: Heavy Killing Formation

“We must pass this news to the ground command center and the royal city as soon as possible.”

Ye Qizheng didn’t know whether his judgment was correct, but he knew that this kind of thing should not be careless. The other party’s goal is probably to eat the entire human fleet. Once If the opponent’s plan is achieved, their entire human front will collapse. This is a loss and price that no one can afford.

However, Ye Qizheng was horrified to discover at this moment that their communication had been cut off!

Contact with the ground is no longer possible.

In front of them, the Glacier Battleship, which had been retreating just now, suddenly changed its course, its propellers spit out dazzling light, and the main gun directly below it slowly poked out, and the black muzzle locked directly on the Lushu.

Lushu is in the number.

Zhang Chao’s expression changed slightly, and he also noticed that their communication had been cut off, which only meant one thing, their guess was right.

The purpose of this interception was the main fleet in the royal city.

The four top resurrected civilizations did not plan to attack the heavily defended New Kyoto military base with all their strength. Instead, they wanted to lure the human fleet out and kill it.

Faced with the lock on the glacier battleship’s main gun, Zhang Chaozheng quickly calmed down. He input the instructions personally. The relatively smaller Lushu battleship quickly changed direction at high altitude and moved the glacier battleship to another angle. At this moment, his communication system It was also seriously interfered with and could only maintain short-distance communications with the Haicheng.

Zhang Chao said to Ye Qizheng: “I’ll lure them away. You leave here, continue to descend, inform Wangcheng, and tell him what these mongrel civilizations really want to do.” Ye Qizheng sat on

his captain’s seat and watched this scene, But he just shook his head.

He knew it was probably too late now.

Because the glacier warship that had been retreating just now has shown its fangs, it only means one thing. Their purpose has been achieved. Now there is no need to drag the two human warships. Next, it will open fire with all its strength. In order to completely keep the Lushu and Haicheng in this sky.

the border area between Mongolia and Mongolia.

Six thousand meters altitude position.

Wangcheng has seen the fleet group in the distance.

The seven battleships of the pioneer civilization are rising from the ground. They are leaving the border of Mongolia Province and heading towards the sky.

Judging from the current signs, their targets are the Lushu and Haicheng that have returned from the back of the moon. Ye Anshan judged that their plan may be similar to that of humans. They also want to defeat them one by one and take advantage of the human fleet. Before merging, destroy as much of the human fleet’s vitality as possible.

Although the Haicheng and the Lushu are not the most powerful warships in Wangcheng’s current fleet, in this large-scale fleet battle, any warship has its own significance as long as it is not too weak. With the cooperation of the main battleships, they can exert a devastating power, which is far more powerful than a single ship in the royal city.

But Wang Cheng did not go to the emergency rescue of the Haicheng and Lushu. His goal was still the Pioneer Civilization Fleet.

He believed that Zhang Chao and Ye Qizheng would not be eliminated so easily, and even if his battleship wanted to quickly soar to an altitude of 76,000 meters, it would take a certain amount of time. At that time, it would still have to meet the fleet of the pioneer civilization. Since In this way, attack directly from the diagonal over there. You intercept and kill our fleet, and I will intercept and kill the pioneer civilization fleet!

“The current position, altitude, is 6,327 meters, and the distance from the target fleet group is 2,872 meters. The third Tsunami-class warship on the enemy’s right has entered the effective destroyable range of our ship.”

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Wangcheng The battleship’s main gun is slowly opening, and the brand-new beam energy weapon is continuing to charge. At this moment, his battleship is in full stealth, passing through the sky at high speed and silently, and a group of enemy ships in the distance appears in the royal city. Within the field of vision, and with the current technology of the tenth-level battleships, it is impossible for them to detect the arrival of the Royal City, and they do not even know that they have been locked by the main guns of the Royal City’s battleships.

At the same time, the angle formed by the New Kunpeng and the Shangniao was advancing at a position of 120 degrees and two kilometers away from the Royal City, creating sufficient illusions for the enemy fleet in an attempt to confuse the pioneer civilization fleet.

The pioneer civilization fleet is also slowing down. They have discovered the human fleet. The originally dense launch array is spreading out at an altitude of 6,000 meters. One after another, the inverted pyramid three-dimensional triangular spaceships are floating in the sky like floating in the sky. Dense mountain peaks.

Wang Cheng’s eyes were like lightning, and he looked forward.

The main gun has been prepared. The beam energy weapon may be affected to a certain extent in the atmospheric environment, but he is sure that the hit will hit. The first shot can annihilate a pioneer civilization tsunami-class battleship!

This is the powerful foundation of the tenth-level battleship!

However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered the news from the ground command center, and Ye Anshan’s picture emerged: “Wangcheng, something is wrong. Just now we suddenly lost contact with the two battleships Lushu and Haicheng. Now, we have detected powerful weapons of destruction at an altitude of 70,000 meters in their orbit. The Antarctic civilization fleet that intercepted them seems to have just opened fire… Their goal is probably not to intercept our two warships, but to intercept them. Your battleship!”

Ye Anshan quickly made a judgment through clues.

At this moment, only the ground command center where he was located could give such an answer. People like Wang Cheng, Zhang Chao, and others were already on the frontline battlefield, at the center of the war storm. Under a full-scale war, it was naturally difficult to have an overall view. , it is even more difficult to see the war plans of the four top resurgent civilizations.

Wang Cheng’s heart sank when he heard the news from Ye Anshan. He believed in Ye Anshan’s judgment. He raised his eyes and looked at the pioneer civilization fleet. They were slowing down and waiting in high altitude.

“This is a trap!”

“Yes…” Ye Anshan said: “I have re-planned the route for you. Your best plan now is to abandon the confrontation with the pioneer civilization fleet, continue to take off according to the original plan, and fight with the deer. “Shu” and “Haicheng” will join together to defeat the Antarctic Civilized Glacier Fleet, and then return. Don’t rush forward. Let’s rendezvous with our fleet group first.” This

is the plan given by the ground command center.

Wang Cheng chose to accept, and he immediately sent a message to Chen Zhihua of the Kunpeng and Huang Zihao of the Shangniao, asking them to take off immediately. Wang Cheng’s battleship’s main gun did not turn off, and at this moment it quickly raised its altitude, preparing to launch at a higher altitude. position to turn.

However, at this moment, a dazzling flash of light suddenly flashed in the direction of the two battleships of the Kunpeng.

Huang Zihao, the commander of the Shangniao, sent an urgent message: “We are under attack. It’s a ghost civilization fleet, a ghost civilization fleet!” Two kilometers

away from the tenth-level battleship in the royal city, a swath of light appeared. On the battlefield, there were fleets of ghost civilizations. Their number was greater than last time. They were densely packed and numbered in the hundreds. Just like the first time they encountered the royal city, they suddenly appeared in the sky, a He jumped in front of him and enveloped Shangniao in an instant.

The dense blows of light fell down like rain, illuminating the world and sky on that side.

The Ke Shangniao was not as strong as the shield of the tenth-level battleship in the royal city. In an instant, the defense system was completely broken through. The entire battleship was penetrated by the heavy rain of the ghost civilization. There were explosions everywhere, and the news was lost in an instant. Countless flashing ghost ships spread out to high places like piranhas that had eaten up their food. The Shangniao battleship turned into a blazing fire ball in the sky, throwing a large amount of material, and suddenly fell from the sky.

And at a higher position, a curtain of light rose.

A 1,200-meter-class glacier battleship emerged from optical invisibility. The battleship was thick and huge, showing the strong style of heavy industry in every aspect. It projected some kind of strange shielding weapon into the sky, and the bright arc of light was like The sky curtain exploded at an altitude of 20,000 meters, covering the sky and the earth, cutting off all external communications within a radius of 20,000 square meters.

Even the main battleships in the royal city were interfered with, and they lost contact with the ground command center of the New Kyoto Military Base in an instant, and even lost connection with the Wanhu satellite.

Not far away, the seven battleships of the Pioneer Civilization turned slowly. Like the Royal City, their main guns had been quietly prepared. The so-called rise was just a cover-up, but their main guns did not lock on humans. The battleships were not discovered in advance, and at this moment, their targets were all the Kunpeng battleships. They were synchronously locked, firing at the same frequency, and the dazzling main gun strikes flashed across the entire battlefield in an instant.

In the sky and on the ground, the three top revival civilization fleets gathered together, and numerous killing formations have been formed!

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