Ye Mo smiled when he saw this prompt

, this tip is good,

save the text puzzle game.

As things stand

, as long as you pass one nightmare scene,

a prompt for the next scene will appear.

Pass eight nightmare scenes in a row and

the challenge is over!

It's like a game to beat the level!

No difficulty!

Ye Mo wanted to use the ability to teleport to reach the residence in Qihong City,

but found that the ability activation failed.

Is the ability invalid?


Ye Mo figured it out

, although this place was exactly the same as the real

world, it was a specially constructed nightmare world, this home was not another

home, in this nightmare world's home, he had never been,

let alone teleported over.

It doesn't matter

, after locking the direction,

just fly over.

Ye Mo grabbed it and

flew directly towards Qihong City.

All the way is in a foggy state,

as if the world is buried by fog.

In this fog

, Ye Mo also suddenly found that

a monster with a hundred meters long six legs and long legs, a body like a spider, but a face composed of countless tentacles appeared in front of him.

The whole body is brownish gray, like decaying wood.

The monster's eyes grew under his belly, looking

at Ye Mo condescendingly

, good guy

, another indescribable monster

, suddenly appeared,

did he want to scare me?

"SAN value -0!"

It's not that Ye Mo doesn't know to

be afraid, it's just that because of this group of little weak chickens,

it really makes Ye Mo can't be afraid.

"What are you worried about?" Ye Mo asked with a sneer.

An indescribable giant monster, "..."This

Northeast dialect says

, I am such a big monster

, appear in front of you,

don't you know to be afraid?

The monster almost said,

look at you.

It's a pity that it can't speak, and

Ye Mo doesn't give it this opportunity.

Throwing out a small pebble casually and

killing the monster in seconds, Ye

Mo continued to hurry.

"Six, six, six, boss!" Round rolling on the side to shoot this

, Ye Mo's skills are

in the eyes, any monster is a second kill,

this cow beep!

"Basic operation, don't six, what is this!"

Ye Mo said that this is just a

basic operation, but unfortunately,

this basic operation is only for Ye Mo.

It is also the base of the parallel nightmare world.

Zhao Fengyun watched the professionals who turned into zombies in front of him fall into collapse

, this middle-aged man

, the most emotional

, the most afraid of things

, is that the teammates died tragically in the last days

, not only died,

but also became the monsters of the end times.

As a result, this most fearful thought hidden in his heart

, he just thought about it, but

he didn't expect it to become a reality.

His teammates inexplicably die in the base and

turn into powerful monsters to kill him!


"Don't come here!"

Zhao Fengyun had no choice but to shoot

a zombie-like nightmare monster in the head,

even if he knew that this was a monster in the nightmare space


not his real teammate.

But the feeling of depression and guilt in my heart

always lingers!

"SAN value -7!"

"The current SAN value is 81!"


"I see! In this nightmare world, there will be the things you fear the most!

"It can concretize the fear hidden in the depths of my heart!"

Zhao Fengyun immediately deduced

it, but unfortunately he only deduced half of

it, not only can he materialize the most fearful things in his heart

, but also the parallel nightmare worlds, monsters still figure it out!

This is also why, the monsters that appeared in the nightmare world of Yi Hongyan and Zhao Fengyun, Ye

Mo's world can also appear.

"No more! If it goes on like this, I'll break down! "

Zhao Fengyun found that his mentality was a little broken, and

the SAN value of the attribute panel kept slipping

, not only facing the things he feared in his heart

, but also outside the base

, from time to time there were giant leopard mosquitoes, bat-headed centipedes, tongue praying mantises... All kinds of strange nightmare monsters broke in,

making him unable to finish off.

As a last resort,

Zhao Fengyun could only choose to close the gate of the base again.

With the closing of the gates of

the base, everything inside the base returned to calm

, empty, and nothing.

It was as if the white mist and monsters had never appeared!


Zhao Fengyun gasped

and rested for a while,

and he found that his SAN value had all rebounded from 81

to 85.

"It's good that the SAN value can pick up!"

Zhao Fengyun felt a little relieved in his heart

, it seemed that as long as he was out of the challenge prompted by the nightmare world, he

would return to his normal state!

But the problem is that

if he doesn't complete the challenge prompted by the nightmare world,

I'm afraid he won't be able to get out!

Think it's okay to stay there?

A person has been trapped for a long time, and

sooner or later something will happen in his heart!

It's like a secret room challenge

, you stay in the secret room, it doesn't matter if you stay for a day or two

, but for a long time, after half a month, a month,

I'm afraid you can be trapped crazy!

"This time it's bad!"

Zhao Fengyun muttered.


"This is our house?" Opening the door of the villa,

Round Roll was the first to poke in a big head and asked.

When I first came to the small villa where Ye Mo lived, the

round roll said that everything was very new.

The villa is in Mediterranean style

, the decoration is simple,

it can be seen that Ye Mo is a person who does not like to be too complicated.

This is a human sofa, this is a table, this is a computer, hey, what's going on with this hard drive with learning materials?

There is also a capacity of 4 t, does the owner like learning so much?

Worthy of being the master,

learn to live until you are old!

I'll take a look at it another day!

Ye Mo didn't notice that Round Rolling Zhen was holding its hard disk with 4 T study materials and his eyes were shining

, waved his hand, and said casually.

"Think of it as your own home, if you find a place you like, it should be your rest area."

Ye Mo is very relieved about the round rolling

, this thing does not know where it comes from

, it is not affected by the nightmare world, and the monsters in the nightmare world

don't seem to care about its appearance at all.

Ye Mo saw the hint on the wall at home.

"In the villa, stay for a day and a night, no matter what sound you hear, don't go out! You'll get the second Nightmare Key! "



Last time I spent twelve hours in the base, this

time I spent 24 hours at home.

The time has doubled

, but it doesn't matter,

for Ye Mo

, it is equivalent to living at home for a day.

When the timer began

, Ye Mo walked to the window

and found that the fog outside the villa did not know when it dissipated, and the

dark clouds in the sky were pressing

, obviously it was daytime,

making it look like night.

In the thick thunderstorm clouds

, the thunder flashed,

obviously it was about to rain heavily!

The wind was fierce

, blowing the trees outside upside down.

And at the moment of thunder

, Ye Mo, who had excellent eyes, clearly

saw that among the thunderstorm clouds,

there seemed to be something hidden.

It was a giant monster with eight pairs of eyes

, extremely large

, hidden in dark clouds,

overlooking the whole world.

Ye Mo still wanted to see clearly,

but unfortunately the monster disappeared in the next second.

"Pretending to be a ghost, this atmosphere is good!

"I like to make the atmosphere so much, it's a pity that you don't go to make horror movies!"

Ye Mo complained,

closed the window and returned to the house.

Ye Mo found that in this nightmare world

, there was no way to use the ability of the Doomsday Mall

, and when he opened

the refrigerator door, the food in the refrigerator was also corrupted

, turning into a ball of moldy briquettes, and he could see insects crawling on it.

Needless to say,

this is another nightmare world that comes out to scare people.

Ye Mo directly closed the refrigerator door and

took out some food from the storage space.

This nightmare world seems to have no suppression effect on its own abilities and storage space.


eating, Ye Mo heard the sound of giggling

from the kitchen, Ye Mo opened the kitchen door, and at the moment he opened

the door, he seemed to see a bloodthirsty girl, holding a corpse and eating on the ground

, but after opening

the door, the

illusion was gone.

Ye Mo directly chose to ignore it.

"SAN value -0!"

"The current SAN value is 100!"


After eating

, Ye Mo went to the bathroom to wash

, and when he looked up

, he saw himself in the mirror

, his whole body was bloody, and

several sharp knives were pierced on his body.

Ye Mo stared at the mirror for a while while brushing his teeth.

"This looks so ugly!"

Ye Mo complained, put the tooth jar back in the washing bar, and

went to the room to rest.

With a nightmare

monster in the mirror, a monster messy in the wind,

what did he just go through?

Then the human is not afraid of him, forget it, and

by the way, spit on his appearance?

"SAN value -0!"


Ye Mo, who was lying on the bed, opened his

mobile phone, and what Ye Mo never expected was that

the current mobile phone could still be used, and

he could actually brush the funny sound!

Is this nightmare world so advanced?

You can brush the funny sound!

Open TikTok,

and a pale-faced clown pops out uncontrollably, showing a terrifying smile.

"Hee-hee, see my video, you'll be the next to die!"

"Death by severed heads, death by peeling, death by broken bones... Only you can't think of the way to die, and we can't do it without us!

"When it comes to torturing people, we are professionals! Don't close your eyes and sleep, as long as it's a sleeping person, we'll find the door as soon as possible!

"Remember, it's a curse! This is a curse! "


The clown said viciously

, with his terrifying and hideous expression, and mortal remarks,

the effect was amazing!

If anyone opens this video,

they will be shocked by this clown!

It's a pity that when I met Ye Mo, Ye Mo

was still calm and

stable as Mount Tai.

Is it scary?

Ye Mo didn't feel afraid at all.

This level of intimidation

is not threatening to him in the slightest.

"SAN value -0!"

Ye Mo felt bored and

directly crossed out this video, but

he didn't expect that the next video

would be this clown.

"I didn't expect it, it's still me!"

"I'll kill you! Wherever you hide, I will come to you and kill you!"

"Don't think you can escape, this is my territory, you run anywhere..."

Without waiting for this clown to finish speaking

, Ye Mo crossed out the

video, but unfortunately the next video is still the clown's grimace, and the

next video is too!

It seemed that there was an invisible force manipulating,

so that Ye Mo could only look at the clown.

"Don't avoid it, I can't avoid it!"

"Think about how you died? Tell me, I'm satisfied with how you die! The

clown on the screen, licking his lips and looking bloodthirsty.

"Meet a fart!"

"If you dare to come over, I will kill you!"

"Forcing Lai Lai in front of me!"

This tease can not be seen,

Ye Mo directly turned off the phone.

He said that in this nightmare world, why can he watch funny sounds, and

the feelings are all designed in the nightmare world,

just to scare him and

make him feel less.

Ye Mo also discovered that

this Crusu's nightmare world

is mainly based on letting a person lower the SAN value.

The monsters that appear, things,

are also made to make people fearful as the main purpose.

According to the hints of

this world, once the SAN value drops below 0,

it will be assimilated by this world and

become a member of those monsters.

Ye Mo has seen through everything now

, but unfortunately, so far,

there is nothing that Ye Mo is afraid of.

Ye Mo was lying

on the bed, and saw that the wall skin on the wall fell off inexplicably

, revealing the black lines inside

, as if there were blood vessels on the black blood, and

there was the smell of Silent Ridge.


Ye Mo complained

, and fell asleep directly on the bed,

completely ignoring the bedroom that had become a tricky house.

"SAN value -0!"


Outside the house, Round and curious wandered around the

house, not affected by the end times,

it also did not care about the strange changes in the house.

Seeing that Ye Mo was asleep

, he dared to be bored, and

he had to stay in this room for 24 hours,

what did he dare to do?

Yuan Tuan suddenly saw the computer desk on the side, and the four t of learning materials stored on the table

, his eyes lit up

, if it is to pass the time, isn't this there?

With the passage of time

, the indescribable things in the house gradually increased

, the kitchen door continued to close and open

, from the kitchen came the sound of chopping meat, and there was a seven-colored light

, the whole house, not only the bedroom

, the wall skin has fallen off,

the terrifying black blood vessels lines all over the room.


the window, the color of the entire sky became dark and oppressive, the

rain was pouring, and

under the lightning,

strange tentacles could be seen dancing outside the window.

"Can you play with me?"

"If you don't play with me, I'll go in!"


There was a slender and strange laughter at

the door, and then the door that was originally locked automatically

opened, and after climbing in, an eight-legged woman landed on the ground

, her head rotated one hundred and eighty

degrees, and her face was pale.

"I'm coming~"

The female trickster said grimly

, with her appearance

, if she was seen by the people in

the house, she would not be scared and faint,

and the female trickster entered the house and was dumbfounded.

No one cares about her at all!

A young man in a superman suit is lying on the bed and sleeping

, and there is a round white ball

, in front of the computer screen, staring intently at the screen,

what does this ball mean with nosebleeds?

The female trick subconsciously ignored the existence of the ball and

looked into the bedroom.

It was obviously the breath of a living person,

and it was the main purpose of her coming this time.

Can you still sleep in this nightmare world?

Is this human mind so big?

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