They are coming!

“It’s information fraud weapons. They deceived us! We lost another tsunami-class warship.”

On the battlefield at the junction of Kyoto and Mongolia.

In the last Pioneer Civilization Tsunami-class battleship, the eyes of Tong, the frontline commander of the Pioneer Civilization, were filled with anger and sadness.

They lost another battleship, which was a huge weakening of their great civilization.

At this moment, humans’ crazy counterattack also surprised them.

The missiles all over the sky make people crazy. They cannot stop the advance of the pioneer civilization fleet, but they bring great trouble to the ghost civilization.

The form of their warships is different from that of other top resurrected civilizations. They do not have huge strong ships and cannons, but are just small aircraft. This kind of indiscriminate saturation intensive attack will cause great trouble to them. They have already Before the human attack arrived, it quickly raised its altitude and flashed higher in the sky.

The warships of the Antarctic civilization are also continuing to increase their altitude. Countless naval guns are firing in unison to offset the crazy attacks from humans. At the same time, they are also wary of the ships of the ghost civilization that are traveling higher than them. They were like a group of leaping flames, constantly flashing in the sky. Each time they flashed, they appeared hundreds of meters away from the previous ones. Missiles, strikes and explosions were all left behind them.

The worries of the Antarctic civilization were obviously unnecessary. The ghost civilization did not launch a sudden attack on them. Their target was still humans. They just passed over the battleships of the Antarctic civilization and were still on the way to chase the human fleet.

They have also discovered that the humans they just destroyed were fake, and they were deceived by the huge screen weapons.

Now, the two human warships are rapidly retreating under the cover and cover of the human military’s missile rain, appearing from another angle, retreating towards Kyoto.

And this is something they will never allow.

The fleets of the three resurrected civilizations gathered here quietly, with the purpose of luring the human fleet out, catching them all in one fell swoop, and annihilating them completely.

For this reason, they absolutely do not want to see the two most powerful main spaceships of mankind retreat. Otherwise, they will be wasting time, manpower and material resources today!

In the tenth-level battleship, Wang Cheng was controlling the battleship and quickly left the battlefield.

Just now, he unexpectedly sank a Pioneer Civilization Tsunami-class battleship with one shot, grabbing nearly 40,000 energy points, but the total number of energy points recorded exceeded 80,000.

This is only one case.

It was Zhang Chao and the others who succeeded. They defeated the enemy warship that intercepted them!

This possibility made Su Ran’s heart boil.

But he was also a little worried. Judging from the situation before departure, the Antarctic civilization came well prepared and brought a large number of conventional fighters. In this case, the situation of Zhang Chao and others was very dangerous, even if other subsequent The power of the resurrected civilization did not keep up, but came to besiege the royal city. With the strength of the two battleships, they may not be able to destroy them in one go.

Sinking a large enemy ship…

what price did they pay?

Wang Cheng didn’t know that his eyes were filled with Chong Guang.

The flickering spaceships of the ghost civilization fleet jumped forward, and the huge 1,200-meter-class battleship of the Antarctic civilization seemed to be walking on a high mountain in the zenith, towering over the plateau that was out of sight, casting a huge shadow.

Humanity’s first round of saturation strikes has ended. The impact clouds of the explosion rolled up in the sky like waves, and the whole world was orange-red.

At the moment when the wreckage of the Tsunami-class warship destroyed by the royal city fell to the ground, the remaining six pioneer civilization warships emerged from the cloud of fire. The saturation strike from the military was terrifying enough. In the world of roaring thunder formed by it, , even the fleet of the pioneer civilization can only temporarily avoid the edge. If they all hit, even the tsunami-class battleship will only be destroyed, but that is impossible. The huge battleship traveling in the sky is born to Such battlefields exist, and it is difficult for non-directional strikes to cause devastating disasters to them. This is why the human military must now rely on the Royal City’s fleet to exert its corresponding military strength.

Without the cooperation of opposing warships, it would be difficult for these military weapon systems to gain an advantage.

At this moment, the proton cannon of the last tsunami-class battleship where Commander Tong of the Pioneer Civilization was located was the first to fire. From a visual point of view, it was a silver-white arc of light passing through the sky, like fragments of the moon coming from It fell from the sky and pointed directly at the level 10 battleship in the royal city.

That is their goal in this battle.

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The three top resurgent civilizations have gathered together, and their highest priority attack target is to sink the main battleship of the Royal City.

What is shown behind this is their fear of the battleship Royal City.

They can’t locate the Royal City’s warships, but the Royal City’s warships have the ability to destroy their top-level spaceships with one blow, as well as terrifying screen weapons and unparalleled war performance. Even if humans don’t find anything on the back of the moon, Just such a spaceship is enough for people to join forces to annihilate it.

At this stage, every civilization on the earth is desperately trying to improve its own strength, but it is also afraid that other civilizations are far stronger than itself. Once such enemies appear, they will change from the original state of confrontation and war. Break away from them, form an unprecedented alliance, and annihilate them first.

But this blow failed to hit, and the Royal City battleship tilted to the right. The flash of light carrying the power of destroying the world passed less than fifteen meters below the Royal City battleship, and hit the big ship farther away. The ground lights up, creating a huge, rising mushroom cloud.

The whole world shook with the loud noise.

The positions of the two human warships are changing in the air.

Kunpeng moved forward, with Wangcheng’s main battleship behind.

He has re-displayed the high-power beam energy main gun.

The astonishing damage caused by the two firings was still fresh in my mind. The Pioneer Civilization fleet and the Antarctic Civilization 1,200-meter-class battleship above them stopped advancing almost simultaneously.

None of them wanted to take the third shot from the royal city.

With the performance of the tenth-level battleship, as long as the distance does not exceed five thousand meters, no civilization can avoid the blatant shot of the main gun of the tenth-level battleship in the royal city.

Then a shocking scene emerged in the sky.

Chen Zhiguo looked down at the battlefield with a holographic projection from the Kunpeng. When he saw the Royal City battleship in the rear displaying its main guns, the two top-level revived civilization battleships that were encircling them aggressively did not dare to move anymore.

Even Ran Ran doubted who was the besieger.

However, there is one exception.

That is the fleet of ghost civilization.

Their mirror spaceships were changing formations at high speed, like a rainbow of light rain, coming from the front, forming a huge network of flashes. They directly ignored the Kunpeng battleship and passed by the Kunpeng battleship. , allowing the Kunpeng to escape their encirclement, aiming directly at the tenth-level battleship in the royal city.

Their bodies are too small, and the main guns of the royal city are useless to them. Even if they fire and penetrate one or two ghost civilization’s shining spaceships head-on, it is not considered a loss to them at all. It is just a cannon to swat flies. .

Therefore, the main gun of the Royal City battleship did not fire and remained in shock. At the same moment, his naval guns turned and the turbo laser cannon roared and fired, wildly shooting at the light network in front of him.

Communication was still interrupted. Wang Cheng could not even contact the ground command center of the New Kyoto Military Base for the time being. He could not pay attention to the situation of Zhang Chao and others. All he could do now was to take his warship to cross over with the Kunpeng. The sooner you get out of the battlefield, the better.

He couldn’t even take care of the Shangniao King City that was crashing to the ground so close, let alone one that was further away.

At this moment, Wang Cheng had no choice but to pray for Zhang Chao in his heart and focus as much as possible on the battlefield ahead.

——It seems that the fleet of ghost civilization is launching a suicide attack.

Faced with the continuous firing and interception of the Royal City’s naval guns, the fleet of ghost species formed into a network of flashes and rushed towards them did not dodge. They just tried to evade by constantly changing their formations, maintaining a huge light network, and their aircraft continued to One after another was shot down, but they continued to move forward without fear of death, never evading, pulling a dense light network, and slaying forward at high speed. But the strange thing is that their number is decreasing, but the light network they built is It’s getting brighter and brighter…

“What are they doing? This is wrong, they are preparing their ultimate move – launching meteorological weapons into the sky!”

In front of the Royal City, the quantum computer of the tenth-level battleship is analyzing the ghost civilization ship group in front of it. The purpose behind the suicide charge is that they are constantly reflected by each other’s weird mirror armor. At strange angles, multiple total reflections gather energy. The densely woven huge light network actually forms a giant mobile beam that is constantly charged. Can fort!

The terrifying high-power beam energy ray is about to be launched!

The meteorological weapons rushed out instantly, but Wang Cheng’s expression changed continuously: “Damn it, they are coming!”

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