The increase in permanent properties.

Although only 1%.

But don’t forget, Jiang Qingshui is only a seventh-order now.

You can add permanent attributes to everyone present with a wave of your hand.

So if she reaches the eighth order, she will still get it?

You know, the seventh and eighth orders are watersheds.

What if it is the ninth order, the tenth order, extraordinary?

Yang Buqing leaned over with little stars in his eyes.

“Qingshui, do you have any other skills?”

Quantitative change produces qualitative change, and of course, the more permanent properties this are, the better.

“Yes!” Jiang Qingshui nodded.

With a wave of her hand, a soft glow descended.

“Dawn Purification!”

I saw soft white light penetrating into everyone’s bodies

, except for Chen Chu and Yang Buqing, everyone else had a few black smoke floating above their heads.

Jiang Qingshui explained: “If you live in the cave for a long time, you will be contaminated with some gloomy atmosphere. Just purify some.

Ye Miao rubbed her shoulders: “It seems that the body is instantly relaxed, and her thoughts are clearer.” The

rest of the concubines chimed in, saying that they did the same.


Jiang Qingshui released his auxiliary skills one by one.

The main ones are purification, and the rest are shields and status blessings.

In Chen Chu’s feeling, Jiang Qingshui’s attack power is also first-class, but it is not easy to release at home.

And after experiencing a wave of purification skills

, the concubines were surprised to find that

in addition to being relaxed in body and clear mind,

more importantly… The skin actually got better.

This made them start pestering Jiang Qingshui to release more.

However, this also attracted Chen Chu’s attention.

“There is no sunlight underground for a long time, and it is not a way to stay all the time, and then you have to build a city on the ground.”

Human beings will not hide underground forever.

Chen Chu will not even be.

At this time,

the father also brought people to the villa.

The dazzling pillar of light just now is hard not to notice.

“What happened to the stinky boy!”

Dad pushed the door in.

Next to him are the eldest son Chen Han, who is already four years old, and the third son, Chen Shou.

The four-year-old eldest son Chen Han is already one meter and seven meters tall, and his originally round face has begun to faintly appear angular.

Has a handsomeness that is not inferior to Chen Chu.

Moreover, the strength is already a fifth-order supernatural ability

, and the third son Chen Shou, although he is only one meter four, can see some bulging muscles at a glance.

Strength is the third order of supernatural energy.

Chen Chu said calmly:

“It’s okay, it’s Qingshui Awakening Talent, SS level!”

Daddy’s eyes widened, and he laughed:

“Hahaha, SS class? There is actually an SS class, Lao Tzu still thought that the S class was the top!

He walked up to Jiang Qingshui

, fumbled with it, and pulled out a box.

“Xiaojiang, you are very good, a reward for you.”

Jiang Qingshui took it with obedient hands:

“Thank you, Dad.”

And Chen Han, who inherited Chen Lei’s battle fever, heard that Jiang Qingshui’s talent was SS-level, and his eyes immediately lit up.

His talent is the top of the S class, and his potential is SS class.

It has been number one throughout Province C.

Now finally someone is more powerful than him.

“23 little mother, let’s duel!”

Jiang Qingshui was stunned, and looked at Chen Chu a little at a loss.

The corner of Chen Chu’s mouth hooked a smile, and he raised his hand.

The eldest son, Chen Han, flew out backwards without any reaction and hit the sofa.

Chen Chu scolded with a smile: ”

You boy, when can you go over with Lao Tzu and challenge your 23 little mother again.”

Saying that, Chen Chu raised his hand.

A snake fruit, an ice attribute crystal nucleus, five ice fruits, a can of bear king bee jelly, and a bottle of monkey wine appeared in his arms.

“Level up.”

Feeling the resonance of various high-level extraordinary objects and bodies in his arms,

Chen Han’s eyes lit up.

“Thank you Dad!”

Chen Chu raised his hand again, and another set of extraordinary objects appeared in the arms of the third son Chen Shou.

Sanzi’s eyes lit up: “Thank you Dad!” And

the father saw that nothing happened, and

also got up and left with his two grandchildren.

Finally ordered Chen Chu:

“Stinky boy, you find time to take Xiaojiang to meet the fire phoenix.”

Chen Chu nodded: “I’ll go tomorrow.” ”


After the father and them left,

Yang Buqing, a small wealth fan, came over with a shining eye.

“Husband, what did you give Xiao Han just now! It’s in that gourd. She

seemed to smell the breath of an S-class extraordinary.


S-, it’s an absolutely standard S-class!

S-level extraordinary things, this level of things, in Y City, only one will come out every five or six years.

And you can’t take it down without big financial resources!

Chen Chu flipped his hand, and

another gourd bottle with a big head appeared in his hand.

He opened the cork, and the aroma of wine overflowed.

“S-grade extraordinary substance, monkey wine, can detoxify and increase energy, unblock meridians.”

“I want me!” Yang Buqing raised his hand!

Chen Chu knocked on her head.

“Can pregnant women drink?”

Yang Buqing’s originally shining eyes were immediately stunned.

She pouted: “Husband, you must keep it for me and drink it after giving birth.”

Chen Chu first handed the monkey wine to his wife Ye Miao.

Let her be given to a concubine who is not pregnant.

Then he took out a pink peach with a large head from the supernatural space.

“This! This! This! This is!!!

Yang Buqing’s eyes widened rapidly, and his face was full of incredulity.

“S+ class extraordinary, peach. Improve talent, discover potential, transform the body, and increase longevity. ”

Give it to me?” Yang Buqing pointed to himself a little dumbfounded.

Chen Chu handed it to her: “Well, this peach is still good for children,” and

at this time, a much more valuable item than monkey wine appeared.

Yang Buqing was a little afraid to take it.

There was a stunned.

S+ class extraordinary.

If she was in Y City, with her extraordinary early strength.

Even if you struggle for decades, you may not be able to get on the wheel.

Right now… Marry a handsome husband and take it for free?

Although he is good-looking, talented, and in good shape.

But… Is he really worth so much?

However, Chen Chu was directly stuffed into her arms.

Yang Buqing is his only extraordinary concubine room, and his appearance is super high and his talent is super good.

The children of the two are definitely a big expectation.

And this thing….

Harvested three.

Daddy ate one, he kept one.

“Oh, husband-kun, you’re wonderful.”

Yang Buqing burst into tears while nibbling on the peach.

Chen Chu was curious: “Are you emotionally sensitive when you are pregnant?”

He remembered that Yang Buqing was very fiery before.

On the wedding day, scissors were hidden in my skirt.

And as the big-headed peach was eaten by Yang Buqing

, flames ignited on her body, and a bright firebird totem was born on her forehead.


A red aura of flames rose from her.

Ten steps!

Yang Buqing’s strength restored to the tenth order!

And did not stop.

Mid-Tenth Order, Late Tenth Order, Peak Tenth Order!

The rank is climbing step by step, and

the power level is not idle.

The talent that had originally returned to the B grade began to be promoted.

Class A! A+!

As a phoenix phantom rose and disappeared over her.

Yang Buqing’s talent was directly restored to S!

Talent recovery complete.

The ranks are also constantly impacting.




Three dull crashes came in a row.

Yang Buqing opened her flaming eyes, and

she held the life attribute crystal nucleus with both hands.

Quickly absorbs the energy in it.


A phoenix resuscitation roar came from inside her.

I saw a phoenix covered in scorched black and tattered wings, flying out of Yang Buqing’s body with its head raised and rushing straight into the sky.

A channel of flame formed at the tail of the phoenix.

And as the phoenix flies higher and higher.

The scorched black on its body fell, revealing a new body that was even more bright red and bright.

The originally broken wings grew again, wider than before, and shone with colorful light.

As the phoenix rushed out of the ground and rushed into the sky, a pillar of fire formed, and Yang Buqing’s strength also successfully recovered to the extraordinary early stage!

However, this was not over

, after the phoenix flew into the sky, it

swooped down the pillar of fire and crashed into Yang Buqing’s body.

Yang Buqing’s body trembled

, and a flaming phoenix phantom lit up behind her, and then disappeared.

Extraordinary mid-term!

Yang Buqing opened his eyes.

The phoenix totem in the pupils flowed and disappeared.

Yang Buqing, who successfully recovered his extraordinary strength and reached a higher level.

The already beautiful face has become brighter.

She looked up at Chen Chu, her teeth were bright and her smile was bright.

“Husband, the goblins of Y City dare to stick to you, I can really hack them to death!”


Yang Buqing broke through the extraordinary mid-stage, and his

strength and level were comparable to his father.

But her primary goal now is to raise a baby.

Over time, her lower abdomen became more pronounced.

Chen Chu is also looking forward to the birth of two children even more.

After all, it was the first child with the transcendent.

Subsequently, Chen Chu took out a large amount of Ice Spirit Crystal and Bear King Bee Jelly and handed it to Yang Buqing to condition her body and consolidate her strength.

And this is the end of this family meeting.

Jiang Qingshui awakened his SS-level talent, reached the seventh order in strength, and became a powerful god-level auxiliary.

Yang Buqing recovered his talent, and his strength was even higher than before.

All in all,

the harvest was quite good.

And the wives and concubines also had a tacit understanding, leaving space for Chen Chu and Jiang Qingshui.

Suddenly transformed from an ordinary person into an SS-level super genius.

Everyone knows that Jiang Qingshui has something to say to Chen Chu.

Jiang Qingshui hung on Chen Chu.

“Husband, am I powerful?”

Chen Chu nodded with a smile: “Powerful.” ”

Jiang Qingshui, who awakened the talent of the angel body, originally

had a near-perfect appearance, but now it is even more holy.

People can’t help but pity, yearning, want to pull it off the altar.

Jiang Qingshui stared at Chen Chu’s eyes:

“Nafujun, I want to reward Qingshui.”

Chen Chu raised his eyebrows: “How to reward?” ”


“Eh, your angel wings can be spread at will?”


“Nope… No need to put it away, all I want is an angel. ”


Three days later

, Jiang Qingshui, wearing a white skirt, ran to Chen Chu with a pink face.

She clenched her small fists with some excitement.

“Husband, I’m pregnant!”

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