gym there!"

The middle-aged man with a black mole stood up suddenly, and a trace of murderous aura flashed in his eyes.

"Team leaders, command the military evolvers to immediately maintain order on the scene and support the sixth floor. In addition, contact Xiao Huang as quickly as possible!"

At this time, there were already crowds of people outside the gym.

Countless people blocked the place, and some men with good strength who didn't look hungry

They are working together to hit the door.

However, the gym door is formally installed after all, and unarmed manpower alone cannot have any impact on it in a short time.

"Hand over the three-legged man, and I will spare your life!"

"Hand over the three-legged man, and I will spare your life!"

The countless people crowded in the aisle had cloudy eyes at this time, but they shouted in unison.

Some of these people are children in their early teens, some are old people in their sixties and seventies, and some are even disabled people with crutches.

Some are so hungry that their eyes are blurry, and some are so sick that their skin is yellow and swollen, but they shout in unison with all their might.

Such a weird scene, just listening to the sound, has made everyone in the gym shudder!

Huang Sheng had already transferred the two three-legged men to the boss's office inside the gym. This office is spacious and there is an anti-theft iron door outside the door.

Yu Xiao'e and Yu Zhengyang monitored the two people who were tied up tightly by the nosy rope in the office.

The female three-legged person among the two people was still wearing a pair of handcuffs on her hands.

In order to prevent the two people from making trouble under such circumstances, Huang Sheng found a large speaker in the office.

After connecting the portable power supply he carried with him, he placed it in front of them, facing their ears, and began to play deafening electronic music songs in a loop.

Under the strong sound waves of the electronic music, the two three-legged people next to the large speaker were disturbed and irritable.

It was impossible to concentrate on controlling Yu Xiao'e and the other two.

The nosy rope was not willing to be lonely, and from time to time it pulled the two people around in circles, making them dizzy and weak all over.

Huang Sheng was standing behind the gate at this time, and he was unmoved by the surging crowd outside.

In order to avoid the remaining five people of Dong Liu from getting in the way, he had let a few people enter an office, and he locked the door from the outside with a key.

At this time, he was the only one who could move freely in the whole room.

He had also checked this gym in advance. He didn't know who had welded the iron door of the fire escape with a welding machine.

So this place now only has one entrance and exit, the main door. As long as he guards here, no one can get in!

However, less than two minutes later, gunshots suddenly came from outside!

Bang, bang, bang!

Bullets kept hitting the door lock position, sparks splashed.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

The crowd subconsciously quieted down at this time, only who was talking.

The soldiers standing at the front kept shooting with pistols, but the door lock of the door was a secret door, and the pistols were weak, and they could not destroy the lock structure inside through the door.

At the urging of the unknown voice, several soldiers put away their pistols and took down their assault rifles from their backs.

If Huang Sheng saw this scene outside at this time, he would immediately judge that this was a member of a military rescue team that came to reinforce at the fastest speed.

But unfortunately, they were controlled!

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