Unlike Qingdai

, Moon Moon Shenzhao has never seen

Ye Mo's skills, where does she know that

Ye Mo's current everything is fought down by his own efforts, and

she still thinks that Ye Mo is the heir of some big force...

"Brother-in-law is here!"

Linglong Shenzhao flew over riding a white pterosaur-like monster all the way

over, she originally wanted to go back to the city, but

she saw her sister talking with others halfway,

but she didn't expect to come over and see an unexpected gain!

When he arrived at the top of the mountain where Ye Mo and Moon God Zhao were located

, after Linglong Shenzhao jumped down from

the white pterosaur, he kicked the white pterosaur into the air, and the white pterosaur whimpered and turned into a meteor and disappeared in the sky.

Ye Mo

, "..."Wangyue

Shenzhao, "..." Seeing the strange eyes of the two looking at her

, Linglong Shenzhao immediately explained

, "Don't misunderstand, this is not my mount!"

"It's a monster I caught halfway!"

"The first time I saw this flying monster, I grabbed one to ride and play!"

"Don't kill it, just kick it off, I'm already very generous!"

This makes sense

, but Ye Mo looks at Linglong's proficiency in this set of processes,

how does he feel that this little nizi is not the first time to do this?

Suddenly, Linglong Shenzhao snorted, looked at Ye Mo, then looked at her sister, and carefully whispered to Wangyue Shenzhao

, "Sister, you two are not dating!" Am I here as a light bulb? Oh~"

Mochizuki Shenzhao didn't bother to take care of this troublemaker, and

the fist technique that fell from the sky taught her to be a person!

A large bag visible to the naked eye appeared on Linglong Shenzhao's forehead, and

the girl shed tears in pain.

"Don't get me wrong, Big Guy Ye came to ask about the method of breaking through level 200!"

Mochizuki said as follows.

"Guy Ye, have you reached level 200?" Linglong Shenzhao was taken aback

, and after her sister learned the news, she also felt incredible!

How long has it been?

Why did Big Guy Ye upgrade so quickly?

Doubtful and puzzled, Linglong Shenzhao still said first

, "Breaking through the level limit of level 200 is the same as breaking through the level limit of level 100, it requires five conditions!"

"One is that the level of a professional has reached two hundred levels!"

"The second is to have a three-turn suit above Grade A!"

"Third, the comprehensive strength should reach at least 1 million or more!"

"Fourth, the star clan to which it belongs will experience more than ten apocalyptic comes!"

"Fifth, we want to kill more than 1 million doomsday monsters!"

Compared with the conditions for breaking through level 100, the conditions for breaking through level 200 are obviously much more difficult, and the

comprehensive strength requirement has been increased from 10,000 to 1 million, which

can jam a lot of professionals.

A three-turn set?

After later inquiries

, the three-turn set is to use holy stones and other items to

upgrade the

set, and each time it is upgraded,

the attributes of the set will be greatly improved.

Just now, Ye Mo had the materials needed for these upgrades.

The biggest problem for Ye Mo

was the condition that other 200-level professionals seemed to be the best to complete.

"It's going to go through ten rounds of the last days..." Ye

Mo was speechless, needless

to say,

he had to wait again!

For most level 200 professionals, when they reach level 200

, the star clan they are in has experienced at least 30 rounds of the apocalypse

, and Ye Mo's side has only passed five rounds

, I upgrade quickly,

blame me?

Seeing Ye Mo's disappointment, Moon Watching Shenzhao comforted

, "It's okay, Guy Ye, your resources are so rich!"

"After ten rounds, you will easily break through the level limit!"

Ye Mo shook his head helplessly, "That's the thing!"

"But the wait is too long!"

"At least another month or two!"

Mochizuki Shinsho, "???? "

Is a month or two a long time?

"Sister! You didn't hear that your brother-in-law said the opposite, who would think that a month or two is long! Linglong Shenzhao interjected

, "Brother-in-law, the relationship between the two of us is here, you can see the door and say it!" Is it that the level increases too quickly, resulting in the attribute value not meeting the standard?

"With the method of resource accumulation, it is easy to have little increase in attribute values!" Many children of major forces have had this problem!

"The 1 million attribute values needed to break through level 200 is not a small number, how much attribute value do you have now?" I won't laugh at you by saying it!

Ye Mo looked at this little nizi and smiled, this little nizi

still wants to come and have fun!

Is he really the son of some big power?

I, Ye Mo, have the strength today, completely relying on one person to fight, and... Tirelessly open treasure chests!

Little Niko wants to see his jokes?

Doomed to be disappointed!

"Hehe, not much, just three billion yuan!"

Ye Mo told the truth

, in the form of a hundredfold increase in Super Race Two,

isn't his attribute value 30 billion!

“300...... Hundred million? "Mochizuki Shinsho almost dropped his jaw,

30 billion?

Are you sure you didn't say 3 million?!

Linglong Shenzhao was also surprised, but quickly recovered, slapped the old sister's butt, and said breathlessly, "Stupid old sister, he obviously called you!"

"Who could have an attribute value as high as 30 billion!" Legend has it that the attribute value of these great professionals of these high-level star races is only over ten million!

"You listen to him brag!"

"Don't say it's 30 billion attribute value, if his attribute value exceeds 100 million, I dare to take his surname in the future!"

"Brother-in-law, it's too much! I have no grievances with you, but you treat me like a sand sculpture!

"Say such outrageous things!"

Ye Mo knew that these two people did not believe it,

and smiled and did not explain much.

But Xiao Nizi was still unforgiving, patting her sister's butt and saying

, "Well, you said that your attribute is worth 30 billion!"

"Then how much of the comprehensive attribute value can you increase by leveling up a level?"

"It's not me and you blowing, my old sister is one of the strongest ten professionals in the Templar Clan!"

"Each level up increases your comprehensive stats by 500 points! Don't see that our Templar Star Clan is not a high-level Star Clan, but my old sister is extremely promising to break through the Great Professional level!"

"My sister can increase 500 comprehensive attributes by upgrading one level, and you can increase more points when you are one level?"


Upgrade one level, increase 500 comprehensive attributes

, in the alien star family, it is already outstanding, ranked in the top ten of the star family?

Is the requirement so low....

"Not much, 100 million more points than your sister, I will upgrade one level to increase the attribute value of 100,000 points." Ye Mo said truthfully.

Mochizuki Shinsho, "???? "

Exquisite Shenzhao," ???? "

Upgrade one level to increase 100,000 attribute values?

What a cosmic joke!

In other words, the

attribute value obtained by Moon God Zhao by upgrading one hundred levels is

only half of the attribute value obtained by the other party by upgrading one level?

Mochizuki Shenzhao blushed shyly

, her sister originally wanted to show off her strength in front of Ye Mo

, but she was slapped in the face,

who would not be angry when this matter fell on whose head!

"Sister, you believe it again!"

"You're too good to be deceived by this man!"

Linglong stomped her foot in anger

, her sister is usually very wise, why can't she think about this kind of thing,

I can only say that the woman who loves the brain is really deceptive!

Linglong Shenzhao pointed at Ye Mo and said,

"Is he obviously lying to you!"

"Sister, think about it! If he is born at one level, he can increase 100,000 comprehensive attributes, even if he is 200 levels, that is, 20 million comprehensive attributes!

"How could it be the 30 billion comprehensive attribute he just mentioned!"

"I forgot to tell you that I also have a skill that can increase my comprehensive attributes by 100 times in a short period of time!" Ye Mo said to Linglong Shenzhao with a smile.

"Don't believe it!" Linglong Shenzhao said decisively, "Improve the skill of 100 times the attribute!" There is no existence in this world!

"Tetsuko, you have played this cosmic joke!"

"Treat me like a fool again and again, even if I have a good temper, I will be angry!"

"Once I get angry, even I am afraid!"

"You'd better give me some compensation to make up for the loss of my soul, otherwise I don't guarantee that something sensational will happen in the future!"

"Hmph! Humph!

Ye Mo thought that Linglong Shenzhao was interesting, and decided to tease this little nizi, "Don't hum!" Let's make a bet, if what I say is true, you will promise me any conditions in addition to my surname!

"If I lose, I will give you one-tenth of my storage space!"

Hearing that Ye Mo was going to bet with

her, Linglong Shenzhao became interested

, and in her opinion,

this was a must-win bet.

"Oh~" Linglong Shenzhao made a second-understood expression

, "I know what you think, my brother-in-law used the means of getting away with trouble from the beginning to lure us into the bait!"

"In the end, the conditions for gambling are actually really aimed at taking advantage of this opportunity to give us materials as a bride price for marrying my sister!"

"Veteran of the love scene~ If you want to give materials, you will give it directly, I am afraid that we will not take anything, and we have to say what gamble!"

Ye Mo's face was dark,

what did this little loli with strange brain circuits think?

"Bet or not!" Ye Mo urged.

"Bet!" Linglong Shenzhao agreed on the spot, "There are benefits not to take sand sculptures!"

"Then can you show me the supplies I haven't passed through the door first!"

Ye Mo agreed, and

opened the list of his storage space for Linglong to see.

After Linglong Shenzhao looked at the list of materials in Ye Mo's storage space

, she was stunned for three minutes

, and then she couldn't go

, and moved to the front of Moon God Zhao with a small mouth, and

said in great surprise,

"Sister!" This deal is done! You won't have to work anymore!"

"Old sister, I will raise you for a lifetime!"

Mochizuki God wondered what

her sister had seen, shocked

to become this look!

It's like committing Alzheimer's disease at a young age....

"You think you won?"

Ye Mo smiled and

called Linglong Shenzhao back while the iron was hot.

"Ready?" Ye Mo asked with a smile.

"What's ready?"

Before Ye Mo's Linglong Shenzhao could turn around, Ye Mo's attribute panel appeared in front of Linglong Shenzhao's eyes.

I saw that in the column of Ye Mo's comprehensive attributes, seven

zeros after three!

"Zero zero zero..."

Moon God

snorted, just looked at

Ye Mo, the shock value has not yet passed

, Ye Mo's attribute panel once again gave Linglong Shenzhao a 10,000-fold critical blow,

and it is really 30 million comprehensive attributes!

Ye Mo didn't lie to her!

200 level 30 million comprehensive attributes,

are you kidding me?

Linglong turned into a small bump in seconds.

And that's not the end of it.

"Did you see clearly?" Ye Mo asked.

Linglong Shenzhao widened her eyes and nodded obediently

, in front of her, this is a big guy with an attribute value of up to 30 million,

she doesn't dare to make a mistake!

In the next second

, Ye Mo activated the Super Race II form, and with the blessing of the Super Race II form

, Ye Mo's attribute value skyrocketed a hundred times, and

the attribute list on the attribute panel

also changed from 30 million to 30 billion!

Linglong Shenzhao began his journey of counting zeros, and when Linglong Shenzhao saw the long list of zeros behind 3,

this person was numb!


How many zeros is this?

One, ten, hundred, thousand, thousand, one hundred thousand, million, brother-in-law, brother, father, grandfather, ancestor ...

30 billion attribute values?!

I'm dripping oh my God!

I didn't dream!

Even if Ye Mo had completely converged his momentum,

the energy field generated by Ye Mo

was also detected by other Star Clan detection stations in this star field.

The energy detection instruments in the detection battle exploded one after another, and exploded

into pieces with a bang!

"The detector exploded? Is it broken?

"It's not! It was just near our star domain that an extremely powerful energy source suddenly appeared! The strength of that energy source is already far higher than the detection upper limit of the detector! The detector could not withstand it, and it exploded!

"Really fake! My detector is the latest technology, which can detect an energy source with a comprehensive strength of 10 billion! Which profession can reach a comprehensive strength of more than 10 billion?

"Come on! There could be alien professionals there! If any professional has this strength, he must not take the Star Clan to soar! The individual emitted by the energy source this time must be a doomsday monster! I'm afraid it's the Tower of Annihilation that can only be encountered after eighty rounds, or the Chaos Evil God!

"Shut up! Crazy?! That's a no-no! You say it and look for death! It's okay if you die, don't pull us to die together!

"Blah blah! I forgot about it! "


Ye Mo just released his strength

, and did not do anything,

so he scared nearly a thousand alien races in this star field!

They all thought that some powerful apocalyptic monster appeared in their star domain

, but because of this,

these star races did not take further action to investigate where the energy source came from.

In their opinion,

this grade of taboo things is no longer something they can handle!

Instead of making a commotion,

it's better to just leave it alone and

treat it as if nothing happened.

As for the forbidden things of the Star Clan, let

them ask for blessings!

How did they know that

the person who emitted such a powerful energy field

was not a taboo thing,

but a human professional.

"You lose! Remember to keep your promise!

"Remember that you will change your surname to Ye from today onwards, and there are still three conditions to complete for me!"

"I haven't thought of three conditions for the time being! I'll come back to you another day! "

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