I’m in a hurry to kill monsters!

“The research institute, actually I don’t know much about it. It is an emergency institution established by the military and the government together with some scientific researchers we can find locally. It also set aside an area specifically for them. It seems to be for the purpose of studying doomsday and fighting against Mutated creatures and research on awakened people should be only part of them…”

Xu Xinghai smiled bitterly, “But I don’t know about the more. This department is precious and I can’t get in touch with it. There are only those like Qin Hai and others. Only awakened people of a certain level will be invited to go to scientific research institutes to cooperate in research, or else…

“I heard that the bodies of awakened people who died on the battlefield will also be sent to scientific research institutes to be dissected and studied… …”

Although slice research is a cold joke, modern medicine is limited after all. The best way to study the variation of human body is still anatomical research. Wang Chengdao: “I see… Then they… find out what the end of the world is

. What’s going on? ”

This apocalypse is extremely sudden. Even though it has reached this point, Wang Cheng still wants to know the reason. Unfortunately, Xu Xinghai just

shook his head: “No one knows. It is said that the higher-ups don’t know, and everyone in the survivor base knows. Rumor has it that the polar glaciers cracked and ancient viruses flowed into the air, triggering global mutations. However, this does not explain why apocalyptic disasters broke out around the world at almost the same time on the same day? Some people also say that we were attacked by aliens… There is no basis for this. If aliens can do this, why not just annihilate us? Why use this method? Alas, in short, the world is now in chaos. It is said that even our division headquarters and government here have difficulty getting in touch with the higher authorities…”

Xu Xinghai had a look of despair on his face.

Wang Cheng also lowered his head. This time A sudden doomsday is a disaster for anyone.

But he was thinking about what Xu Xinghai had just said, and the framework of Haicheng’s temporary survivor gathering point was changing little by little in his mind. It needs to be clear.

The military, the government, scientific research institutes…

they serve as the pillars of the temporary survivor gathering point in the entire Haicheng. They are huge and aloof existences that are inaccessible to most.

Wangcheng wants to contact them, It’s not that easy.

But Wang Cheng felt something in his heart.

He knew it very well.

He didn’t have to do much. He just needed to send a nano pill. He believed that the scientific research institute would come to invite him.

However, Wang Cheng was not like this. plan.

Because he realized that his previous ideas were a bit naive.

He had thought that when he came here with the system in hand, he might be able to seek cooperation from the military or government. The best result would undoubtedly be the military Fang helped himself accumulate energy points and upgraded his warships rapidly. The bad result was that he was controlled for investigation and research, and the upgrade process was greatly slowed down. But judging from the current situation, he is most likely to

be Ignore, or in other words, it is far from the level of attention he wants.

His battleships and nano pills may be confiscated.

As for the system and upgrades, it is likely that no one will pay attention to him at all.

Based on the current situation in Haicheng , who can care?

In front of a real torrent, even if you expose your system and capabilities, few people can really take a serious look at you and listen to what you are saying.

Wang Cheng realized that he was still a college student His thinking has not completely changed, and his thoughts are a bit naive and childish. Although

his battleship is level 2 and can be compared with fighter jets and ordinary light armored tanks, compared with this panic of the end and the huge army and government system, his This strength is nothing. He has no qualifications to talk to them or even let them look at him.

He temporarily suppressed the idea of cooperating with the military and prepared to improve his strength first and wait for him. After upgrading his fighter planes to a certain level, he can officially cooperate with the military.

At that time, what he and the military will do will be real cooperation, and he no longer has to worry about good or bad results.

Standing in the crowd, Wang Cheng’s eyes gradually became firmer.

He knew when to rely on yourself is the best choice. He remembered a sentence he had seen on the Internet a long time ago.

Only when the strength found in himself is poured into himself can he It will serve him for life.

He completely gave up the idea of relying on external forces and relied on himself, step by step. From here, he upgraded to a third-level or even fourth-level battleship. After confirming his strength, he went to Fengtian to pick up his parents! These two things are what make

him What should be done, the most important goal!

Not far away, the car of Qin Hai and others slowly left.

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Wang Cheng shrank, he was no longer ready to expose his strength, and kept growing!

After a long wait and many Xinghai introduced endlessly, and the long queue finally came to an end. Wangcheng and the others successfully received the supplies. The military personnel verified and registered them according to their identity cards. The agents also needed to sign to avoid false claims and repeated claims.

In times of emergency, supplies are in short supply.

Back in the room, Wang Cheng couldn’t sit still.

According to Xu Xinghai’s introduction, under normal circumstances, the military’s use of the Survivor Self-Defense Force is based on the number identified by the identity card. Half of the manpower is allocated every day to ensure that everyone can have one day off in two days. Ensure the safety of survivors.

Today is the time for these numbers in Wangcheng to rest.

For others, it is naturally the best not to have to go up and confront the mutated creatures, but Wangcheng cannot sit still.

He didn’t want to waste such a whole day, and wanted to move forward on the road of accumulating energy points.

Wang Cheng did not drag Xu Xinghai and others with him. He went out directly and asked the soldiers on duty nearby. He learned that even if it was not his turn today to help with the defense, he could still go to the front line.

Wang Cheng then went straight to the edge defense line of Haicheng’s temporary survivor gathering point. Wherever there were more monsters, he found the commander there to sign up to join the battle.

I heard that Wang Cheng took the initiative to join the war, and the soldiers stationed at the garrison were surprised.

There are very few people in the Survivor Self-Defense Force who have such a high level of awareness.

The war is tense, and the iron fence defense line outside the temporary survivor gathering point in Haicheng is fragile. And there are hundreds of thousands of people here. To the monsters, it is a big cake that is constantly emitting heat. A large number of mutants are constantly pouring out from all directions. , impact the defense line.

Wang Cheng quickly joined the battle, disappeared into the crowd, and hunted wildly.

This is like Plants vs. Zombies. He no longer needs to take too many risks. He can just hide behind the defense line and take action. The only problem is that he has to compete with others for heads.

Only Wangcheng has a system, so only the mutants he kills with his own hands can be counted as energy points.

The same was true for Wangcheng on the second day. On the third day, Wangcheng also reached the front line. Moreover, after becoming proficient, he became more and more proficient at robbing people.

Wang Cheng didn’t want to be famous, but his reputation spread somewhat because of it.

It is said that there is a monster-killing lunatic in the Survivor Self-Defense Force. He does not rest even on his days off. He goes around looking for monsters to kill every day. He goes wherever there are many monsters. The most important thing is that he also enjoys killing monsters. Grabbing heads and fighting for kills, other members of the Survivor Self-Defense Force fought against mutant creatures. Who was not trembling with fear, fearing that the defense line would be breached, but this person was as excited as playing a game to spawn monsters!

Wang Cheng was very depressed after hearing this.

He didn’t want to fight for it, mainly because the military wanted to maintain stability and the absolute safety of the survivor gathering point. There were too many people on the defense line and the firepower was too dense. If he didn’t grab it, the benefits of the energy points would be reduced.

In three days, the energy points in the royal city skyrocketed, reaching 500 points!

The goal of the third-level battleship, 900 energy points, is even far away.

Seeing his reputation gradually rising, Wang Cheng also decided to restrain himself and rest for a long time.

Of course, Wang Cheng was not going to be idle for a long time. He had a plan to inject Zhang Chao with a tube of flame serum from the mutant bird!

Zhang Chao is not an awakened person. Although the use of firearms is getting better and better, the risk of fighting mutated creatures is still higher than that of an awakened person. Anyway, Wangcheng now has a lot of serum, so he can give Zhang Chao a tube.

And Wang Cheng himself is also ready to inject the second level power serum!

He wanted to try. After injecting the second-level serum, could he reach the theoretical level of the second-level awakened person announced by scientific research?

However, just as Wang Cheng found Zhang Chao and was about to give him a shot first, there was a knock on their door.

What came was a strange, well-dressed woman with a beautiful figure and a face that seemed to be innately charming. She said, “Are you Wang Cheng? Our Wu Haicheng wants to see you!”

Wang Cheng had never heard of this name, and he immediately smiled slightly. He was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

This name has been mentioned by Xu Xinghai before. Like Qin Hai, it is a popular person who is an awakened person that the scientific research institute focuses on!

What does he want to see me for?

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