With the addition of Ding Cheng and the others, Tian Lei instantly felt that a large part of his team's shortcomings had been filled.

In addition to the seven people who survived at the beginning, six more people joined the boys' dormitory.

Among them, two ordinary classmates among the seven, and two of the six who joined later, all awakened their powers.

The entire team, including Tian Lei and the other three, now has a total of twelve superpowers.

Seeing this situation, Tian Lei's confidence increased greatly. After thinking for a moment, he turned and walked towards the six girls not far away.

Tian Lei was seen making gestures in front of the six girls, and then pointed at his team.

A few minutes later, the six girls actually came with him.

This time, a total of twenty-two students gathered together.

But when Tian Lei wanted to walk towards the teachers on the other side of the road again, he was stopped by Lin Lu, the leader of the girls.

"Tian Lei, if you want to find those teachers, we will quit!"

Lin Lu, who had short hair, said with determination.

"Uh...why is that?"

Tian Lei was stunned and looked at Zuo Wenguang a little strangely.

"Across the way is Director Hong from the Academic Affairs Office. You should know some rumors!"

Lin Lian looked disdainful, with indescribable disgust in his tone.

"Holy crap! Is it that scumbag?!"

Tian Lei was shocked, and the boys around him started talking in low voices after hearing this.

Ding Cheng frowned, he knew a little about Director Hong, he was not a good guy!

It is said that all the more beautiful students in the college were called to the Academic Affairs Office under various names by him for education.

"This damn thing, it turns out it's him!"

"I didn't expect it. I just heard about it before. I didn't expect him to be such a bald man."

"This is the end of the world, find a chance to fuck him!"

"What are you doing? Just break the legs and throw them to the zombies."

All the boys were whispering, expressing their disgust for Director Hong.

"Okay, what I didn't say is, if it's this guy, I won't care if he's beaten to death."

Tian Lei is a bachelor. It is unreasonable for such a guy to survive.

"Well, be careful. Anyone who can be around this guy is definitely not a good person." Lin Lu nodded and said with a look of disgust.

"Yes, let's go over there and try to stay away from them."

Tian Lei asked everyone to move a few dozen meters to the left, and everyone squatted in the woods and looked out.

"Tian Lei, there are so many people in the school, it's impossible that only about twenty of us are alive, right?"

Ding Cheng squatted beside Tian Lei and said a little strangely.

"It's definitely more than that, but there's one thing you probably didn't expect."


"The zombie outbreak occurred at noon last Saturday. In a school that usually has tens of thousands of people, it is estimated that only 10,000 or 20,000 people are present, and most of them have gone out."

"But even so, it shouldn't be just that!"

"That's for sure. We have searched two male dormitories, and there are dozens of people alive inside. Unfortunately, we are the only ones who dare to come out and fight."

Ding Cheng:......

Lin Lu interjected from the side: "In our girls' dormitory building, there are more than a dozen girls alive on our fourth floor alone, but in the whole building, there are only six of us who dare to come out."

"It's pretty good. You are girls, and there are still six more people who can come out. We have a building with more than 20 boys. At the beginning, there were only nine people, five of whom were awakened ones." Tian Lei said with a bitter smile.

"The zombies in our building were all set on fire... Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to survive." Lin looked bitter, thinking of the four strong men.

Tian Lei shook his head slightly and said: "Don't belittle yourself. The zombies in our building were lured away. Otherwise, the zombies in the corridor alone would have blocked us and we would not be able to unite together."

"Oh? Could it be the sound of cymbals that night?" Ding Cheng looked strange.

Tian Lei was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Uh... that's it, there are four powerful big brothers and sisters who caused the disturbance!"

"Two men and two women?!" Lin Lu said in surprise.

"Yes! How do you know?" Tian Lei scratched his head, a little strange.

"One of the men can control metal, right?" Ding Cheng said with a bitter smile.

"Have you met them before?!" Tian Lei was really shocked.

Ding Cheng nodded: "Maybe, I should be the first one of us to encounter them..."

Ding Cheng then told the story of how he met Wang Mingyang and the others, but when he met them, there were only three of them.

"So that's it. They should have come from your teaching building first, then to our girls' dormitory, and then asked for the specific location before going to the boys' dormitory of your College of Life Sciences." Lin Lu suddenly realized.

"No matter what, Ding Cheng, don't hold grudge against that big brother. He is right. In the end of the world, we can only rely on ourselves."

After sorting out the whole story, Tian Lei pondered for a while, then patted Ding Cheng on the shoulder and said lightly.

"I know, I experienced some things later, and I understand." Ding Cheng nodded, showing a bitter smile.

"I estimate that the green light soaring into the sky may have been caused by the four of them."

Lin Lu guessed, Tian Lei and Ding Cheng looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and smiled.

The dull sound of gunfire gradually disappeared in the small square. Only Gong Zhan was still wearing a golden halo, holding two sabers and wreaking havoc among the corpses.

After a while, even those floating balls of light dissipated, and Gong Zhan stopped panting.

All the surrounding zombies have been killed, and the mutant beasts are dying and running away.

Apart from Gong Zhan, there are no other standing creatures in the field.

"Captain, take a break."

Gao Yang walked to Gong Zhan with a kettle and handed the kettle over.

Gong Zhan took the kettle, raised his head and took a big sip.

"There are survivors on the hillside, please be alert."

Returning the kettle to Gao Yang, Gong Zhan frowned.

"What should we do, should we take them away?"

Gao Yang frowned and said that the order from his superiors was only to rescue Professor Gu. They could still take the initiative to rescue a few other survivors, but if there were too many, it would be difficult to handle.

"Let's see what they want to do! People who dare to come out at this time are not ordinary people."

Gong Zhan chuckled, bent down and split open the head of a first-order mutated dog next to him, and took out a translucent crystal core.

On the hillside, Tian Lei waved his hand, and the others followed him and walked slowly down.

Upon seeing this, Director Hong immediately moved away with Xiao Liu and others.

Everyone found zombies lying on the ground along the way, and someone opened the head and found a gray-white crystal core from time to time.

Only then did Ding Cheng and Lin Lu realize that ordinary zombies might also produce crystal nuclei.

But the probability is relatively low. About six or seven ordinary zombies will have a crystal core like this.

Director Hong and the four others also noticed the actions of these students, but apart from Xiao Liu, there were also two female teachers, Zhou Yan and Zhang Ting, who were a little reluctant to take action.

Neither Xiao Liu nor Director Hong took action. He wanted to get in touch with those soldiers, and maybe he could follow them out of here.

In a sense, the crystal nuclei in these zombie bodies are the trophies of those soldiers.

As smooth adults, Director Hong and Xiao Liu obviously have more on their minds.

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