: Where do you want to go?

Coming out of the conference center of the New Kyoto Military Base, the sky was completely dark.

Wang Cheng glanced at the time.

It was half past one in the morning.

But the entire New Kyoto military base was still brightly lit, with huge searchlights overlapping in the night sky. Far and near, many transport planes and helicopters flew by. Nearby, busy military convoys whizzed by, and further away, From another place, the roar of a construction site could be heard – it was the latest layer of fortifications being built on the periphery.

At this moment, the entire New Kyoto military base has entered a state of all-out war, and its warning range can cover the surrounding three provinces.

The initial construction plan here was to build Kyoto, the former capital of China, into a collective war fortress that could provide support and defense at the level of a warship.

His Excellency the Supreme Commander personally supervised and ensured the implementation of its functions.

It is a qualified fortress. Normally, it seems to be a docking port for warships, but now, Wangcheng has seen its ferocious side.

A large number of automatic turrets emerged. There may be a turret matrix buried in hidden corners and under the seemingly flat and smooth metal deck-like ground.

According to the person in charge of the New Kyoto Military Base just now, the New Kyoto Military Base even has a half-dome structure, which is a huge metal hemisphere that can be raised when necessary to cover the core tower of the New Kyoto Military, forming a A huge skyward shield.

In the planning of the new Kyoto military base, if possible in the future, the current military base will be expanded outward to form China’s largest warship ground port, and a family area will be opened. With further expansion, the family area may be turned into a city, and then Create a new Kyoto city.

As the capital city of China, all the relics of civilization and historical traces of ancient times in Kyoto City have been razed to the ground with the fall of the Kyoto survivor base.

In the doomsday war, no resurgent civilization will care about the history of your civilization.

The intention of His Excellency the Supreme Commander is to rebuild a new future city on this land that carries countless memories of the Chinese people, and to make up for the regrets here with a new and powerful future.

Wang Cheng took a deep breath and walked through the New Kyoto Military Base, which was still extremely busy in the early morning, and arrived at the hatching place of the insect eggs.

This place is completely built, and the insect eggs are in the central greenhouse.

The experts stationed here are on duty 24 hours a day, ensuring that at least one professor-level expert is always here.

This shows the importance attached to this insect swarm egg.

When the expert saw Wang Cheng, he stepped forward and said, “I heard about what happened at the border of Mongolia Province. I don’t know if what we did can be useful, but we tried to inject human genes into the insect eggs. We suspect that this is what the life of Qiushan Civilization did, and now, the inside of this insect egg seems to have begun to change, and its final hatching stage may be in these days. “I hope it can go to the battlefield

. Help us get through this crisis. “If you have any news, please notify me as soon as possible. ”

Wang Cheng only took a deep look at the huge insect egg in the center of the incubation room. Its eggshell shrank like breathing, and its surface shone with light. It was unclear whether it was the light of the detection instrument or its own fluorescence. Here, it

represents There is a civilization.

Seeing it today, Wangcheng had a very different feeling.

Then he left here and went to the dormitory of the New Kyoto Military Base.

He met Xia Qin here.

Xia Qin was also waiting for him, just below the dormitory. , she sat there with her back straight, looking a little more heroic than what she had seen before, which was the result of these days of training.

Wang Cheng heard that she trained very hard.

When he came here, Xia Qin was looking at the stars and moon in the sky in a daze, revealing a very rare and cute state in her.

Wang Cheng’s heart moved, he came closer and said softly: “Your saliva is going to flow! ”

Xia Qin was startled. She didn’t even have time to see who said it. She wiped the corner of her mouth instinctively, and then realized that there was no saliva at all. Her delicate eyebrows frowned, and she raised her head to see who it was. Who was playing tricks on her, but she saw Wang Cheng standing in front of her.

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She was stunned for a moment: “You…”

Wang Cheng smiled and said: “Sorry, the meeting took a bit long. Our plan needs to be submitted to the Supreme Commander and No. 1 The military advisory group at the military base spent a little time. Have you been waiting for a long time? ”

Not long.” Xia Qin exhaled and said seriously, “I’m not drooling.” Moreover, I am waiting for my commander, as long as I can wait, this is my obligation. ”

Yes, beauties never drool. ” “Wang Cheng smiled.

He could feel the obvious changes in Xia Qin.

If the Xia Qin in his impression before was really a gentle and smart woman, then now, she has more vigorous heroic spirit, more A bit of a dull feeling of hardness.

Wang Cheng also corrected his expression. He was switching his state from a friend to a superior. He stretched out his hand and said: “I have read your report, your results in the training camp. Excellent. In fact, maybe it would be better for you to stay for a while, but as you can see, we can’t wait any longer. My battleship needs your strength. ”

Wang Cheng, this is the truth.

Although his battleships have received a number of supplements before, Chen Lan brought many former students of Haicheng University to join them. They have also passed the training, are young and energetic, and can all excel. Their arrival enriched the composition of the Royal City’s warships and gave them more powerful combat capabilities. However, in the battle on the back of the moon, many people died, and even Xu Xinghai was seriously injured. , the current energy is not as good as before, and the battleships in Wangcheng have been upgraded again, and they only need a lot more manpower. Therefore, the battleships in Wangcheng are

short of people again.

At this moment, he shook hands with Xia Qin seriously , and told her about her next staff. Half of the work Wang Cheng gave Xia Qin was to cooperate with Xu Xinghai in the system analysis and dispatch of the battleship, and the other half was to cooperate with Chen Lan in dispatching the logistics personnel within the battleship for support. Xia

Qin Take note seriously.

The next day, Xia Qin appeared among the battleships in the royal city.

On the day of Xia Qin’s arrival, there was her first mission.

The armies of resurrected civilizations were gathering towards the absolute control area of mankind. This Under this situation, the New Kyoto Military Base, even the entire Kyoto, and the entire human absolute control zone are intensively preparing for war, preparing to meet the upcoming enemies and doing a good job of defense. But Wang Cheng’s mission today is to take the initiative. He and


Niao Accompanying the flight, starting from the New Kyoto Military Base, heading westward, passing by the Yincheng Survivor Base once managed by warlord Yao Zeyu, and traveling further west to the Huaxia Region. The voice of Wangcheng rang in the bridge.

Currently , the global resurgent civilization has assembled a coalition to besiege us, but their positions are different, their strengths are different, and the encirclement has not yet been formed. Although the pioneer civilization and the Tagu civilization that pose the greatest threat to us seem to be making great progress, the arrival of civilization in Antarctica In the past, they would not move too far forward because they did not want to be the first. The price of fighting with us could only be to allow other resurgent civilizations to enjoy the gains. Therefore, now is our opportunity to take the initiative. In China To the west of the region, there is no top-level resurrected civilization. Here is a group of small and medium-sized resurrected civilization coalition forces. They are waiting for the opportunity to encroach on our survivor base in the west. Our mission is to defeat them, defeat them, and seize the current window period. , weaken our enemy’s power as much as possible! ”

With the sound of Wang Cheng, all the personnel in the battleship were ready, and the two battleships penetrated the sky at high speed.

Of course, this was also mixed with another purpose of Wang Cheng.

It was to obtain energy points.

The upgrade from a tenth-level battleship to an eleventh-level battleship requires a whole day. Five hundred thousand energy points.

Wangcheng currently has 40,000 to 50,000 energy points. Compared with this number, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Thinking about it in Wangcheng, if you can upgrade to another level and reach the eleventh level battleship, you will definitely be able to fight against four battleships in the future. The top-level resurrected civilization will shine on the battlefield, and even greatly improve the chance of victory. Therefore, even if fifty thousand and five hundred thousand are a distant number, Wangcheng is ready to work hard and collect as many energy points as possible. , seize the opportunity during the window period.

The small and medium-sized resurgent civilization is undoubtedly the most ideal source of energy points at this stage.

And the first target of the Royal City is the old friend of mankind.

The Qiushan Civilization.

After being indulged for several months, they finally came to the At this juncture, the water surface has resurfaced, and a group of small and medium-sized resurgent civilizations have gathered to stir up troubles, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to make a comeback.

But unfortunately, their warships are now too different from those of the Royal City.

The Royal City is directly positioned accurately Facing them, the battleship entered an optically invisible state and approached silently, appearing directly at a high altitude directly above the Qiushan Civilization’s battleship. Wang Cheng forcibly cut into the opponent’s communication channel and directly said: “Old friends, what are you doing? Where do you want to go? ”



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