In the next three months, several major events occurred.

Two ninth-level alien corpse kings, with more than a dozen eighth-level corpse kings under their command, launched a million-level corpse tide and besieged the Flower City Fortress.

The fortress shield appeared in front of the world for the first time.

The crystal energy cannons scattered across the fortress walls fired through the fortress shield, covering a range of several kilometers outside the fortress.

One shell after another, at least the power of the fifth level or above, blasted the zombies into pieces.

However, the problem of slow firing and low accuracy of the crystal energy cannon was also exposed.

Those extremely fast zombies could not be hit at all with the flying speed of the crystal energy cannon.

In general, the crystal energy cannon is really effective against densely positioned enemies.

When those zombies approached within a kilometer, the ancient tree of life inside the fortress began to play a role.

Huge vine tentacles drilled out from the ground, and the carnivorous flowers on the tentacles opened their bloody mouths and began to devour indiscriminately.

Unfortunately, there are many powerful beings among these zombies.

The branches of the seventh-level ancient tree of life were like paper in front of them, and were constantly torn to pieces.

The war guards outside the city wall rose up and attacked the approaching zombies.

At the same time, the superpower warriors at various positions on the city wall used their superpowers in batches to form a covering attack.

In large-scale legionary combat, personal bravery was compressed to the minimum.

Even the seventh and eighth-level zombies that can fly can be killed by several superpowers if they are not careful.

At the beginning of the battle, the number of zombies besieging the Flower City Fortress was not too large.

Zombies above the eighth level only appeared occasionally.

But when the crystal energy cannons on the fortress walls were rampant and fell into a cooling period.

More than a dozen eighth-level zombies appeared at the same time, each with a group of high-level zombies, and launched a surprise attack on the Flower City Fortress from all directions.

The Flower City Fortress has now gathered more than five million people, and the huge blood energy has induced these zombies who have not eaten living people for a long time to go crazy.

The power of ordinary crystal energy cannons is not very effective against eighth-level zombies.

But there are five specially made crystal energy giant cannons, which, when filled with high-level crystal cores, can pose a threat to the existence of the eighth and ninth levels.

However, Li Wenyu, the ruler of Huacheng Fortress, did not order the use of this crystal energy giant cannon.

Instead, he directly dispatched the top strongmen in the fortress.

What's more, there are already four or five ninth-level strongmen in Huacheng Fortress, and there are dozens of eighth-level ones.

They don't care about the number of eighth-level zombies at all.

When the balance of victory tilted towards Huacheng Fortress, two suffocating and violent auras rose from the east and west sides of Huacheng Fortress.

Two ninth-level high-level alien corpse kings brazenly unfolded the elemental domain.

One ice and one fire, the two domains directly covered the east and west sides.

The fortress shields were sparkling with powerful power, and circles of ripples spread in the eyes of countless survivors.

Li Wenyu, who has reached the ninth level, led several ninth-level strongmen under his command to attack resolutely, and also launched the crystal energy giant cannon.

After a fierce battle, when the day dawned, the two alien corpse kings retreated with wounds all over their bodies.

They had been unable to break through the fortress shield for a long time.

The crystal energy cannons on the city wall were frantically harvesting the corpses.

In the end, the entire corpse group left more than two million corpses, and most of the other high-level zombies basically retreated safely.

On the Huacheng Fortress side, more than a dozen seventh-level, five eighth-level, and one ninth-level existences fell.

As the ruler, Li Wenyu was seriously injured and could only hand over the aftermath work to Zhang Bingwen, and he took other high-level psychics to recuperate.

As a large number of survivors entered the fortress city, the survivors who were still outside seemed to have become a hot commodity.

The fortress city was not breached, but other small shelters that had not yet entered the fortress were constantly besieged by corpses or beasts during this period.

Countless small gathering places and shelters were annihilated by corpses and beasts.

A large number of survivors died, but many of the originally hesitant survivors chose to take the risk and rush into the fortress city.

Unfortunately, with the evacuation of the earlier shelters, major cities, small counties, and towns have now become a paradise for zombies or strange beasts.

Especially the number of strange beasts is increasing day by day, and many zombies in cities have been swallowed up by these growing groups of strange beasts.

Now the support troops of the major fortresses are at most stranded within a dozen kilometers of the fortress city.

Only one in ten survivors can see these support troops.

In addition to the Huacheng Fortress, the Chang'an Fortress in Shaanxi Province, the Shangdu Fortress in Henan Province, and the Chuncheng Fortress in Yunnan Province were all besieged by zombies or beasts.

The strength of the Chang'an Fortress was not strong. When the three ninth-level beast kings appeared, the ruler immediately sent a request for help to the Kyoto Fortress.

In just a dozen seconds, Ye Ying, who had been promoted to the God of Darkness, appeared above the Chang'an Fortress.

With an absolutely crushing attitude, the three ninth-level beast kings were killed cleanly.

In Shangdu Fortress of Henan Province, there were Zhao Tianji, who had reached the advanced level of the ninth order and had the second wind power, and the fat man Tang Bao who came to visit.

Two ordinary corpse kings at the peak of the ninth order could not last more than a minute before they were solved by them.

A battle of zombies besieging the city turned into a feast for harvesting crystal cores at Shangdu Fortress.

Chuncheng Fortress was attacked by an endless tide of insects.

A ninth-order peak insect king, with a swarm of mutant flying insects, rushed straight to Chuncheng Fortress.

Fortunately, the early warning mechanism of Chuncheng Fortress was well done, and the fortress shield was activated in time to protect Chuncheng Fortress in all directions.

Even if some mutant insects tried their best to drill from the underground, they could not break through this layer of protection.

Countless fire-type superpowers, under the coordination of Ye Jianfeng, tried their best to charge the crystal energy cannon.

A fire-type shell exerted great lethality on the insect swarm.

After searching for several times, Gong Zhan finally found this ninth-level peak weird insect king.

He activated the lightning speed, activated the King Kong body, and rushed into the insect swarm, bringing the insect king and a group of high-level alien insects guarding the insect king into the sky to fight.

After several twists and turns, Gong Zhan used the healing potion given by Wang Mingyang to kill the insect king without dodging.

In the end, Chuncheng Fortress destroyed most of the insect swarm at the cost of Gong Zhan's minor injury.

Chuncheng Fortress's habit of focusing on energy storage was verified in this battle of insect siege.

The fortress shield has been outputting high-intensity power, and no alien insect can break through the defense and enter the fortress.

This is much better than the performance of the Flower City Fortress.

If Li Wenyu had not been worried about the lack of shield energy, he would not have arranged for the seventh and eighth level strongmen to go out to fight.

In the end, so many high-level strongmen died.

As for the fall of the ninth level, there was nothing they could do. They encountered the alien corpse king, but fortunately the level was not high, only the ninth level of the primary.

If the two corpse kings were higher in level, the entire fortress city would most likely be breached without calling for support.

The siege incidents that occurred during this period also reminded the rulers of the major fortress cities.

The energy shield is very strong, but the root of its maintenance lies in the energy stored in normal times.

At first, everyone thought that the energy gathered daily was enough.

But now it seems that the current reserves are not enough to block the attacks of a large number of ninth-level ancient angels.

And the crystal core can also provide the energy needed for the shield.

The combat teams of the fortress cities began to go out frequently to hunt zombies and alien beasts and collect crystal cores.

The survivors, who had been living in peace for several months, became tense again.

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